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Jim R

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Everything posted by Jim R

  1. I swear to God, I was just returning here to post the exact same thoughts. This may help us to solve some of the remaining mysteries. After reconsidering my earlier comments about who was involved on #8, I now think I have the answer (I don't own this recordiing, but I'm pretty confident that this is it: #8... Click ========== [sept. 1st edit]: I'm leaving the above link alone (although it was later shown to be incorrect), just to avoid any confusion...
  2. So, can we assume that this beverage affected his mind in some significant way?
  3. Looks like Paul Horn.
  4. This has been bugging me all afternoon. This track (and the tenor player) sounds familiar, but I can't seem to come up with any other ideas. One thing I'm wondering is whether the tenor player was actually the leader of the session. For example, if it's Jimmy Heath, he didn't record as a leader until 1960, and I'm inclined to agree that this was recorded in the 50's. Heath recorded several times in 1953 as a sideman- with Miles, JJ, and Kenny Dorham... but I can't recall any tenor (quartet) features from those dates. The other names Jim has mentioned haven't led me anywhere either, although I don't go very deep with Wardell, for example. So far we're a pretty small group here, eh? I hope more folks will weigh in soon...
  5. You know, that's still puzzling me. Could RT have paid Tony off?
  6. Dan, here's my 2 cents. Obviously this is working differently from the original (Downbeat, interview, time limit, etc) concept, but that's because this is a different situation. It's a process, the way we're going about it. Needless to say, we're a lot more likely to be stumped initially (first spin, first post). In that sense, we can all admit to our limitations (akin to someone being stumped, with nowhere to go, in an interview situation) in terms of answering these questions "on the spot". However, I happen to enjoy the challenge of brainstorming/searching/sleuthing/etc., even if it means using recordings as an aid, and trying to reach the goal before Tony raises the curtain. BTW, I really don't know if we can figure them ALL out, even by helping each other...
  7. The thing about #4 is, even if you DID recognize the soloists right away, you could still very easily (and justifiably) be stumped as to what it was... right? BTW, I don't think we're likely to see much going on in this little game that's going to merit using the term "dishonor" with regard to someone's inability to ID something... unless of course somebody takes a track from Quartet Out, and Jim fails to recognize it.
  8. Okay, I wouldn't have gotten this without the help of one of JS's comments above, so he gets most of the credit. I used the Ellington quote at the beginning as a clue, and did a little web hunting, and... viola... (I'm still not 100% sure of the track name, but that's because of the common labeling errors on websites listing real audio clips). #6... Click #'s 5 and 11 are REALLY starting to BUG me.
  9. Hey Dan- I think that website was partially incorrect- #9 was actually recorded in '68 or '69, not '73, so... As far as the "open book" question, I think it's up to each individual. I like to try to figure things out initially without turning to my collection for help, but at some point I'm going to give in and use what's at my disposal (even Google). It still takes some knowledge and experience to narrow things down, so I don't see it as cheating.
  10. Good idea, R.T. #2... Click #4... Click #9... Click
  11. Dan, I see your point, to a degree. I think that we should identify tracks that we know (100%) eventually (before Tony gives the answers), but I also think that it could make the whole thing a lot less fun if too many of the tracks are identified early in the game (hell- pryan doesn't even have his disc yet). In my case, there are a few that I feel like I might figure out over the next few days, and I am looking forward to the challenge. If somebody had already ID'd them for certain, it would have taken some of the fun out of the game for me. I think we should give it a little time, for those who are in a position to figure out some of the details for certain tracks within a few days or so. Just my opinion- I know some people (my wife, for example) who hate it when somebody withholds info for the sake of a guessing game... Also, it may be controversial in some ways, but I kind of like the idea of people giving clues instead of the actual answer when they have one nailed (as JS and I did on #4).
