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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Did you happen to find out if there might be an extra track (alt. take, etc) on this one?
  2. That Frank Wess title has the soundclips as well....not bad. Prior to hitting the BN board, I was never one for the jazz flute....but have to admit that over time, I've softened a good bit and do enjoy it in small-med. doses.
  3. Soon they'll be massing for an offensive!
  4. Doesn't work. You'll just have to wait on those Sal Mineo cds you're after.
  5. One laptop down and a $180 repair bill at this end thanks to this suspect/idiot. Where's that eBay 'I'll kick Your Ass' thing?....I want to place a bid. Suspected 'Sasser' creator arrested in Germany Worm infected thousands of computers worldwideThe Associated Press Updated: 5:43 a.m. ET May 08, 2004BERLIN - German authorities have arrested an 18-year-old man suspected of creating the "Sasser" computer worm, which infected thousands of computers worldwide, an official said Saturday. advertisement The suspect, a high school student, was arrested Friday, said Frank Federau, a spokesman for the state criminal office in Hanover. Police and prosecutors on Friday searched his parents' house in the northern town of Waffensen, Federau said. He did not release the man's identity, and said he did not immediately have details of how the suspect was tracked down. Prosecutors handling the case could not immediately be reached for comment Saturday. German newsweekly Der Spiegel reported, without citing sources, that the CIA and FBI also were involved in the hunt for the worm's creator, whom it identified as Sven J. The worm raced around the world over the past week, exploiting a flaw in Microsoft Corp.'s Windows operating system. Unlike most outbreaks, Sasser does not require users to activate it by clicking on an e-mail attachment. Sasser is known as a network worm because it can automatically scan the Internet for computers with the security flaw and send a copy of itself there. On Monday, the worm hit public hospitals in Hong Kong and one-third of Taiwan's post office branches. Twenty British Airways flights were each delayed about 10 minutes Tuesday due to Sasser troubles at check-in desks, while British coast guard stations used pen and paper for charts normally generated by computer. Home users were particularly hit hard, computer security experts say, because they generally lack the know-how to install patches and tend not to have the firewalls needed to keep Sasser from spreading to other computers via the Internet.
  6. No, because on April 1st, you cruelly pulled a fast one on us and said that it was on the re-issue list!!!! I'll talk to the engineer who's credited (on Kevin's mock jewel insert) with the outstanding digital transfer....and put in a good word for you. B)
  7. WTF?? Well, one got the sense that he seemed to be trying to coax her in there in some Scott Peterson kinda way....so it's nice to know that the preggo wife was still around smiling away and snapping pics of the Copperhead as this thing wound down......
  8. The other one that doesn't appear to be on the BN re-issue fast track is the Harold Land. This thing is the dictionary definition of hideous. I'd even take a photo of the underside of a boot over this thing! I'm almost embarrassed to have it in the house...the neighbors have even started to whisper and laugh when I drive by! B) There's gotta be something decent out there on someone's drawing board?
  9. Okay, thanks. I have that Symantec corporate edition virus program that fires up every day when I turn the system on......and also the Ad-Aware 6.0 that I hadn't run for at least 45 days. That thing locked onto about 90 assorted 'items' that I didn't bother to quarantine and just zapped. Suppose I should be running that program a bit more often, eh? ....every week? .....every couple of days? What do you folks do?
  10. a pop-up takes over the entire pc screen and there's no place to click on it to either minimize, or eliminate it? 5 minutes ago, a warning pops up about the 'Sasser virus' being detected..and then suddenly a full screen pop-up ad for some virus protection software. I had to manually shut down the system to get rid of it. Can you use some 'ctrl' + __ command to get rid of these annoying ones?
  11. Sure Weizen, you dumped my artwork quick enough! Naw, you're thinking of the 'Hipnosis' artwork.....I'm still lovin' that.
  12. First we'll slap a TOCJ-96508 cat. # on the spine.
  13. <<<<Then we went to J & R.>>>> Where is that? Sounds like one to check out this summer.
  14. Nice!! Now if a guy could only see fit to add in a wee spot of color and give that street lantern a warm blue glow, one could fire up the printer and replace this bland as dirt looking 2-fer re-issue cover.
  15. Yes, and unlike the photo above, it has a light minty green tint to it.
  16. I have that 'King' Flanagan 'Lonely Town'........and also the TOCJ which they fixed (Benjamin).
  17. Hmmmm, all boozed up and camped out in one wide open outdoor location under the stars were ya? Damn, I knew I should have dropped everything and headed out for a quick 'drop-by'.
  18. Absolutely! <<<<<Has the Booker Ervin been dropped?! I was looking forward to that one, and I think I'm not alone.>>>> Too true.....hopefully it's still on the table.
  19. Well that's true, stuff can happen anywhere. Since I don't know you personally and have no idea what your tolerance level for 'X', 'Y' or 'Z' is.....I can only make recommendations based on what that area was like when I lived around there 15 years ago. Back in the late 80's the area stretching out from Lincoln Park past 11th..12th or 13th streets was a real mixed bag. When I was at 11th & D SE in '86 I once had to chase some peeing tom with a baseball bat out through the alley...and a few months later some some guy crawled into our street facing, ground floor bedroom in the middle of the night through an open window. There was just always something going on back there. At 12th & Maryland there was just the usual break-in and that interesting night when the upstairs neighbor caught a bunch of goobers trying to hitch his yellow corvette up to a tow truck at 3:00 am. Then when I was over at 14th & East Capitol in 1988 -- two blocks from where you're now looking -- I was held up at gunpoint. Only after they then stole my Audi and trashed all my hockey gear (in the trunk) did I get sufficiently worked up enough to leave. So, ah, I guess I'm still thinking about those good 'ol days Nevertheless, that was a long time ago and things do change...and rather quickly. In the early 80's, there were a couple of blocks down on lower 14th street over by the White House that were heavily seeded with porn shops, peep shows, strip clubs --- 10 years later every single one of 'em was history...dust...nada. There's no question that it's fun living up on the Hill....some decent bars & restaurants over on the House side by the LoC.....as well as the Senate side (Lounge 201). Some very nice walking neighborhoods and all that. Great place to live if you're single. Friends who live around 12th & Constitution say that it has gotten much better in 3 or 4 short years.....sooooooo, if your LoC pal says it's not so bad, and the current occupants are keeping a bike outside, then make a play for it. I have a meeting up there on Wed., so I might take a quick run out there and have a look around and see what's happening. What's the street address? I'll look for that bike.
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