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Everything posted by mikeweil

  1. R.I.P., and thanks for many excellent reissues, rare broadcasr recordings as well as fine remasterings.
  2. Believe it or not, "The Spirit of '67" was my first LP ever.
  3. When I saw Herbie with this band in 1970, Ayers had just left the band .....
  4. R.I.P. IMO he had the most beautiful vibes of all before his moving to R&B, and still sounded much like it on his electrified gear. That, together with the rhythmic aspects of his style, makes him one of my favourites. And he always projected positive vibes. A really great career. I love this live set with a great, grooving band:
  5. I have the Todd Cochran, the two James Leary, the Munyungo Jackson, and the Iroko/Bill Summers. The latter is half batá drumming and Cuban Oru del Igbodu chanting, half like Los Hombres Calientes. Munyungo is acoustic Latin Jazz. Soundwise, they are all high end hifi with extreme dynamics in natural acoustics. Jazz-wise, the two James Leary albums are top, IMO. One with trio or quartet with Billy Childs, Ralph Penland, and Eddie Harris in top form, one with five bassists, piano, and drums - Leary's highly original treatments of the bass choir, if you are into that.
  6. My thoughts exactly.
  7. The reasons why Mosaic excluded the 10" LP Nat Pierce Bandstand session from the first box remain obscure to many of us - perhaps a limitation to 7 CDs? The personnel ist Pierce with Basie-Ites Green,Page, and Jones, a more Basie-ite rhythm section is hard to imagine, with modern West-Coast big band alumni - a combination that worked well, due the horn players admiration of the Basie band. But tto modern for the box set? it was reissued many times, but Pierce recorded for several labels, which makes him an ideal subject for European labels. There was this oop compilation: This 12" LP reissue was on a French CD, since the Mel Powell session from another 10" LP is also missing in the Mosaic box, this one might be an option, but it omits the two vocal tracks from the 10" LP. This was the original 10" LP issue: The complete album was include in this UK AVID Jazz twofer.
  8. Those VTL recordings sound really great. https://www.discogs.com/release/6627030-Todd-Cochran-Todd
  9. I love this album so much! I'm really glad I finally got a copy a month or two ago. Sound is much better than on most jazz recordings.
  10. Membran - IMO the worst of all German bootleggers .....
  11. The Urbie Green session was a 10 incher with four tracks - modern mainstream, good soloists, Braff in particular. Like the single session he recorded for Blue Note a bit earlier, this usually falls between the cracks, but it's good! I have a UK twofer on AVID, that takes advantage of European copyright regulations and collects all the stuff he recorded earlyin his career except those for RCA and its sublabel "X". Better than nothing. But the sound would be better if they had access to original sources. https://www.discogs.com/master/3756852-Urbie-Green-Five-Classic-Albums-All-About-Urbie-Green-And-His-Big-Band-Blues-And-Other-Shades-Of-Gre/image/SW1hZ2U6MTIyMzQ2NDUz
  12. So what about those not included in the two Mosaic boxes? The easiest case is the legendary From Spirituals To Swing Concerts, issued on a double LP VRS-8523/24. There was an excellent comprehensive expanded edition on 3 CDs which can be found used at decent prices. I have this box and can recommend it, sound is good, documentation etc. is satisfying. No need for a Mosaic reissue, IMO. https://www.discogs.com/release/1380607-Various-From-Spirituals-To-Swing-The-Legendary-1938-1939-Carnegie-Hall-Concerts-Produced-By-John-Ham
  13. Now that the second Mosaic box set of 1950's Vanguard manistream jazz sessions is available, I updated the list of 10" and 12" LPs of the series. It is an expansion of the list from the Mosiac website plus my researches in the Lord Discography and discogs. Titles with an * are in the first box; titles in the second are marked with + - that leaves a small group marked ~ not included in the Mosaic sets, on which I will post some comments below. May we hope for a third set? I have my doubts. Additions and corrections are welcome. 10” LP VRS-8001 Vic Dickenson Septet Vol.1 * VRS-8002 Vic Dickenson Septet Vol.2 * VRS-8003 Sir Charles Thompson Sextet * VRS-8004 Mel Powell Septet + VRS-8005 Brother John Sellers Sings Folk and Blues Songs VRS-8006 Sir Charles Thompson Quartet + VRS-8007 Joe Newman And His Band * VRS-8008 Ruby Braff / Buck Clayton – Buck Meets Ruby * VRS-8009 Sir Charles Thompson And His Band * VRS-8010 Urbie Green and his Band ~ VRS-8011 Jimmy Rushing’s All Stars – Goin’ To Chicago * VRS-8012 Vic Dickenson Septet Vol.3 * VRS-8013 Vic Dickenson Septet Vol.4 * VRS-8014 Sam Most Sextet ~ VRS-8015 Mel Powell Bandstand ~ VRS-8016 Don Elliott - Doubles in Brass VRS-8017 Nat Pierce Band ~ VRS-8018 Sir Charles Thompson Trio + VRS-8019 Ruby Braff - Two-Part Inventions in Jazz Vol.1 + VRS-8020 Ruby Braff - Two-Part Inventions in Jazz Vol.2 + 12” LP VRS-8501 Mel Powell - Borderline + VRS-8502 Mel Powell - Thigamagig + VRS-8503 Jo Jones Special * VRS-8504 Ruby Braff Sextet – Ruby Braff Special * VRS-8505 Jimmy Rushing And His All Stars * VRS-8506 Mel Powell - Out On A Limb + VRS-8507 Ruby Braff - Two By Two: Music of Rodgers and Hart + VRS-8508 Various Artists – A Night At Count Basie’s * VRS-8509  Hans Koller - Hans Across the Sea ~ VRS-8510  Rolf Kühn - Streamline ~ VRS-8511  Bobby Henderon - Handful of Keys + VRS-8512 Ronnell Bright - Bright Flight ~ VRS-8513 Jimmy Rushing – Listen To The Blues * VRS-8514 Buck Clayton – Buckin’ The Blues * VRS-8515 Ted Brown - Free Wheeling ~ VRS-8516 Ruby Braff & Ellis Larkins - Pocketful of Dreams (reissue of 8019 & 8020) + VRS-8517 Buck Clayton & Mel Powell (reissue of 8004 & 8008)  */+ VRS-8518 Jimmy Rushing (reissue of 8011) * VRS-8519 Nat Pierce - Easy Swing (reissue of 8017) ~ VRS-8520 Vic Dickenson Showcase Vol.1 (reissue of 8001 & 8002) * VRS-8521 Vic Dickenson Showcase Vol.2 (reissue of 8012 & 8013) * VRS-8522 Don Elliott & Sam Most - Doubles in Jazz (reissue of 8014 & 8016) VRS-8523/24 From Spirituals to Swing ~ VRS-8525 - Jo Jones Plus Two +
  14. MPS day, it seems 😉
  15. Birthday present from a friend. Without knowing it he really hit the nail on the head, as Oscar Peterson was the first jazz artist I ever saw perform live, in Munich, must have been 1970. This new LP reissue sounds really great.
  16. Brooks is on the tracks with Timmons.
  17. Sides 1 & 2 are the original Blue Note LP. Next are the four bonus tracks of the first CD reissue. The five tracks that are new are listed as unissued in the Tom Lord Discogrsphy, not as rejected. That said, what I liked about the CD reissue was that the tracks with Brooks and Timmons were first, then the tracks with Hanna, who gets better sound from the bad upright piano at the Five Spot. This New issues is not in session order as far as I can see.
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