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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Well that doesn't mean that you shouldn't share with us the titles of the little goodies you must have discovered during your recent search, right? Fret not, we'll help you get a few items if you need 'em.
  2. Is that 'See bald people touring mothballed battleships and protecting their computer data from the comfort of your Corpus Christi hotel room!' thread one of yours? http://forum.eyespeech.com/showthread.php?1262-lodging-in-corpus-christi
  3. I think the code is THANKS edit: whoops.....looks like that code was only good for 14 hrs at the Criterion website.
  4. Oh good! Guess I already have the material then!
  5. True. I think that next time around, Bentsy might want to include the prices that Hiroshi has listed. How's that Handy 'No Coast Jazz'? Can't find that Stitt title......was it released under another name?
  6. Geez, how many of us have that Mobley? Mine's sitting outside in one of the cars. Have 'The Rajah' as well.
  7. Just received: You are being compensated SAID DJINNIT to you (bcc) - 3 hrs ago More Details From: SAID DJINNIT <mabeard1971@aol.com>Hide . Add to: To Do, Calendar To:. Cc:. Bcc: Date:Wed, Feb 23, 2011 9:00 am. Compersation_doc.html I18N YGP.SaveAll I18N YGP.SaveProgress I18N YGP.ViewAfterSave .. ______________________________________________________________ In regards to the recent meeting by the United Nation to compensate all the scammed victims in various part of the world, please you are to go through the attached document to see if you qualify for this compensation. Any delay may result to you being disqualified. Okay!! I'll get right on that!!
  8. You'll forgive her for that Valentine's Day dinner appetizer she made for you -- the one with the smoked scallops & baby clams you're allergic to -- if she signs off on the box?
  9. I was thinking of changing your screen name to Mark Farner.
  10. Saw One For All at Smoke last night. Nice walking weather in Central Park yesterday......snow flurries this a.m.
  11. 'Twas indeed a fun show! Been awhile since I've been up around the U Street area (last time was the 'O' show over at Twins Jazz, I think?). It was good to see you again, Bertrand. Had you not posted here, I would have totally missed hearing about it. That Brad Linde did a nice job. Also, very nice to meet you, Peter.....hope to catch you at a show and tip a cold one next time I'm up in Philly.
  12. Pretty good site. A job well done! I've bought stuff from 7 or 8 of those sellers. I know that one guy (ZenA) is a member here......any others?? http://www.minilps.net/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.boxes&b_source=done
  13. A JPN copy http://cgi.ebay.com/Gigi-Gryce-Hapnins-JAPAN-CD-mini-lp-NEW-/360342429993?pt=Music_CDs&hash=item53e6152129
  14. Bop, I really hope everything works out OK for you & your wife.
  15. That's too bad. Always liked the first G-Force lp. That opening guitar solo on White Knuckles/Rockin' and Rollin' has to be one of the best e-v-e-r. It's insane. edit: found it on YouTube. Woa!
  16. Scroll halfway down. Love that old Honeywell ad. http://www.eph.co.uk/resources/email-address-length-faq/
  17. I'm headed up to see One For All at Smoke (feb 18/19). Jeremy Pelt is in for Rotondi.
  18. Found this photo yesterday. Probably taken in 1986 in Hamburg. Long story....but a friend and I crashed at this couple's place after a long drive back from Poland. He was a mini-bottle collector. Every wall in the place had shelves lined with 'em -- all full, of course. I'd never heard of such a thing. Packing that stuff up for a move would have to be a royal pain.
  19. Hmmmmm......how interesting. "The Polish Foreign Ministry said it had learned that some Polish tourists had rented vehicles to travel to cities where demonstrations were taking place. "We consider this very irresponsible and urge them not to do that," ministry spokesman Marcin Bosacki said." http://www.aolnews.com/2011/01/29/tourists-scrambling-to-leave-egypt-amid-protests/
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