  12. Got my disc today (Saturday), and after a full day of activities, I'm just getting a chance to spin this sucker. First of all, this is FUN. Thanks Tony, and Dan. I was expecting this to be pretty frustrating, but I'm finding that even the things that are completely stumping me are not really "frustrating" me. Actually, the most frustrating thing is hearing something that's very familiar, and I know I OWN it, but I can't quite put my finger on it. 1. Despite the fact that I'm a longtime jazz guitar enthusiast, this is a little "before my time" in terms of the scope of my serious interest. This track struck me as almost "country" in style and rhythm... somewhat rural sounding at times. Then again, there's some pretty hip shit going on here too in terms of chords and technique, which I'm sure must have been an eye-opener for a lot of budding guitarists of the day. At any rate, I'm going to bail, rather than taking a shot in the dark on this. 2. I'm about 98% sure I know this one, so I won't comment. 3. I feel like I'm very warm here (pretty sure I own this), but I'm doubting myself somehow about who this is. Will need to listen again tomorrow... 4. Recognized this recording immediately. One of my favorite "I wish I could play that" tunes. OLD song given a new (at the time) twist. A fairly obscure recording including some pretty well-known (tongue planted firmly in cheek) soloists. No further comment. 5. That's a saxophone. DUH! Was this supposed to be HARD? But seriously, I LIKE... but I'm stumped right now. This one may fall into the "Wow- I need to get this" category (if I don't have it already... ). 6. Very VERY nice. I can't identify it, but for some reason I feel compelled to guess that it's Jaki Byard (just a wild guess). 7. I dug this one too. Timeless quality to the sound (has an "authentic" 60's feel, but I couldn't swear it dates to the 60's). Right now my brain is simply saying "Move on- it's getting late". 8. I am SO tempted to go to Google. I don't think I own this, and in fact I own very little in the way of violin battles. Stuff? and...? I don't think Stephane was involved here... Ray Nance? I dunno! 9. Instant recognition. I'm a virtual completeist when it comes to this guitarist. 10. No clue, really. Very nice writing. 11. Damn... I'm sure I'm going to kick myself on this one. The tenor sounds like Joe H... and... my brain hurts. 12. ... no idea... 13. Pretty tune... don't know the soprano player... guitarist sounds Methenyesque in terms of sound... out of my realm, frankly... 14. I too recognized the tune as Little Rootie Tootie, but I'm stumped on the pianist. I didn't really like the way the head was handled that much, but the piano solo was invigorating. ======== [Edit] Wow, that post took me awhile. I actually started it before Jim had posted!
  13. This is interesting. Up until I saw this thread, I was unaware that Sergio had even recorded that song! Haven't seen that movie, either. I don't yet (although I'm still planning to remedy the situation) own much by the popular Sergio Mendes (Brazil 66, 77, etc). I do have several CD's from before '66, including his "Bossa Rio" work on Elenco and Philips, and also "Brazil '65". Anyway, up to now I had assumed that everybody associated that song with the Tamba Trio, who had a hit with it in Brazil, circa 1963. This was the version that was used for the (Nike?) ads during the '98 World Cup. Also, I always knew it as "Mas Que Nada". Even though a little language research seems to suggest that it perhaps should be "Mais", I have about a dozen Brazilian versions of the song, and it's always listed as "Mas". At any rate, if you really dig this tune, you might want to check out the Tamba Trio's classic version (it was written by Jorge Ben, BTW).
  14. Selected works, 1955 - 1964 Kenny Clarke- Bohemia After Dark Savoy Cannonball Adderley- The Adderleys (Cannonball & Nat) Savoy Cannonball Adderley- Julian "Cannonball" Adderley Emarcy Sarah Vaughan- In The Land Of Hi Fi Emarcy Cannonball Adderley- Presenting Cannonball Savoy Nat Adderley- Introducing Nat Adderley Verve (Emarcy) Cannonball Adderley- Cannonball Adderley And Strings / Jump For Joy Emarcy Dinah Washington- In The Land Of Hi Fi Emarcy Cannonball Adderley- Julian "Cannonball" Adderley In The Land Of Hi Fi Emarcy Cannonball Adderley- Sophisticated Swing: The Emarcy Small Group Sessions Emarcy Louis Smith- Here Comes Louis Smith Blue Note Cannonball Adderley / Miles Davis- Somethin' Else Blue Note Miles Davis- Milestones Columbia Gil Evans- New Bottle, Old Wine World Pacific Miles Davis- Four Play JMY Cannonball Adderley- Portrait of Cannonball Riverside Miles Davis- Miles At Newport Columbia Cannonball Adderley- Alabama Concierto Riverside Miles Davis- Allstars Live In 1958,59 Featuring John Coltrane Jazz Band Miles Davis- Jazz At The Plaza,Vol. 1 Columbia Jon Hendricks- A Good Git Together World Pacific Cannonball Adderley- Things Are Getting Better Riverside Kenny Dorham- Blue Spring Riverside Cannonball Adderley- Quintet in Chicago Verve (Emarcy) Paul Chambers- GO Blue Moon (Vee Jay) Miles Davis- Kind Of Blue Columbia Cannonball Adderley- Cannonball Takes Charge Riverside Cannonball Adderley- Quintet In San Francisco Riverside Jimmy Heath- Really Big Riverside Cannonball Adderley- Them Dirty Blues Riverside Cannonball Adderley- Cannonball Adderley and the Pollwinners Riverside Nat Adderley- That's Right! Riverside Cannonball Adderley- Quintet At The Lighthouse Riverside Cannonball Adderley- What Is This Thing Called Soul Pablo Cannonball Adderley- Know What I Mean? Riverside Cannonball Adderley- Quintet Plus Riverside Nancy Wilson / Cannonball Adderley- Nancy Wilson & Cannonball Adderley Capitol Cannonball Adderley- Cannonball's Bossa Nova Riverside Cannonball Adderley / Eddie Vinson- Cleanhead & Cannonball Landmark Cannonball Adderley- Fiddler On The Roof Capitol
  15. I guess they just mean that it stands out in terms of its relatively unusual instrumentation. Whatever. The current CD issue of this material is a twofer, in which SOUL SISTER is paired with TRAVELIN' LIGHT, which DOES include a guitarist (one Kenny Burrell, in FINE form). I'm a huge Lem fan as well, so I'm recommending this twofer!
