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  1. weren't you like twenty years from being born when "unity" was recorded?
  2. wasn't it well known that woody shaw had retinitis pigmentosa? he was wearing big ass glasses on the covers of his earliest albums.
  3. though perhaps what i perceive as an individual CD for sale was just someone selling particular CDs from their mangelsdorff box. hmmm.
  4. i didn't even know an individual CD existed. but i guess it does. if anyone has one and would like to sell it or trade it, please let me know. thank you.
  5. so the actual albums are definitely going to be sold individually as well?
  6. it has nothing to do with international shipping. i told two US east coasters i did not feel like bothering to go to the post office for them either over one disc. it is a pain in the ass. i don't know what else i can say. i am not running a business, i am just some person trying to sell off most of their CDs.
  7. you are misunderstanding again. i was saying if my initial reason bothered you so much, here is a new reason.
  8. i've sold CDs to probably half the people on this board when i was the fongster or the mom or whatever name(s) i had previously. and only had an issue with, i think, one person. well one and a half. because the post office was to blame the second time. i have even hand delivered CDs to people living nearby (in a snowstorm, no less, one time). i think you misunderstand...i honestly did not want to bother walking over to the post office to mail off one single CD and it had nothing to do with the jazzloft thread. i told a few other board members the same thing, actually, at other times. my point was, i could just have easily not wanted to deal with you based on jazzloft. i can't believe this is even an issue. you are questioning my manhood? jeez.
  9. julie never PMd me by the way. she is a spammer. why do "we" have to be nice to her? i know why people are nice to her. part of the reason i stopped posting here as much. also, felz, i don't think any friendly resolution needs to be decided upon. i stand behind what i said. it is the middle of freaking winter here in new york and trudging to the post office to ship off one CD to another country is not worth the effort. just my opinion. as i said to him privately (get that pete...PRIVATELY), i could probably have just said based on his lengthy jazzloft thread, he was probably someone to avoid dealing with anyway. and in that thread i see he also posted private messages publicly. very cool. all canadians seem to do is complain. though i am basing this only on him and patricia and toronto raptor fans and michael bishop detractors and club super sexe.
  10. how big a getz fan can you be if you "remember sweet rain" and "remember captain marvel a bit"?
  11. deeznuts

    Gary Burton

    "nobody else but me", the getz album, is worth searching for. it is about the best getz i have heard and burton deserves much of the credit. the album is actually a bit tougher than you would expect. simmering...
  12. the lonely avenue/newmanism collectibles 2-fer is excellent. worth searching for, even for those who avoid roy ayers and electric pianos.
  13. up with some edits.
  14. deeznuts

    new mission

    johnny "hammond" smith did a dank version of this song.
  15. sent you a pm back, foosie.
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