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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Sure, I'm in total agreement.....I suppose it just makes me roll eyes when I hear these announcers launch into their best shrill 'oh, my gosh..that's disgusting!' routine, while at the same time we're figuring out a way to momentarily distract a kids attention from the 'if your erection last longer than...' babble. As for the players ...I grew tired of their antics a few years ago which is why I now watch zero NBA games and less than a half-dozen NFL games.
  2. This whole Moss thing is a laugh. So many folks out there feigning outrage and playing this thing up on radio and in the papers.....& participating in the instant online polls (MSN) re: the proper punishment......blah, blah. All that clown does is pretend to moon some fans and these ninny sports announcers jaws drop to the ground and they start huffing & puffing about how decorum has been egregiously breached........meanwhile, the fans at home get to sit there watching these NFL games (or even golf!) with 8-year-old girls in the room who're treated to the Levitra and Cialis ads w/the voiceovers about 'ED' and stern warnings about the need to run like the wind to the doc's office if ya can't clobber it into submission with a golf club after 4-hours.
  3. That would seem echo our experience here at home....and I've been cooking with barrel-loads of quality unfiltered oil and Vitamin C packed yellow, red, green & orange bells for 16+ years. It's all in the genes. Back to the frozen food section of the market for General Tsao's Chicken w/Cashews!!
  4. In that case, you might think about taking a quick swing through DC because today marks the beginning of the annual Washington, DC Restaurant Week, with some 80+ establishments offering 3-Gourse prix fixe meals.
  5. LWayne was back at BN, Bright......he didn't just parachute in.
  6. Absolutely! I'm surprised that this never appeared as a box, particularly in Japan -- how often do you find a vol. 1 through vol. 5 collection that's only appeared as separates? Well, I suppose the Bud Powells.....4 vols., right? .
  7. Is the 2nd track on his first Vanguard LP called 'T + L' or 'TAL' ? Thanks.
  8. Me too. Perhaps you & I should establish an informal pact of cooperation to defend him if he ever hits the political forums? You know how rough those europeans and guys from Indiana can be! B-)
  9. They'd rate a fourth cheer if they'd start to take PayPal. Geez, even dinky little Platenworm Records in Netherlands takes Paypal.
  10. Geez, someone actually took the plunge. That must rank an 'honorable mention' (or better) in the 'ol 'Buy-It-Now' record book.
  11. If there's coinage to spare, I'd add the Brownie 'Complete EmArcy' box to that pile.
  12. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...6354054935&rd=1
  13. I hit Borders today to burn a gift card but walked away without anything. Didn't really see much except for another 'One for All' Criss Cross that I don't have. Last Amazon Japan order was 'sprung' from their warehouse on Dec. 29 but that was a 2004 order...so I'm going to sit back & wait 'till that Pepper Select comes out...and of course move in for the kill on a certain eBay cd that'll come due in a short while. Rhymes with 'Fuzzy Days' B-)
  14. Thanks Greg.....that one arrived just in time for the little post-X-mas, gift-card adventure. I went into heavy waffle mode though and couldn't decide whether to snag cds...or that 9-disc 'Inspector Lindley' DVD box. We'll sleep on it and go back in the a.m.
  15. Appreciate the helpful advice, gents. Apperently there's still a relatively inexpensive japanese cd (in-print) version of the 'Modern Art' over at Amaz.Jp...but since that Blue Moon has the extra couple of cuts, that's clearly the way to go.
  16. AMG advises those who're interested in the Dawn material to bypass the 10 track 'Rare Dawn' cd in part because it doesn't include September in the Rain, etc -- in favor of the two Dawn LPs ('One To Blow On' and 'The Big Stampede') that'll get you all 16 tracks. I've seen the 'One To Blow On' Lp on eBay...which seems to be the same as this Japanese one: ....but haven't seen 'Big Stampede'. Is this one floating around out there under another name in Europe or in Japan? Better to pick up the cd and one of the Lps...or best to take AMGs advice and go for the vinyl? Thank you.
  17. Good heavens, Golden Arm!! All you guys and your lurid tales of pitched battles with buyers & sellers...and here I've never had a single problem in some 600 transactions. Guess I'm just blessed with an inibility to ruffle feathers or rub people the wrong way. .......well, there is that one buyer from Seattle that I've had a problem or two with over the years: "....weizle, or whatever your fucking name is....you are a real sleaze. ...... ..... You are a vile and intolerant scum. $#@!&%$@#$@^$@$%#$@^%#%^@#@^%#*^%$@*&^%!!
  18. I agree with Amir. Once the buyer has paid you in a timely manner....you should take the first step and leave them positive feedback. Upon receipt of payment, I always tell the buyer that I'll be sure to go ahead & leave feedback and that I hope they'll reciprocate when they have a spare moment to do so down the road.
  19. Will he be checking in as well? Randy Twizzle Posted on Dec 31 2004, 01:23 PM It's their world now, the bastards.
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