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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Good Heavens, No!!! I've taken up residence in a new location. Here....print out this new business card for your records.
  2. Geez, I thought I'd scanned all the key threads that had burst into flame during my brief absence? Where o where were you two amiable suds drinkers locking horns and forcibly extracting tonsils?? B-)
  3. If you wanna really help hone that kids tactical skills give him a quick pre-lesson tour of the political forum and we'll let Ghost, Chris & Groper shatter his rook, pulverize his knight & pilfer his bishop's pockets in no time flat....a helpful lesson he'll never forget.
  4. I actually prefer the Cuozzo/Costa match-up on this one over the 'Mighty Mike' cd. I love Kenny Clarke...but Stabulas sounds 'better' to me on this one too! *** Dumb question time ......but with so many labels playing the 're-master this & that out the whazoo' game, why doesn't Fresh Sounds follow suit (or do they?)? These discs were put out in '88-'89....so why not get into the act? Cost prohibitive? No interest? Other?
  5. I didn't hear anything odd w/this one couw.......anyone else check the cd?
  6. I'll take away her little fluffy stuffed puppy for the day....that'll teach her to get uppity w/me!!!!
  7. I just discovered that a copy of David Pate's 1981 lp 'Soliloquies' has been sitting undisturbed in the stax for a looooong time. Didn't realize that he wound up with the Sam Rivers Big Band. Can't find a thing about the label out of Ridgefield Park, NJ. Long gone?
  8. I played a quick game with my 7-year-old daughter yesterday morning. I'd only put down a half cup of coffee and wasn't fully focused and she nailed my Queen (at least that's my excuse).
  9. Has anyone seen 'The Earth From Above' exhibit? Apparently it's been making the rounds for 3 or 4 years now but I happened to stumble upon an outdoor display in Vienna a few weeks back and was very impressed. For those who haven't seen it, there are a series of photos shot from a helicopter hovering at 150 feet or so.....absolutely stunning shots. Wanted to bring back a copy of the oversize book but it was pretty hefty so I decided to try and find one floating around over here. One of the more humorous photos was a colony of nudists basking on a French beach.......the photo that was displayed directly opposite this one had a similar mob of basking sea lions. Funny stuff.
  10. "California" vs. "Calfornia" B-) AfricaBrass Posted: Apr 30 2004, 09:09 PM Funkateer Group: Members Posts: 3771 Member No.: 51 Joined: 7-March 03 Location: Northern Calfornia
  11. I become annoyed and quite often fly into a rage when foreigners fail to properly pronounce Hydrangea macrophylla var macrophylla 'Nikko Blue'.
  12. No hawes? That really is a monumental outrage. Hmmmm...where to begin? I'd say that at this late date your best bet is to immediately fly into action and sell off a couple of worthless old Boomtown Rats, Wishbone Ash and Shorter 'All Seeing Eye' Lps now cluttering up the stax and use the minimal proceeds to land the oft-lauded Japanese edition of 'All Night Session!' that's now sitting on eBay. While I don't know the seller personally, I hear that he detests all beer below 4.6%.....all cities that ban smoking in bars...and the person(s) responsible for producing a shockingly inadequate 'remake' of the old Wild, Wild West show that really would have pissed off Jim, Artie, Miguelito Loveless and Voltaire.
  13. My wife thinks I have some weird nutso disorder because not once during our recent trip to Vienna did I step foot inside the EMI store that was located a mere 100 feet from the hotel......nor any other cd store/dept for that matter. When you have goodies staring out at you from window displays on every block...who has time to waste fumbling around with cds? Not I.
  14. Ordered the Eddie Higgins 'Christmas Songs' (Venus)
  15. After helping a hard bop 'newbie' with a few Mobley selections up at the Virgin store in Times Square.......decided to steer him toward Dizzy Reece (said he liked trumpet) but discovered that there were no titles at hand. When I inquired about this w/the clerk working the jazz section, I was somewhat stunned to hear him say that he wasn't familiar w/Reece. He'd worked there for awhile too.
  16. Thanks for digging that up, Reinier. I think it's time to drop Master Tanno a quick note. B-) .......glad I'll never have to fork over the cash for that old rusty lobster-pot of a Verve box.
  17. Looks like a pair of double-cd sets (UCCV-4111/2 & UCCV-4113/4) are due to be released on 12/1. Anyone seen a full track listing? Carbon copy of what's already on the Verve box?
  18. What's with the syringe lying next to that coffee mug?
  19. Okay, weeded out a bunch of new ones. Say, isn't there some specific word recognition software that the moderators can employ that'll help block all incoming PMs from the guys in the political forum w/message titles like 'Die Dirtball'...'Eat Flaming Death'.....'Son-of-a-Satan-%$#@' ?? Oh I forgot...they're the ones sending them!
  20. He needs to use Nikon Editor and lighten up some of those photos. That farmhouse he longs for is quite nice....I think I'll buy it. B-)
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