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Everything posted by mikeweil

  1. On mine, too. I was hoping to see them perform in 1970, they were scheduled to open for Herbie Mann in Frankfurt, but were denied visas.
  2. There is a great sounding reissue of this: https://www.discogs.com/release/9226299-Dorothy-Ashby-The-Fantastic-Jazz-Harp-Of-Dorothy-Ashby
  3. I know. Sad enough that it is about selling in the first place. But Lang Lang is hard to endure for me.
  4. Interesting piece, but they should have engaged a historically informed player on a Pleyel or Erard piano instead of a self indulgent Lang Lang.
  5. Best wishes! Hope you're doing well.
  6. This afternoon I witnessed a harpsichord recital by Alexander von Heissen on a German model harpsichord. The program was most of his recent CD, which is excellent, but he was even better live. I took my wife and two friends, and they all were overwhelmed by his great playing. The CD is highly recommended. Watch him for a great career similar to that of Andreas Staier. I witnessed his graduate performance in Frankfurt last year, and this autumn he started on a post as harpsichord professor in Leipzig. https://www.alexandervonheissen.de
  7. I saw him with Ken McIntyre around the time they made their album together for Steeplechase. Live he sounded fine.
  8. Indeed. Most of the DENON LPs never were on CD, if any, it seems. I missed this one, probably because I don't like Moncur, who always, seems to sound a bit flat to my ears, but this is a good record, judging from what I found on YouTube.
  9. Gérard Bertrand Réserve Spéciale Merlot 2019
  10. I have only 15 % hearing loss in the high frequency range. How much is yours? Did you ever have an examination? You are hearing what you beleive to be everything. Well, he is a powerful drummer as you say. Does he have any loss or why is he playing loud? Can you play softly and still hear "everything"? The changes come slowly, so you don't notice. Simple tests: Do you understand someone whispering`Do you hear it when you rub your fingers besides your ear? Watcch out and have an ear ewxamination. Playing louder may be not good for your fellow musicians or the audience. Records have a drumsound different from live situations, not necessarily a better one. But I agree that drums are almost always too low in the mix in studio recordings.
  11. You should seriously consider trying a hearing aid. Mine mostly just boost up the high frequencies because that is where my hearing is impaired. I have a gig coming up (my first in many years) accompanying a pianist/singer/songwriter, just playing a snare drum with brushes in half of the pieces, which I simply would not hear properly without hearing aids. Your remarks about how you perceive the drum sounds tells of a serious bias in that respect.
  12. This evening, together with friends:
  13. Images found on discogs or amazon are not a problem. The problem will be identifying the pics if there is no caption telling what album it is ....
  14. ... and the release number - RS-3052 - does not fit into any other Riverside release sequence, no matter who owned the label.
  15. BTW - when I update do not expect all of the covers to be depicted. The forum stores only the links to the pics, not the pics themselves. In case they are no longer available at the IP adress linked, nothing will be seen. or only a smal space holder symbol.
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