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About Gheorghe

  • Birthday 12/14/1959

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    1) Playing music. 2) Freshwater-Fishing

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  1. I love it ! And Sonny Sharock is doing a great job here.
  2. oh what a line up ! Dannie is one of my earliest favourites, saw him 3 times with Mingus, later with others Yesterday: Like them both, but the Cliff Jordon-John Gilmore session does not have such a good recording sound like the Griffin album. I don´t know what was wrong with RVG on that day, since Horace Silver´s piano sounds outright tinny. That´s not RVG´s famous piano sound.....
  3. I never saw Duke Jordan, maybe he did not travel Austria or România, my two options. But I don´t have this LP. But if you are hip to Stitt-Ammons I think I had bought something in my youth that was Stitt-Ammons live at Birdland, a broadcast or something, maybe a Bob Rose off the air recording, and it also had Art Blakey, maybe Gene Ramey on bass and for sure Tadd Dameron on piano, I remember this because Tadd has such a fine piano style. It must have been two extended standards. Maybe "The way you look tonight" and another of that kind of songs..... Maybe this is from those huge collection Boris Rose made ? Broadcast and so on. But I am sure that the cover photo of Bud is not from that time. I assume it is from the Raymond Ross shootings from Bud´s last session in his live, for Bernhard Stollman´s ESP label. Those Milestone albums were a gas. They had a leading role when I was at high school. From Ron Carter I only have "Parade" which I love. Is Patrău (I can´t type that "A" with that line above it, I have romanian tastatura) similar. I mean I love "Parade" since it has great players on it......there was a slow waltz on it, that even my mother in law liked !
  4. Nice old stuff. But I must prefer I like more his later work. But.....the drummer here is very very fine. Ayler still sounds a bit like Rollins.
  5. how beautiful !
  6. This reads very interesting, is that record on sale ?
  7. I remember I heard "There is no bizness like showbizness". What a great version !
  8. wow, would not have recognized him. Really weird. But I must admit I never heard him on else occasions than with Blakey. It seems that he didn´t have so much luck after leaving Blakey
  9. I miss him too. The absurd thing is, I live in the same town (Vienna) but don´t know more about him than his postings here. I don´t know his last name, I don´t know in what part of the town he lives, I never saw him personally. Hope he is well. About callin´somebody asshole or say that he sais bullshit.......so what ? If Miles told things he often didn´t mean it like that. I know about cultural differențies but Viena is an amalgam of so many ethnies, like let´s say New York or Miami. So meet all kind of guys and learn each other from culture, food and so on.... I wouldn´t turn my back if somebody here might say I said bullshit. But on the other hand, I am a musician and that´s also a difference. We not so careful. How said Blakey "If you do a mistake, do it LOUD".....
  10. The very best of early Bud Powell. I prefer this to all studio dates
  11. cant read the title of the album of Pharoah Sanders.
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