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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. I disagree.....I've thoroughly enjoyed them all.
  2. I'm using Advent Larges that I picked up in '79 and had re-built 3 or 4 years ago. Beautiful sound....I'd like to keep 'em.
  3. Clunky, that might be the one......although that model came out in late '03. Perhaps the sales rep simply got his wires crossed? I dunno. You're right about all the 'bells & whistles'....that I don't need! In any event, I'm looking for a suitable amp to marry up to the YBA CD Special that I just picked up. I've thought of going tube, in fact a guy called me last week who had seen someone trade in a Conrad Johnson MV-50 & PV-8 (nice to have spies out & about!!) -- might go have a look at them. The thing I don't want to have happen though, is to pick up a pair like that and then have to turn right around and drop $300 on new tubes. What about warming up those tubes, Lon? Does it take a good hour or so....or do you always leave the system on?
  4. Over the weekend a guy in a hi-fi shop was telling me something about a new Arcam integrated amp that is supposed to hit the streets this year.....not wildly overpriced and a real plus up on the Diva A85. He said it hasn't even shown up on the Arcam website yet (which is true)........anyone heard anything?
  5. Seriously? Didn't adjust it or anything? On my system, the earlier pic is moving at close to twice the speed as this one.
  6. Well that's better, you slowed it down...the other one moved too fast and was too hard on our aged eyeballs.
  7. ......I forgot to add in an example. The TOCJ of 'Delightfulee' sounds better to me than the JRVG, which seems a bit overpowering at the high end.
  8. No...not an expert by any stretch. With my present system, I'd give the edge to the TOCJs because of the very full sounding bottom. The JRVGs tend to sound crisper, up-front, loud & clear.
  9. The extra tracks w/JRVGs is a relatively new phenomena. The first 250 of 'em or so had the same number of tracks as the TOCJs.
  10. If it was a friend, I wouldn't even expect a note. If it was an aquaintance or so, I'd just wait until the next time I bumped into 'em and then kid around a bit ('Hey, I heard you finally arm-twisted someone into buying that old clapboard firetrap!! Congrats!! Is my case of wine in the mail?....ha, ha, ha!'). They'll get the point.
  11. Appreciate all the suggestions. Went ahead and downloaded some of the Xanadus, two of which ('No Problem' and 'Play it Now') sound great. Not so sure about the 'Night Flight to Dakar' just yet. Blues Up and Down is for sure a good 'get-the-juices-flowing' tune, but that business of Dolo Coker slamming down on the keys a few times too many starts to grate on the nerves (if that's what he's actually doing?). On the whole, a nice collection of lps. If pressed, I'd probably give the edge to 'No Problem' with the most enjoyable Three Little Words and Mood Indigo. I'll be on the lookout for some of the other titles that you folks listed.
  12. Hey smart guy! For the last time...turn that organ stuff down!!
  13. Yes, sounds bad........shame that a guy would essentially write you off for 30+ years over it.
  14. Marcus, Looks like Peter is going to help you out on this......I think it would be nice if you'd send him one of these carnival dancers to cover the shipping costs....and one for me too if I'm able to offer assistance down the road.
  15. You did? So it's all locked up then? Okay....I offered to tack an extra set onto my pre-order today but hadn't heard back from him...so I'm cutting loose. It's on your shoulders now!
  16. That's why I like Chris.....all that's left is a blue dot representing the Manhattan spider-hole and he can still maintain a sense of humor! 2000 Electoral Map
  17. Nice listing Hans! I went searching around and discovered a cd-r of 'Rhythm Crazy' without any paperwork ...clocks in at 31:18.
  18. Yep, a Select. Combined, the 3 Clevelands I have clock in at around 101 min or so. Wouldn't it be possible to add in something like 'Rhythm Crazy' (is that technically a Lionel Hampton release?) to fill out a set? Don't know if there are any alt. mono takes or other previously unissued tracks out there that could be used to bring it into the 180/185 min. range? Jimmy Cleveland (tb) : EmArcy MG-36066 : Introducing Jimmy Cleveland And His All Stars EmArcy MG-36126 : Cleveland Style Mercury MG-20553 / SR-60121 : Cleveland Style (reissue of MG-36126) EmArcy MGE-26003 / SRE-66003 : Rhythm Crazy
  19. Good news Claude! http://www.jandr.com/JRProductPage.process...afeed.506530_CD
  20. Thanks for mentioning that, Vibes! The only Brubeck I have is the "Time Out' vinyl (Classic Records) and 'Dave Digs Disney'.....so I'm in for this set big time!
  21. Is there enough Emarcy material to put together a Jimmy Cleveland box?
  22. Let's say I decided to purchase the item directly from the author rather than some klepto internet outfit.....will the NYC postal authorities actually deliver an envelope that is addressed to: Current Occupant 'Spider-Hole' 2-A New York, NY 10025
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