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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. I heard something similar about fish sticks from my sister who briefly worked at a fish processing plant up in Gloucester, Mass. many 'moons' ago (pun intended).
  2. Pipe down Berigan....I just bought a YBA cd player! No guilt trips, ya hear??
  3. I might just call that Netherlands outfit today and see if I can't special order an 'Al Franken' model........maybe see if they can't churn out a 'Michael Moore' unit for Berigan's place. B)
  4. Not a drop of Irish blood at this end...but why not have a green Beck's and some J.J. tonite??
  5. A couple of tracks on Jimmy Deuchar "Opus de Funk" (Jasmine)
  6. Sounds like alot of fun.....think I'll pick the kids up from school & swing on by. I'll make sure they get in some quality post-homework Brookmeyer & J.J. listening the next couple of nights. I'm sure the girls will get a real kick out of seeing a Mrs. Free for All playing.
  7. Maybe he had a lousy time......hated the warm ale in those overpriced taverns down there & doesn't want to talk about it. Stop forcing the man's hand!!
  8. I couldn't find a suitable Hallmark joke card in the supermarket aisles.....so you'll have to settle for this.
  9. I take it you've submitted an OIC (Offers in Compromise) and that's all squared away? As for the state folks, my advise would be to take a dutiful attitude -- regardless of their outlook -- and you'll do better in the long run. Engage them in a big way but don't get into some pissing contest. Forget what the idiot woman said and move on. Depending on how much you owe and what the assets are, they should cut you a break. Can you do an end run around her and find someone else to deal with?
  10. Stash the gift certificate in a potted plant 'til that weighty Farmer/Golson Jazztet box comes out.
  11. Phil talks too much.....play the %$#@ tune already!!!
  12. You mean that still matters? They don't use one of those $20k laser TTs on the vinyl? http://www.elpj.com/about/needle.html
  13. He's the guy I like. Wonder if he'll find his way back from Italy? B)
  14. <<<Venus TKCV 35175(New)24bit Higgins,Eddie/You Don't Know What Love Is* 2500 Venus TKCV 35177(New)24bit Higgins,Eddie (with Strings) /Moonlight Becomes You* 2500>>> Can't say that the one w/strings sounds all that appealing........but what's the other one all about? More of the same?..or a trio?
  15. Just wait 'till summer when they change the flight pattern across the river from you at Reagan national airport and you can't hear a thing with all that racket -- sure hope that H.H. Scott has the juice to drive the equivalent of a small herd of VW Beetles, 'cause you'll need it!!! Amir, The speakers in the photo aren't mine...but I do own four of them, two of which look exactly like these ones with silver frame and all. I refoamed all 4 of them. Not exactly quite sure about the efficieny rating of these large jobbers (do you?)....but I'm guessing 88 or 89dB. Looks as though the Decware integrated performs best with 92+.
  16. Yeah boss...that's it!! You need a '69 'Yaz' card?
  17. Congrats! If this is your first, I'll give ya a little tip -- make sure that when you leave the hospital you get a nurse to snag 4 or 5 of those small milk/formula bottles that they use in there and send them home with you. The things hold about 3 or 4 oz. and are about 1 1/2 inches in diameter -- easy for small hands to get a grip on. Unless things have changed over the past 5 years, most places will sell only the heftier 8 oz and 10 oz ones. You'll want those small ones and will use them for quite some time.
  18. On the subject of "merchandizing".....a 20 second ad appeared on the tube last night for the new "Schindler's List" DVD. Wow, tv ad buys heralding the first-ever DVD release of an 11 year-old film, and it all just happens to coincide with...
  19. The discs I spin the most are the 'All Night Session' ones and 'Bird Song' w/Chambers and Marable. B & N has it or you can get the 20-bit japanese 'BS' one over at Red Trumpet for $20. Listen to the sound clip of 'Bird Song' over at B&N and see what you think!
  20. A pic for the guy who sent me the PM.
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