  16. I should have known... the problem lay with my search technique, not with the ALMIGHTY (everybody bow) Googs. B) That's our man JH, alright. Thanks couw, now I'll get a decent night's sleep tonight after all.
  17. Jim, that was the Nina Simone rec I was referring to. Now that you've recalled the tune, I now recall the ad (I think). It was for Chanel #5, I believe, and I just remember a very chic, Beverly Hillsish swimming pool and a couple of well-tanned models in white swimsuits. I tried Googling the Mazola ad (of course, even knowing you had likely already done so), but so far nothing. BTW,what is up with THAT? A GOOGLE failure?!? Maybe I should blame our pitiful culture... actually DISPOSING of something as valuable as a Hendricks jingle- even if it was from an ad for corn oil. Anyway, somewhere in the deepest recesses of the cold storage area of what I'll refer to as my "brain", I know that more lyrics from that jingle may very well exist. The "no..choLESterOL at alllll" line resonated with me somehow...
  18. Interesting topic. It always catches me off guard when I hear these things on commercials, and I often have trouble remembering what was being advertised (especially if I only see the ad once). I remember hearing Sarah Vaughan's "Key Largo" a couple of years back, and a few years before that there was a perfume ad that featured a vintage Nina Simone recording (I forget the title of the song now). Also, 25+ years after the fact, I still can't get over hearing AND seeing Son Seals in a Colt 45 Malt Liquor ad. Oh, and speaking of blues music in advertisements, do those Kraft macaroni and cheese ads drive anybody else up the wall?
  19. Selected works as a sideman (some already mentioned, Horace Silver sessions omitted): Cannonball Adderley- Portrait of Cannonball Riverside Tina Brooks- Back To The Tracks Blue Note Lou Donaldson- Quartet / Quintet / Sextet Blue Note Lou Donaldson- The Time Is Right Blue Note Red Garland- Red's Good Groove Jazzland Dexter Gordon- True Blue Xanadu Johnny Griffin- The Little Giant Riverside Elmo Hope- The All Star Sessions Milestone Philly Joe Jones- Drum Songs (Advance / Drum Song) Milestone (Galaxy) Les McCann- Les McCann Ltd. : In New York Pacific Jazz Jackie McLean- Jackie's Bag Blue Note Jackie McLean- Capuchin Swing Blue Note Hank Mobley- Hi Voltage Blue Note Freddie Roach- Good Move! Blue Note Sonny Red (Kyner)- Breezing Jazzland Sonny Red (Kyner)- Images Jazzland Jimmy Smith- Open House / Plain Talk Blue Note Bobby Timmons- Soul Time Riverside Stanley Turrentine- A Chip Off The Old Block Blue Note Stanley Turrentine- In Memory Of Blue Note Stanley Turrentine- Rough 'N Tumble Blue Note Stanley Turrentine- The Spoiler Blue Note Harold Vick- Steppin' Out Blue Note Cedar Walton- Spectrum / (The Electric Boogaloo Song) Prestige
  20. Loud & Clear, my man. As always, you express yourself better than the average person (now THERE is an example of understatement). I hear you, I'm with you (well, in spirit at least), and I'm thankful for the fact that I can take a shot at you for a cheap laugh (at least here at my desk there was a little laughter), knowing that you'll deal with it very nicely and without any serious trauma.
  21. Well, guys... I think we've finally lost him. Let me give this one more try... JIM, THIS IS HOUSTON... DO YOU READ?...
  22. BN 1551- My first BN LP, and still probably my favorite cover.
  23. Excuse me everyone, but my "Jim" pride is swelling... Can't you just feel it?
  24. BTW, could it be that there's something special about this thread for people named "Jim"? Something that can never be explained? And could Swinging Swede's real name be Jim? Just wondering...
  25. Oh my... do we really dare have a laugh at the expense of Muzzy Marcellino, THE Muzzy Marcellino, musical director of Art Linkletter's (THE Art Linkletter's) "House Party" (not to be confused with Jimmy Smith's of course)?... (and just how good can YOU whistle, Mr. Sangrey? ) Also, could this Muzzy be the same Muzzy as the Muzzy I had heard about before (before hearing about this Muzzy?) (Hey- I know nobody cares, but look at the pretty pictures anyway... in fact, check out the rest of this chic site): Museum of Musical Instruments- Muzzy M. Super 400
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