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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. The Jacquet set is pretty much a non-starter w/me.
  2. 'Leebop' is a nice little number......think I'll slap that cd on right now!
  3. I should think that BN would move to fill the shelves with some form of "The Rajah' before re-issuing "Vol. 3"?
  4. For those who might not know. A standard blue TOCJ 'OBI' strip....
  5. No, no, no, no, no -- not 'surfing'....crowd 'straffing'! * either Juan's sporting some serious chrome dome and needs that hat for sun protection.......or he's deathly afraid of Ashcroft? B)
  6. There's a JRVG (TOCJ-9021) and a TOCJ (1557). I'm not sure if the JRVG has been repressed but the TOCJ can be had over at Amazon Japan.
  7. That's usually the case......although I'm now annoyed at Mosaic for the 2nd defective record that has now turned up in my Miles 'Blackhawk' set, so I'm turning my back on them this festive season and asking Santa instead for a few of those 200 gram BN Monos over at Classic Records (Jutta Hipp & Zoot, J.R. Monterose, Morgan 'Indeed'??).
  8. What about Aluria? Will that ID and zap spyware like 'Winshow' ? The others don't seem to do it.
  9. Okay Vibes....guess we'll have to pick up a fresh copy. I take it that the hybrid SACD is the one that works w/standard cd players?
  10. I downloaded this one awhile back over at eMusic.....nice music but several tracks sound slightly warbled and distorted as though someone had recorded the stuff straight off the old tv soundtrack. Does the actual cd sound like that? Maybe the Mp3 files were just crummy?
  11. Tapping the Weizen mini-keg......anyone surprised at that??
  12. Pretty good huh Lon? We've seen a few ads and thought it might be something to check out.....guess we will.
  13. Exactly. I was surprised when you guys veered off in this direction. If you have power, use it -- swiftly and justly -- and don't send mixed signals by constantly changing the playing field or your loyal subjects will get confused, start to question your true motivation and then quietly organize in order to make a move to take you down hard and install one of your 'brother' administrators who may very well have his eye on your job (you should hear the terrible rumblings that are percolating throughout the Northeast & Southwest quadrants of Ozissimoland). I'll send you a copy of "The Prince" to read over the holidays along with a spare box of Eagle ammo. p.s. -- keep an eye on everyone who lives to the west, south and northeast of the locus of power in the known universe (D.C.), as well as the Europeans --- plotters all!
  14. Mencken: "We sat down to luncheon at one o'clock; I think it must have been at Leuchow's, his favorite refuge and rostrum to the end. At six, when I had to go, the waiter was hauling in his tenth (or was it twentieth?) Seidel of Pilsener, and he was bringing to a close prestissimo the most amazing monologue that these ears had ever funnelled into this consciousness. What a stew, indeed! Berlioz and the question of the clang-tint of the viola.....the psycho-pathological causes of the suicide of Tschaikowsky......why Nietzsche had to leave Sils Maria between days in 1887.........the echoes of Flaubert in Joseph Conrad......the precise topography of the warts of Liszt......George Bernard Shaw's heroic but vain struggles to throw off Presbyterianism.......how Frau Cosima saved Wagner from the libidinous Swedish baroness.......what to drink when playing Chopin........what Cezanne thought of his disciples.......the defects in the structure of "Sister Carrie"........Anton Seidl and the musical union......the complex love affairs of Gounod........the early days of David Belasco..........the varying talents and idiosyncrasies of Lillian Russell's earlier husbands.......whether a girl educated at Vassar could ever really learn to love.......the exact composition of chicken paprika.......the correct tempo of the Vienna Waltz.......what George Moore said about German bathrooms........the true inwardness of the affair between D'Annunzio and Duse.......the origin of the theory that all oboe players are crazy......why Loewenbrau survived exportation better than Hofbrau........Ibsen's loathing of Norwegians.....the best remedy for Rhine wine Katzenjammer...........how to play Brahms......the degeneration of Bal Bullier......the sheer physical impossibility of getting Dvorak drunk......the genuine last words of Walt Whitman............
  15. Does anyone know if the platters for these turn up in any of the more complete discographies??? does anyone know how expensive the new mosaic plastic set is? Those who received replacement copies of Record 3 from the Miles "Blackhawk" set will probably agree that it sounded a bit like that blue one.
  16. Originally posted by PFunkJazz: Like Bev and Chris A, I'm going to leave this BB for a while. I'll check things out in a couple of weeks, and if things have improved, Geez, back in September, PFunk was locked in a titanic struggle with Albertson.....one calling the other a nazi look alike and the other firing back with armor-piercing "troll' rounds. What a difference a couple of months makes.
  17. True.....I suppose I should hunt down some old track on eBay and one of those old transformer jobbers. Hey, you got any spare oversize sponge tires in your kit?.....mine have lost their spongyness (sp?).
  18. Back around 1970-74 these Aurora and Tyco HO slot cars were it!!! A few guys in the neighborhood had decent tracks and we'd all pour into their places in the afternoon with our various cars and then tinker around with the silver 'brushes', 'pick-ups', magnets, etc.. I still have several of my original cars silmilar to the black, blue and red/white stripped ones in the photo, as well as a bottle of the red 'special racing oil'. Just don't have anyone to play with!
  19. Sorry Sonny, but neither "MAD's Cradle to Grave Primer", "Politically MAD" or "MAD Clobbers the Classics" were ever released in hardback form --- so you've basically got a bunch of worthless, inane scribbling on your hands! I'm tempted to say that the kid factor is the major impediment to cracking open the requisite number of books.....but that would be a lie. I've gotten lazy and it's too easy to bop around this place. In a couple of months, I'm going to spew forth a daily torrent of anti-organ venom and hopefully get bounced out of here for a week so that I can finally read Eugene Corti's epic novel The Red Horse. B)
  20. Last month I spent a Saturday helping to install some new playground equipment at my kids school and thought I'd have a blast with one of these big 'ol towable hydraulic hole diggers w/an 18" auger. Wrong! The entire place with littered with small concrete chunks just beneath the surface which made digging each 3-foot deep hole a royal, time consuming, pain! And there wasn't even any beer on hand!
  21. I think you'd need a specialty brew to bring out the flavour of a grilled torso.......something like a Bamberg 'Rauchbier' with its distinctive smoky taste.
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