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Everything posted by Son-of-a-Weizen

  1. Jesus, no kidding! Actually, if I was gonna zip someone from a board, I'd just zip 'em...no need to go public and set in motion a first class melee. Someone threatens people....ya just flip the switch and miraculously, they just never post again. These untidy cyber liquidations are so............soooooo Red Menace-like. B-) Where's the Maalox bottle?
  2. April 12th for the 'Rive Gauche' set (and others) at CDU. http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?...yle=music&Bab=E
  3. Do you honestly think that a guy's going to be sitting around on pins & needles for a full year anxiously waiting for an invitation to come back to an online bulletin board? If that's the case, he needs his head examined. Jesus Christ, he's history!! .....let him move on with his life!!!
  4. Why not bring Effron back as long as he agrees to take sole responsibility for managing the dozens of daily B'Day threads?
  5. Oh boy, just what you'd like.....a little cyber island fortress where you could play warden and go on at length about your favorite politicians -- day after day...month after month...decade after decade...
  6. Allright people, let's just settle this thing once and for all and hand out an appropriate punishment ---- Rooster gets banned for violating the 'too much sucking up on one thread' rule. BUT, seriously, (and probably most importantly!!) -- I still think this is Jim's board, and therefore think that Jim ought to do whatever he thinks is best, including ignoring what I think. Whatever. It's Jim's board, and it's Jim's call, and I'll back whatever he decides.
  7. Yes, I'd heard about the box...but some folks said they'd received them w/o rust and I didn't really expect them to ship out sealed sets that were already covered w/the stuff. Didn't really notice much about the cd holder...perhaps some casual references to it? Quite frankly, that's something that you actually have to see to believe.
  8. Oh Jesus...am I going to get detention for this, Brad? The "work" = the principal of the matter.....which is a different story. Sorry Brad, but it makes no sense to me to spend money in order that I might then toss half of the set -- discard both the box and ridiculous cd holder/sleeve -- in favor of a rack of generic jewel boxes that won't have any tray inserts, etc. I'd much rather get my money back and pick up some quality Jap. import discs...or a fistful of Mosaic Selects. Signed, Gomer (now listening to a burn of cd #3 B-) )
  9. Forget that thing. Life's too short to keep some rusting ammo box from the HMS Prince of Wales on these shelves. That booklet looks like some 60's-era 'Guide to NATO Ground Forces Equipment Identification' booklet that was issued to Warsaw Pact troops.
  10. King KICJ 484(New) French Jazz Trio/Autumn Leaves 3000 Anyone familiar w/these folks???
  11. Woah! Don't they say that you're supposed to seek medical attention if you've had it for more than 4 hours? B-)
  12. Just joshin' boys....take a few blood pressure pills....I've never even heard the date.
  13. Enough about Lester wallpaper.......did you eat lots of multi-colored M&Ms in that candy shop on Main Street and then ride the 'Tea Cups'?
  14. Happy Birthday, Berigan. Here's a little somethin' for you to take along to your B'Day Beer & Bowling party tonite ........just be sure to let Red Menace bowl the first string with it. B-)
  15. eBay craziness? A seller with 500+ negative comments who's still peddling his/her wares on eBay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=4072208292
  16. Paul, that Roach is mediocre, you don't want it. Lucky for you that I have a little gem at hand to trade ya for that McLean. These National Geographic guys put RVG to shame when it comes to recording the Eastern Wood Pewee and the Rufous-sided Towhee. Yep, it's all here!!!
  17. ___________________________________ Originally posted by Brad: "Happy Birthday Danny, I'm only 5 behind you" Come on Brad..are you serious? I thought you said that your folks gave you this brand new '40 Plymouth the year you graduated college?
  18. Guys on the board who owned shops can probably give a definitive answer...but both of my Hubbard's still have $1.49 price tags on the shrink.
  19. A decent photo (that you can enlarge) of the back cover of the LP and lot's of others can be found at this Carmell Jones site. Check page 2. On page 1 there are pics of both the Pacific & Fontana 'Business Meetin' covers. Can someone please explain to me what the relationship was between PJ & Fontana? Did Fontana re-issue all -- or most -- of the Pacific catalogue? Also, has anyone tracked down a decent link to a site that has pictures of all the 60's Pacific covers? I've not managed to find one.
  20. You ain't kiddin'! Just try to get between this kid and his fries!
  21. Don't know if anyone has posted a link to this one before but here are some nice big pics for those who like to look at covers. That what the original Wess 'Opus De Blues' cover looked like?
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