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Jim R

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Everything posted by Jim R

  1. Total chaos!
  2. Cyrus Chestnut Gramma Nutt Hazel
  3. Franz Beckenbauer (sweeper) Rip Van Winkle (sleeper) Woody Allen (Sleeper)
  4. I'm not sure what this one is... a european issue? Anyway, it may be some other version of this, which has always been my #1 Ellington favorite (not otherwise mentioned in this thread, unless I missed it): Also love the album with Trane, and although I was never really a huge fan of Ella (at least relative to some of the other great vocalists), I still think that the collaboration with Ellington was by far the best and most re-listenable of her entire "Songbook" series.
  5. A good question, which I've never researched. A quick web search turned up this, which at least gives a rough explanation (find the highlighted text, then scroll): https://books.google.com/books?id=qstIu-I9N-sC&pg=PA182&dq=%22The+Navy+Swings%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwirqKakuaTRAhXjzlQKHdg7ALEQ6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q=%22The%20Navy%20Swings%22&f=false Good old-fashioned sponsorship/advertising, it would seem.
  6. According to the liners (Todd Everett), this material was recorded as part of "The Navy Swings" public service series. Davis and Brice were part of her touring group at the time. Everett also states: "...Hanna was a ringer for the session, but a man who on numerous occasions would relax his usual reluctance to accompany singers. Sarah was such an exception."
  7. That's how I got started listening to Bostic, buying 78's at flea markets in the early 80's. "The Song Is Ended" was my favorite side. I ended up getting these later, which have been enough for me (although I could see myself adding more at some point):
  8. 100%. The "dramatic" ending didn't make it obvious?! Surprised that some of you don't seem to remember "DEEP".
  9. Lulu Sulu Chekov
  10. Was growing a bit tired of this... So I just switched to this...
  11. 1964, with Herman Foster, Earl May, Bruno Carr, and Ray Barretto. I don't own a turntable anymore, but I'm listening to a rip of this, which I just stumbled upon. Not only had I never heard this album before (despite having a large Donaldson collection), I don't have any recollection of seeing this LP (or even the cover image) before. I must have, but I just don't recognize it at all (seems like Argo albums tend to fly under the media radar, so I'm not as surprised). Anyway, I do remember being aware of the title, but that's it. Must have heard about it and forgot about it. It was never released on CD as far as I know, but it's certainly worthy. Loving "Poinciana", "Skylark", and Lou's solo on "People Will Say We're In Love" is a highlight for me.
  12. Another recent interview, with some good content:
  13. Jim R

    Curtis Fuller

    In addition to the Blue Notes, Prestiges, Savoys, Impulses, etc, there were also the Epics, which I would recommend. https://www.discogs.com/Curtis-Fuller-South-American-Cookin-The-Magnificent-Trombone-Of-Curtis-Fuller/release/5750720
  14. David Friesen Yo Yo Ma Ludwig Aschoff
  15. Matt Stairs Chet McCracken Willie T. Ribbs
  16. I think they call them "gymnasts" now.
  17. I'm on a Mac. I went to the Tumblr page, control-clicked on the image in question (opened it in another tab), and got the URL to paste in here. My resulting image seemed slightly smaller than mjzee's, which made me wonder whether he had gotten his image elsewhere.
  18. Good interview, but sort of watered down for the masses in terms of the questions presented. I'm not sure I learned anything I didn't already know, but seeing KB get that kind of exposure can never be a bad thing.
  19. Uh, yeah. I got that. What was the point of posting it here, though? To demonstrate the sound of a cello (albeit a good one, being used by a good player) in a hotel room? And not only was there no music involved, there was pretty much one note being bowed for several minutes. Pretty oddly specific demonstration, which I'm not sure anyone here can apply to anything, and pretty boring to watch (ymmv). So I was just wondering... why that video, here? Certainly on-topic in terms of involving a cello and a cellist, but... ?? Had not seen those for a long time. Thanks for the reminder, page.
  20. ? I'm not sure I understand the point here.
  21. This also includes a piano, but still... I find it to be pretty near perfect:
  22. I'm in. ALL in. I've dreamed about owning a cello for decades, I just know that I'm better off sticking with what I already know, which has so much in common with a cello (they also talk about the tenor sax being in that same range with regard to sound production... hmm). I ran across this not long ago, and was very glad that I did. Made me vibrate significantly:
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