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Big Al

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Everything posted by Big Al

  1. WOW!!! Go get this! In-friggin-CREDIBLE!!! Just finished listening to this, and there is just so much GOOD on this album! It sure doesn't hurt having Jodie Christian in the piano chair; his soulful backing is just as sweet here as it is on all those Eddie Harris records. What to make of Sam Thomas? Was he ever heard from again? His guitar-playing is so wonderfully Monk-ish, playing behind the beat & all. But the MAJOR props gotta go to Klemmer. He just tore it UP on "Will 'n Jug." YOW! Sounded like he was having his own tenor battle against himself there for a while! Highly HEAVILY recommended!!!
  2. This is one I've been kicking myself abuot trading away ages ago. Obviously, it's been awhile since I've listened to it, but I do remember "I Got Rhythm." If ever there was just ONE piece on how a saxophone should be played, this is it! Not one note wasted, a pure command and confidence unlike anything else. Man, if I ever see this one again.....
  3. I recently picked up Gerry Mulligan Meets Johnny Hodges (which is uniformly excellent; better than anything on the Hodges Mosaic (which I love, BTW!), IMHO!); this led me to get GM Meets Ben Webster, and I think I can say I've finally seen the light. So much so I'm gonna start saving up for the Concert Jazz Band Mosaic. Funny thing is, it's not that I've never liked Mulligan. I've heard some of his tunes on KNTU and been blown away by 'em, but not enough to actually seek out the album or CD. Anyway, the bug's bit me, and off I go, deeper into debt.
  4. Congratulations, Tony and family!!! I've got a 7-year old, and I can tell you that every day has been a treasure. Even the bad days; I'd rather have a bad day with him than a good day without him!
  5. I have to confess that I finally heard Jimmy Smith's "Back at the Chicken Shack" on the radio the other day. (No, I don't have the CD yet: I'm holding out for the eventual RVG! I hope!) I'm so ashamed. That's like the golden goblet o' greeeaze, and I've been passing it up all these years. Heard it in the car; turned the engine off and slid all the way to my destination!
  6. Juan Gonzales: I'd rather play for a contender; I enjoy being pushed to greater heights. Bud Selig: Y'know, having the Texas Rangers in the AL West doesn't make ANY sense. Roger Clemens: Of course I was kidding; I've always wanted my Red Sox uniform in the Hall of Fame. (uhhhh, that last one made me shudder. Sorry 'bout that!) Me: Go Yankees! (except for when they play the Red Sox. Then I'm all pinstripes! )
  7. Dubya: new-klee-rrr (sound it out)
  8. Just wanted to thank you for posting this coupon. I was able to get the Billy Mitchell disc, the Mulligan/Hodges disc, the new Harry Potter book (at 40% off) for my daughter, and HP & Chambers of Secrets paperback for my son. Total: roughly $46!!! So, thanks again!
  9. I noticed that, too! Maybe it's a Detroit thing. A great album indeed! I bought it at Borders after reading you guys raving about. I thank you, and my wallet hates you, as usual.
  10. I've been chomping at the bit to get this week here. This record absolutely COOKS!!! Wall to wall GREEEEEEEAZE!!! Even on the spiritual cuts. I got this the day I drove to Austin, and I'm tellin' ya, this is one great cruisin' record! The ballads let me take a breather, but on the real cookers, like "I'll Fly Away" and the title track, I was bouncin' all over the car--and the highway! Also wanna mention "Smooth Sailing" and "Blue Greens and Beans" because they are good, greeeeeazy cookers as well! I'm glad this one was the winner! I'm with Dan: this would make for a GREAT Mosaic Select!
  11. What DrJ and B3-er said. RIP, and thank you.
  12. Bud Powell. I've had Time Waits for a few years now, and even that was bought because it has Sam Jones on it. Saturday, while driving around, KNTU played something by Bud, but failed to say which tune it was. It sounded like a quintet number with Sonny & Fats. It's still ringing in my ears, and I intend to get both CDs of The Amazing Bud Powell, and hopefully Bud! as well!
  13. Truth be told, I always thought it was Blakey! This is just as good!
  14. Yeaaaah Rooster!!! That's precisely what I was thinking. My feeling is that all three CDs could be open for discussion (Nefertiti, Sorcerer, and the first three tracks on the Water Babies CD); that if someone was without any of these discs, they can all be easily and cheaply purchased. Those who own the box could also chime in with comments about all the extras only on the box (to get others to get this box; hey, it was my first jazz box that I ever bought! Worth every penny, too!) I'm glad most everyone likes the idea, and thanks for (so far) not making me have to choose one or the other!
  15. I know I haven't been nominated (yet!), but I've been trying to decide which of these albums to talk about should that time ever come. I like both of these albums equally, and I thought it might be nice to talk about both of them simultaneously for the following reasons: 1. Same lineup 2. Recorded at the same time (May-June 1967) 3. Interchangeable, as far as the music goes. But if you all would rather we do only one, that's fine with me. Whatever the poll decides is what my pick will be. The poll ends at the end of this week! Thanks in advance!
  16. Please! Don't bother the artistes while we are working! The label is Concord, but the website doesn't give any info.
  17. Just to reiterate, in case y'all haven't figured out, Al and I.... I mean JIM and I are old buddies. Well, I'm not old, but you get the idea! I wonder why this session has been sitting around for the last three years? (Again, assuming that CD Universe is correct!)
  18. MOLTEN SWING, of course, is that lost great KB album that was left unissued for several years before ALMOST being lost in a great CTI warehouse fire. It was originally to be titled Kenny Burrell Plays the Hits of Stan Freberg, but was renamed after the tapes apparently had melted together, hence the title. The lineup, oddly enough, is the same as that on Blue Muse, and many have speculated (well, I have anyway) that this reunion is a way to recreate some of that magic that was supposedly lost in the great fire. Bad enough for ya?
  19. An e-mail from Borders announced pre-orders for this. Anyone have any info on it, like a personnel list or something? The Borders "review" indicated it was similar to Midnight Blue. I wonder if that means he's goin' piano-less again? I can only hope!
  20. I can't WAIT for this one!!! Wheeeeeee!
  21. Abso-fucking-lutely ridiculous! Oh, the kids will definitely learn something from this, as Cali clearly pointed out!
  22. I don't care which one wins: it's all so good! Great selection, Dan!
  23. Great choice, catesta! I've never heard this one; this oughta make for a fun AOTW!
  24. My curiosity is satisfied, and I'm wanting to sell it to anyone else curious. $15.00 postage paid, PayPal or checks from known board members. If anyone wants to trade for this, I'd like to get the remastered III and Presence in return. E-mail works best: acrearick@hotmail.com Thanks.
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