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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Oh good......can you program the cute little jumble-o-numbers gizmo in such as a way that some of us will be beamed a special 'Good Morning, Daddy' message every time we log on?
  2. ....me too....I'm watching ScottB's eBay auctions...
  3. I do that too.....it's still enormously fun!! I listed an old punk 7" a short time ago and knew it was in that scarce category.....picked up the lone bid like you early on and then nothing 'til a day out. Ended up going for $140...but half the fun was dropping in a half-zillion times to keep an eye on it.
  4. I was waaaay down there in southern W.Va. last week.....no Mothman sighting though. You should flip through 'Albion's Seed' by David Hacket Fischer.......fabulous book.
  5. Now you're Dutch? I thought you said German on another thread? Must hail from the border area around Meppen? Well prove it -- say a few words in plattdeutsche for me and then tell us if this is gorgeous pumping installation near the border is Dutch or German?
  6. I just called your family members and invited them to join this board Wonderful! I'm sure you'll have an absolute ball arguing with all the Norwegians & Germans on the 'Is it true that the Dutch are a wee bit more high strung than other europeans?' thread.
  7. I honestly can't imagine taking the daily rumblings & assorted goings on at a tiny speck of a bulletin board so seriously that I'd have to resort to using an ignore feature. Now, were it possible to actually acquire a jumbo-sized 'one', specifically designed to provide peace of mind at large family gatherings, that might be another story.
  8. What course are you playing that's a par 59?
  9. Years back, toward the end of a closed door meeting of House democrats, one member floated a tactical suggestion and then wondered aloud what the "enemy" (Republicans) would have to say about it. Danny Rostenkowski quickly piped-up and reminded those in the room that the Republicans were opponents, not enemies.....and that the enemy was the Senate. The problem as I see it is that there aren't enough people posting in that forum who're able to cross swords on a regular basis mindful of the fact that they're facing off against an opponent...not a sworn enemy. The fact of the matter is, we need more dignified characters like the Red Menace in there who knows how to take a shot (or call for a quick deportation to a labor camp out near Lake Baikal) without sinking to that "you're %$#@! immoral scum" level. In fact, just to illustrate that point, perhaps this afternoon I'll start a juicy little thread about the weekend I just spent with a boatload of House, Senate & White House leadership staff and shower 'Red' with fresh details about how we'll advance various legislative balls (Social Security, judicial appointments, etc) through an increasingly sticky thicket....and allow others to witness his signature velvet fist of a response.
  10. Hey look! ...they're now in the back room putting the finishing touches on Brad's steel box !! B-)
  11. My guess is that, for having to endure a steady stream of flack, the 'good folks' at Universal will dig real deep in the warehouse pile and pluck out the real pretty ones to send our way. Evans Box
  12. You're presuming that the most dependable family of precision-guided munitions originates in the Pentagon. B-)
  13. Don't freak out etherboard....if you can't find any Niehaus, I'll sell ya a bunch of Howard Rumsey/Lighthouse cassettes -- material is just as good! Truthfully, I think that LN's 'I Remember You' is one of the greatest numbers known to man. I would say that fully 75% of the comp cds that I make for parties, car, gifts for a kids teacher, etc....have it on there.
  14. I told them my wife was in a wicked sour mood since the Vikings traded Moss and that she'd yank both his & Lennox' hair out by the roots if they didn't wise up!
  15. Geez, didn't even upgrade to an expedited shipping method. ......cheap bastard.
  16. Heck, I do!! I can't believe that no one wants my Shepp/Rudd 'NY' ....thought that would be the first of 3 discs to bolt the room.
  17. An interesting turn of events. I've now received the following communication from them: Dear Rolf, We wanted you to know that your recent UMS order (#512776) was shipped on 2005-02-28. You should receive your package(s) in 1 - 3 weeks, unless you upgraded to an expedited shipping method during checkout (Your carrier is listed below under Shipping Details). ORDER INFORMATION Order #: 512776 Order Items: 2 Sub total: $ 199.98 Shipping: $ 3.95 Insurance: $ 0.00 Tax: $ 0.00 Grand Total: $ 203.93 Your order is being shipped to:
  18. What's that like? Do y'all eat wings, bet & yell at the screen? B-)
  19. Whatever. "Excuse us, my good man, but could you kindly return the set that we legally sold to you?" I really don't have a dog in this fight... just still honked off for fellow board members. Like I said earlier.... 'ROCK HEADS!' Brad, I realize that your conversation was undoubtedly brief.....but I don't suppose you thought to ask the genius why a $99 'Buy-it-Now' on a Brownie box would shock them to their green eye-shade core? Perhaps I'd better call. B-)
  20. The last time I watched an awards program of this sort, Sony had just introduced the Walkman.
  21. Yes, the double LP with the 3 additional tracks ('M.C.', 'La Jolie' & 'South Side') that aren't on either of the two Lps you mentioned. Well, on my copies anyway.
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