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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. That was for sure a nailbiter....loved it. I didn't realize that Murray weighs something like 250 lbs w/only 5% body fat. Jesus....like a brick wall that guy is.
  2. Now listening to 'Fulfillment' on Disc 3 of the McCoy Tyner Select.
  3. Amazing that Detroit fought their way back. I thought they were toast after Game 2!
  4. But unlike what happened after the torpedo took out the Bismarck's rudder, leaving her to sail in one large continuous circle, no one has yet moved in for the kill?
  5. Jaki Byard 'Olean Visit' ....played it several dozen times in the car last week.
  6. Pretty quick turnaround time. How do their rates compare to HMV JPN?
  7. ...that after downing a sh**load of wine and weizenbeer last night, I'd do anything to get out of my 12-3 shift today grilling burgers & dogs at the school track & field event.
  8. Ha! I made one of those Jazz Messengers 'Tunisia' shirts but went XXXL 'cause I knew it would shrink like a bastard --- and it did....fits like and XL 1/2 now. Those XS ones? Be nice to buy a pair of them and wear them as gloves once they popped out of the dryer.
  9. They're all over the place in these parts.....I see several each and every week. Good thing about 'em is they have a voracious appetite and like to chomp on crickets, spiders...and 11 yr olds hangin' around in your basement.
  10. .....though he did bat women about.
  11. To chuckle whenever you see their stock take a double-digit dive???
  12. Why not dare him to remove his proboscis from Eldrick's butt cheeks? .....Johnny Miller'd never suck up.
  13. Nope, not likely..... 'cause Tiger's back to slamming his club into the ground on the 11th tee box due to a mishit.
  14. For some yes....but not all. Mnytime?? ...and wasn't that Pryan guy the one who ripped off several board members?
  15. "Spurred by one-sided reports on sites including TMZ" Issue the TMZ crew members a pair of shorts, t-shirt & sandals....and ship the lot of 'em over to Fukushima to assist in clean-up operations at the damaged reactor.
  16. Taken down in Savannah, Georgia last weekend. A 1953 cop car and a pacific jazz billboard.
  17. Aww, those sissies should have picked it right up and thrown it overboard!
  18. I've fished down in Islamorada 4 or 5 times and the boat guides always talk about the dangerous flying rays. This lady is lucky because the boat was stationary. If it had been cruising along, she would have been toast. While only 2 people have been killed, there are loads of near misses. Stingray Tries to Hitch Ride on Boat in Florida by Fran Golden An Illinois family vacationing in the Florida Keys got a big surprise when a stingray jumped onto their chartered pontoon boat. The spotted eagle ray leaped onto the 26-foot boat in a channel in Islamorada and struck Jenny Hausch, 39, in the chest, reports the Miami Herald. The collision with the five-foot, 200-pound creature knocked Hausch to the deck, but the stingray was apparently equally stunned. .............. http://news.travel.aol.com/2011/03/31/stingray-tries-to-hitch-ride-on-boat-in-florida/
  19. No special requests from you until you finish the tasks at hand (ie... clean out the gutters & fill in all the cracks in the driveway with some asphalt sealer).
  20. Sounds like a swell idea.
  21. I suggest you contact these folks directly and see what they have to say. http://www.bbg.gov/
  22. The spammers are already out in force. Just noticed a certain 'earthquake in japan' trying to join the board.
  23. Done. Glad you posted this. Received one of their solicitations in the mail an hour ago and was going to write 'em a check........hadn't even thought about hitting their site to make a donation. Duh.
  24. Loudmouth jerk. Tasteless Tweets cost Gottfried Aflac duck gig By Lisa de Moraes Washington Post Gilbert Gottfried arrives with the Aflac duck to an award show last summer. (Charles Sykes - AP) You’ve heard the last of comic Gilbert Gottfried voicing the Aflac duck in the insurance company’s TV ads. The insurance company has sacked Gottfried after he spent the weekend tweeting a slew of gags about Friday’s magnitude 9.0 earthquake and ensuing tsunami that, as of this writing, had claimed 2,414 lives and counting. In the Miyagi prefecture along, the police chief has estimated the local death toll could rise to 10,000. “Gilbert’s recent comments about the crisis in Japan were lacking in humor and certainly do not represent the thoughts and feelings of anyone at Aflac." ......He also Tweeted: “I just split up with my girlfriend, but like the Japanese say, ‘There’ll be another one floating by any minute now’.” ........... http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/tv-column/post/tasteless-tweets-cost-gottfried-aflac-duck-gig/2011/03/15/AB0r9IW_blog.html
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