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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. He's gone for good? Aw shucks, it was kinda fun watching him throttle Chris like a rag doll on the political threads.
  2. Issue papers from the Center for American Progress. Truly outstanding fiction!!! B)
  3. With few exceptions (Higgins, Wyands, Toshiko, NYTrio...) it's all 50's/60's. It's good to be stuck in a time warp.
  4. What about that 2nd half of 'Back from the Gig'?
  5. Wondering if anyone has had any positive/negative experiences with these folks? Thanks. http://www.ejazzlines.com/aboutus.cfm http://www.ultra-disc.com/
  6. A mini-lp version of Zappa's 'Studio Tan'.
  7. It's the economy air rate......instead of shipping it out on a JAL flight or so, they toss it on board the FUJI blimp when its headed over to cover a Raiders game or the Pebble Beach Pro-Am.
  8. I think you've gotta ask..........and if you don't ask for the 'SAL' rate you're wasting money using the regular air mail service. 7-12 days by lower priority air is well worth it in my book. So who's going to start up the 'Do You Now Have An Order Pending With Hiroshi? poll??
  9. Okay, point taken. Thanks. BTW Brownie, mind if I ask you about ULTRA DISC in France....they okay to deal with?
  10. I agree that piano is an excellent place to start. In fact, I just started my two (6 & 8) w/lessons 3 weeks ago on my Mom's well used 1930's Brewster baby grand that I just had shipped out from San Diego, where it was disassembled and gathering dust in a spare room with a feline monster or two. A few minor repairs, some elbow grease to the finish..and it sounds marvelous. The best thing that parents can do (imo) is not jump the gun and start in a w/lessons to early.
  11. After reading this, I dusted off this cd again to give it another couple of weekend spins and it simply doesn't work for me. It's not Clark...but Johnny Griffin. Something about his tone/playing just grates on my nerves. In addition to the Ike Quebec ones, this is the only other BN w/Clark that I just don't like. Maybe Griffin reminds me of Ike?
  12. Other than an intermission announcement and some idle chatter here & there...is there any reason to go after that Japanese 3-cd box? .....or is the Riverside box pretty much as good as it gets?
  13. Interesting article Kenny......wonder if Feather really did him in like that? I wonder what will become of the 500 hours of tape sitting on those shelves? Ray, thanks for the heads up......Dusty Goove sent one along awhile back. Great set!
  14. ...and there's another one (also at $105) due up in an hour. Not sure I'd want to buy from a no feedback seller in Russia though.
  15. Al, funny you mentioned this particular song, as I was thinking the same thing on Sat. night while replaying the two versions several times over on the Evans Riverside box. You're talking about take 7, right?
  16. Hey good deal! I just popped in for 'The Moontrane'. How 'bout some Johnny Coles at some point?
  17. Brad, I'm not quite tracking here......you're saying that the person with 99.8% or 100% positive feedback is the one to avoid?
  18. Quick!! Someone give that man a fistful of Japanese Bethlehems to quiet him down!!!
  19. Excellent news!! I can't wait to see what remastering magic they've worked. Only thing though.....the tracks? One I'm spinning now has: As You Like It Take Aim Land of Peace Reflections Blue Nellie You're my Thrill
  20. I have 6 of 'em.....while it's the one set I would have killed for 2 years ago, I'll probably pass on the Reece because I have all the material.......love the Brookmeyer......and the Carmell...........hate all the strings on disc 2 Cooper/Shank (otherwise a nice set).
  21. Saw this ad in the paper. Including the stands, this system runs about $6,500. Throw on Roy Haynes 'Cracklin' or Blakey's 'Indestructible' and I have a hard time believing that this set of dixie cups on stilts can really deliver the goods. But maybe that's just plain wrong......anyone ever heard this in action?
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