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Everything posted by mikeweil

  1. Discogs sorts by release date. All those releases indeed are reissues of pre-1960 recordings. Thanks for the info on that quintet, I couldn't find anything about. Cumberbatch plays on the two tracks reported.
  2. His recording career stops in 1960, after that The Jazz Discography Online has only two sessions in 1971 (Amram) and 1976 (Swing to Bop Quintet).
  3. You lucky bastard. 😄
  4. Just my thoughts.
  5. The book covers her career up to the point where she quit jazz! I do not see any reason to not believe her. So far seemingly objected to her book's contents.
  6. https://www.amazon.com/-/de/dp/B00LV8STE4/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=9533TPHO4PI4&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.IdSZ0cY66eswKEgeweMG59QGxs27OcxRz9xi08LN1oXLfgemq4iUYHIWIDHDYNMA7BOeF69Z2O8NvoKxP4iZeCw-HA_V_bHNBuZAvHxG_3Q.jeRy8ug_MaECCSsxXNtoHHPPzL7TAATgpIzxRJcss14&dib_tag=se&keywords=jane+getz&qid=1726417383&s=books&sprefix=jane+getz%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C206&sr=1-1 That's what it did with me! She writes frankly about her experiences on the scene. Lots about all the big dogs she met and played with, Herbie Mann, Stan Getz, Charles Mingus, and lots of other people she met and befriended, Henry Grimes (who was a close friend), Joe Chambers (whom she dated) etc. A view from the inside, positive and negative.
  7. So keep and care for your vinyl.
  8. I can feel with you. I am close to selling most of my Miles Davis albums as I find much of his behaviour disgusting, and can't ignore it while listening. Same witn Freddie Hubbard after reading he attempted to rape Jane Getz.
  9. The weekend bottle: "Johan de Barrou" Corbieres Reserve 2018
  10. I think you're mistaken here. The Riverside Bohemia album does not include any vocals, but the Five Spot on United Artists does, and that's Brock Peters.
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