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Beverly Getz

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    New York, New York

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  1. I tested the waters with singing for a while... but it wasn't for me. Hated the business and and life! Didn't enjoy performing. I'm more of a behind the scenes person.
  2. Ohhhhh! OOOPPSIE!! MY BAD! Silly me!
  3. BUT!! Did he.... insert smack, laced suppositories in babies behinds AND.... demand flights on the Concord before it was in existence??!! (hehe!)
  4. Just checked the Verve site for it. It's listed, but the demo tracks are all Billie Holiday. (I'm not complaining... could have been Mr. G! ) J-U-S-T K-I-D-D-I-N-G! (Don't think he's on Verve!) http://www.vervemusicgroup.com/artist/rele...61&aid=2856
  5. Forgot about The Peacocks as well. Jimmy's vocals are WONDERFUL! Plus, with Buster Williams and Elvin Jones... can't go wrong... in my book!
  6. I have those too and there is a staggering amount of great music that didn't get to the official release. Would make a superb boxed set. Can't we get Mosaic on the case? Working on it!
  7. I thought I had included the boxed set... but maybe not! Sure... I like them. To me though... they don't really reflect what Stan's playing was about. They were certainly a part of him, but not predominantly. Of course, they did afford him quite of bit of exposure. Admittedly... I may have a slight "tude" regarding those albums as he was labeled as "selling out" and going "commercial". That wasn't the case. He simply thought the Bossa Nova music was beautiful 'folk' music and wanted to play it the way he heard it. Then it was time to move on! He used to say... "Don't let grass grow under your feet". He wasn't one to stay in one place, musically. Was always looking forward. Yes, Communications '72! I didn't add it as I was asked for my top 5 or 10. I put down way more! Didn't want to be obnoxious!
  8. Forgot about Diz & Getz, too! Love it!
  9. Totally forgot about Voyage! That def should have been on my list! Thanks for reminding me Mr. Jazz!
  10. I knew what you meant JSngry.. and didn't assume you were necessarily referring to me - but even if you were, I can understand why I could be viewed that way. After all... I did pretty much bull moose my way in here all locked and loaded. But seriously.. I don't want to be the SG Rumor Police! I would just like to believe that folks might consider what they put in writing as people can and do get scalded. And I might add, It really isn't my 'job' to live down his reputation! But some stories just cross the line. I'm considering having a tube of Crazy Glue next to my PC to glue my hands together behind me for the next time I see something, somewhere! He played beautiful, that's why he's being discussed. How 'nice' was Beethoven? Bird? Picasso? Can we grow up? Next........ If the discussion had been about "how beautiful his playing was" (or even not beautiful for that matter), this thread wouldn't exist, would it?! Nothing to do with "growing up".
  11. Dude, the "jazz business" these days is "weirder" than it's ever been. Gigs are few and competition is fierce. Power, real power, business power, the kind that can make your life "comfortable" is highly, highly concentrated. "Hurt feelings" of the wrong person can indeed have an adverse effect on bookings & other opportunities, since the power brokers are more aware than ever that they hold all the power. The beauty of the internet is that it greatly democratizes the "ground floor", the getting in the game (and god, I've heard "get back in the game" so much lately on so many different commercials that it's making me ill...), but the reality is that once you want to break out of that "indie" scene, you gotta deal with reality - and that means "political correctness", or at least the jazz version of it. It's a game that most of us here either aren't aware of or have chosen not to play. But if Jim has decided that he needs to work that area in order to best provide for his family, I'll be the first to encourage him to go for it, even if it means changing/losing/whatever the board. A man's family always comes first, and as much as I've enjoyed the "keeping it real" vibe around here, it's a luxury I can easily live without (some perceptions to the contrary, I have a very satisfying life away from the computer ) if it means that the Alfredson, Gloss, & Marsh peoples get to take it to the next level career-wise. Or at least get to try to take it to the next level. Lots of hoops, but... Thanks, Jim. That makes a lot of sense. it just goes to show that, no matter how ugly those of us outside of the jazz business imagine that it might be, those on the inside know that it is uglier still. "The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." ~ Hunter S. Thompson
  12. I knew what you meant JSngry.. and didn't assume you were necessarily referring to me - but even if you were, I can understand why I could be viewed that way. After all... I did pretty much bull moose my way in here all locked and loaded. But seriously.. I don't want to be the SG Rumor Police! I would just like to believe that folks might consider what they put in writing as people can and do get scalded. And I might add, It really isn't my 'job' to live down his reputation! But some stories just cross the line. I'm considering having a tube of Crazy Glue next to my PC to glue my hands together behind me for the next time I see something, somewhere!
  13. Well.. there ya go! Put those hands to work! Nothing like a good massage from the hubby!
  14. Tell me about it!! Presently skin care products need to take a back seat... as right about now.. what I really need is a good neck and shoulder massage since my shoulders have been sitting up by my earlobes for the past few days! LOL!
  15. No! Not me! Nice looking products though! Thanks for the tip!
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