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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Yeah, that Hope 'New Faces-New Sounds' JRVG sounds pretty sweet. I think they should put out a 'New Faces-New Sounds' theme two-fer Conn w/the Elmo Hope Trio, Jutta Hipp Quintet and Wynton Kelly. I believe they'd all fit on there nicely. The only other 'New Faces..' Conn one was the Drew & McGhee, right?
  2. Kevin, What about that Land 'Take Aim'? The playing is nice...but we've all been listening to an incredibly thin sounding vinyl burn that might not exactly get eyeryone's juices flowing. Clearly the sound quality would be enhanced by an order of magnitude once they flipped into re-master mode. They sure worked the magic on 'The Flip'...and that was thin sounding as it gets imo. Time for Cuscuna to free Amos Trice!!
  3. Re: the two Zoot Fontana Lps. Last year I saw an old beater copy of the 'Live at Ronnie Scotts' LP at the DC Public Library but didn't jot down the track titles. 'Cookin' has been reissued...did they tack on tracks from 'Live at Ronnie Scotts' to that reissue....or are they in fact one in the same LP? Anyone?
  4. And a 'bird' from FL if memory serves?
  5. What time do you usually step outside to walk the dog? Half-time?
  6. Sissy teams with domes usually get pasted (what, St. Louis & Atl each got in once?). Vikings got a dome and haven't been in since. Tear that thing down!!
  7. <<How about the Kenny Cox 2fer?>> Bravo! <<Frank Foster's Manhattan Fever>>> Yucko!
  8. Actually, I'm a stupid idiot......stumbled mightily around July 4th.
  9. Excellent suggestion...perhaps a little SOS call to Stefan Wood is in order. Why waste time prowling the bins for that millionth piece of scratchy vinyl when he could ski over here w/a fresh pack, right?
  10. Stuck w/rear wheel drive at the top of this blasted hill w/but a six of Heineken, 1 bottle of Weizen Dark and 6 Camels. WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO????!!!!!!!
  11. Saw them here at Blues Alley last night...great show! I'm glad that I headed out to catch them last night because with all this snow falling, it'll be next to impossible to get around tonite. Terence Blanchard wasn't on board so they picked up a local trumpet player by the name of Donvonte McCoy who did an outstanding job. There was a wee bit of tension right off the bat when Jackson introduced the band and mispronounced.....er, more like mangled....Donvonte's name. A couple of embarassed looks and nervous laughs later they broke into a 30-second belated 'Happy B'Day' for Jimmy Cobb....and then started in with 'The Clan'....followed by 'Good Bait', 'Up Jumped Spring', a gorgeous Hicks solo number, 'Body & Soul'.....closed with 'Caravan'. Fuller was clearly showing his age and sounded 'okay'...He'd pop in and out and get in some nice licks but he kept it brief and allowed Jackson and McCoy plenty of room to show their stuff. He was very gracious and clearly enjoyed pumping up the others with him, particularly Jackson. He said Blakey told him on his death bed to 'keep Javon close"..and that he'd always tried to do that. He had fun tweaking Jackson a bit about the big Mercedes he (Jackson) had parked out in the alley, shooting him a sly grin and reminding him that his own kids would soon be graduating from Smith and Amherst....intimating that he'd soon have the bigger Benz. Jackson sounded great on 'Body & Soul' and Hicks was simply amazing.....the crowd was all over it. He told me afterwards that there weren't any Venus dates on the horizon but rather some Highnote material due out soon....jokingly said that he'd swiped the title from a Kenny Barron tune (I don't recall the name). I brought to the show an old friend -- concert pianist at age 12....then morphs into a political hack like me -- who, through the magic of some oop burns, I've been introducing to jazz. Brought him along specifically to see Hicks, and he was duly impressed......said he'd go out this weekend and try to rustle up a few of his cds. I recommended 'Impressions of Mary Lou' or 'Music in the Key of Clark'. Jimmy Cobb sounded real good and got the crowd going with a couple of hard swinging solos. A full room....a fun show....everyone ate it up!
  12. You guys are all lightweights. Everyone knows that you organize by obi color - pink, blue, yellow, red......pink, blue, yellow, red!!!!
  13. Anyone in the UK (or elsewhere) heard any rumblings about the 'Dalziel & Pascoe' series being released to DVD?
  14. Enlightening comments......think we'll hold off on the DVD recorder for now and have a look at Tivo. Thank you.
  15. I spent hours this past weekend fast forwarding & rewinding through 2 dozen tapes trying to find a couple of PBS mysteries, etc we'd taped here & there. The old clunker machine is about to die anyway, so it might be time to get a recordable DVD. All I want is something that that I can record some shows on, watch & then erase. No need for all sorts of additional bells and whistles that'll allow you to brew coffee, etc because we won't use 'em. Is there a decent mid-price, dependable unit out there.....one that won't have blur problems that I'd read about w/some fast action events -- or is that no longer a problem)?
  16. What's on the menu? Ordinarily, something like: Grapefruit Brulee with Fruit Salsa Fresh Melon & Fruit Salad Herbed Clam Chowder Nova Scotia Smoked Salmon w/vodka sour cream Mianiature Lump Crab Cakes Grilled Mushroom & Blue Cheese Omelet w/link sausage and roasted home fries Raspberry-Stuffed French Toast w/fresh berries Eggs Benedict w/cured Canadian bacon Smoked Salmon & Spinach Benedict Two poached eggs with Kendall Brook smoked trout and fresh spinach w/herbed hollandaise on an English muffin. But when you come in, it's: slathered with KC Masterpiece...and an old scratchy Brookmeyer LP playing in the background.
  17. It's a beautiful cd.....nice relaxing mix of lightly swinging numbers that fills the room. Mraz shines. If I owned a nice restaurant, I'd have it playing in the background during Sunday brunch. Have yet to be disappointed by a Venus.
  18. Hey, no need to send yours out & about....just give him the day off and I'll send my new driver Ann out to your place w/the goods. Maybe you'll invite her in for a spot of tea.
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