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Everything posted by carnivore

  1. I'm knocked out by the sound quality - I've been listening to the Deccas for more than 50 years - from every kind of source but I'm hearing details now that I've never heard before. A drum figure here - a previously unnoticed sax passage there - Also the 'textures' of the soloists' sounds is remarkable and a new experience.. It's the best I've ever heard Herschel Evans who really gains stature on this set. Loren's notes are excellent.
  2. Lloyd George My Father Lloyd George
  3. Ace Cannon Spade Cooley Digger Dawson
  4. Everyman The Man on the Clapham Omnibus Joe Soap
  5. Eddie Miller Nelson Eddy Ed Leddy
  6. Conrad Black Cilla Black Scylla and Charybdis
  7. Eddie Barefield Jayne Meadows Hugh Paddick
  8. Shoeless Joe from Hannibal Mo Larry Curly
  9. Childe Harold Harold Lloyd Lloyd George (Who knew my father)
  10. Shorts McConnell Frankie 'Halfpint' Jaxon Buddy Petit
  11. Wilson Keppel Betty
  12. Willis Comb-over Johnny Wiggs Charlie Barnet
  13. Big Tea Harry Horlick Milo Minderbinder
  14. The Dark Lady Dusky Maiden La Negresse en Chemise
  15. Hyder Ali Wally Heider La Wally
  16. Rudy Vallee Gully Jimson Froggy Bottom
  17. Mike Nock H Rap Brown Taps Miller
  18. Dan Minor John Major Lydia the Tattooed Lady
  19. Jackson Hole Veronica Lake Lily Pons
  20. Molly Panter Downes Shorts McConnell Jockey Lee
  21. Nancy Whiskey Kurt Lagerfeld Blind Willie Dunn's Gin Bottle Four
  22. Freddie Ayer Freddie Green Fat Freddie's Cat
  23. Thanks for the Boogie Ride - Gene Krupa Thanks - Bing Crosby Than ks for the Memory - Bob Hope Thanks a Million - Dick Powell Thankyou for all those cards and letters, you folks in television land - Stan Freberg next: Regret
  24. Bryant Marriot The Ritz Brothers George V
  25. When You Go Huntin' I'm Goin' Fishin' - George Williams I'm Gonna Go Fishing - Duke Ellington Gone Fishing -Louis Armstrong & Bing Crosby Pedro the Fisherman - Peter Dawson Fishin' in the Dark - Memphis Jug Band Next: Cottage
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