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Everything posted by Big Al
What Jim R said. Gonna spin 3 Sounds At The It Club tonight for ya!
I have GOT to get that LIVE! album, PRONTO!!!
Fantasyjazz.com lists a new recording by Red Holloway, Coast to Coast. Check out THIS lineup: Red Holloway - tenor, alto, & vocals on a track called "Million Dollar Secret" Frank Wess - tenor Dr. Lonnie Smith - organ Melvin Sparks (THE MAAAAN!!!) - guitar Paul Humphrey - drums Street date is 9/23. Wonder if it's gonna be as good (& greeeeazy) as Red & Plas Johnson's Keep That Groove Goin'? Well, if the sound samples are any indication........ mmmm mmmm MMMMMMMMMMM!!!!
Big greeeeeazy congrats to you and the family! Anyone know where I can pick up a baby gift, like a mini-B3 for the kid, or a toy alto? Fatherhood is the most enjoyable roller-coaster you'll ever ride! (I like what Chuck said. In fact, it sounded like it could've been written by own dad (also named Chuck, ironically) about me (33) and my sister (31). I guess that's the sign of a good father: he never stops worrying)
Wow, seven pages of greeeeaze! Thanks to all of you for helping stretch this happy little thread longer than the one at the BN Bored. A coupla chunks o' greeeeaze I found today: Road Tested - McGriff & Crawford. YOW! These guys lay it on thick & heavy with "Pretty" Purdie on the skins. Guaranteed artery-clogger from start to finish! Brotherly Love - Jack McDuff. Brother Jack's final recording is a bittersweet piece o' bacon. Haven't had a chance to listen to the whole thing yet, but the duet between Jack & Joey DeFrancesco on the hard-drivin' "Rock Candy" is worth the price of admission alone. Besides, you can't go wrong with an album with a song called "Pork Chops & Pasta" on it!!!
Yesh, definitely get the box. I'll also second the nomination of the collection of albums that feature Coltrane in the Red Garland Quintet (mentioned elsewhere in this thread, which is pretty much all of them anyway; so like I said, get the box!) And as a sidebar, don't Red just tear it UP for the first few minutes of "Sweet Sapphire Blues?" Block-chord heaven, my friends!
DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN what I wouldn't give to be at LSU this weekend!
scottb: I got your PM, but I guess the PM server's gone down again. DON'T SEND THE DISC YET until I give you my new address. I think you have my old work address, cuz I believe that's where you send the last RB disc. Hopefully, the PM service will be up and running tonight and I can send you my new address.
Waiting for the Boogaloo Sisters... RELEASED!
Big Al replied to Jim Alfredson's topic in organissimo - The Band Discussion
I'd no sooner received the e-mail when I placed my order. Hey, those coulda flown out the door by tonight, and I didn't want to miss out AGAIN!!! I can't wait!!! -
You all got this one, I presume? Alright!!!! I finally get to play!
I am so ashamed. DOWN HOME STYLE was the first truly greeeeeazy album I ever heard (and in fact was one of the inspirations for the original thread at the BN Bored), and I let this thread go SIX pages before someone else brought it up. Big UPS to Peter for mentioning it. Much as I love down-home grit of tunes like “Electric Surfboard” and “It’s All a Joke,” I really dig “Memphis in June.” It just sounds like the kind of tune you’d hear during the 7th inning stretch at Wrigley Field. Then there’s the baaaaad-ass cover of “Groovin’” and the slow-burnin’ “As She Walked Away” (with the wicked “Eleanor Rigby” quote thrown in for no real reason, just to see if you’re paying attention). And then, of course, there’s the cover: a setting so greeeeeeazy it clogs the arteries just lookin’ at it! Thanks for the RB update, Scott. I was spinnin' BLACK, BLUE, & BAMBOO all day yesterday! I'm lookin' forward to hearing the new disc! Man, between getting that and the Organissimo disc, I'll be in deep-fried heaven!
Waiting for the Boogaloo Sisters... RELEASED!
Big Al replied to Jim Alfredson's topic in organissimo - The Band Discussion
That's cool. I put my name on the e-mail list to notify me when they've been restocked. -
Waiting for the Boogaloo Sisters... RELEASED!
Big Al replied to Jim Alfredson's topic in organissimo - The Band Discussion
CDBaby says they're out!!! Maaaaaaan! Just when I finally get my act together to place an order and they're OUT!!! (where's that crybaby smilie when ya need it?) Any idea when they'll be restocked? -
Scott, I just sent you a PM!!! I gotta hear this!!!
"Miss? Miss? Mi.... LUCY!!!!"
Universal Music to Cut CD Prices to Under $13
Big Al replied to Claude's topic in Miscellaneous Music
Damn straight! -
Bringing this thread back up because no one's mentioned WORKS FOR ME yet. I recently checked this out (after discovering Billy Higgins is on it), and I have to say that--me not being all that familiar with Sco's music--this sucker blew me away!!! Higgins is awesome, of course, but the rest of that band: this is my first real exposure not only to Sco, but also Brad Mehldau as well! (Edit: after further searching, I discovered that not a lot of people liked this record. Wonder why? It wouldn't be the first time I'm in the minority where music is concerned, but I really dug this album!) So now I'm checking out song clips, and so far I like what I've heard where A GO-GO is concerned. Any of his other recent works to recommend?
I've seen it "used" around here off and on. I'll keep an eye out for them for ya. That Begin the Beguine set on Bluebird is sublime. And the liner notes are pretty good, too.
SWEET!!! Yes oh YES I am interested in getting a copy! Looking forward to hearing this. Folks, if you haven't heard their greeeeazy little treat called Black, Blue, and Bamboo, get it now to whet your appetite. Especially anyone who was wondering what else sounds like Brother Jack's Moon Rappin'!
Anyone notice how the opening bass riff of "Black Market" sounds a lot like the repetitive riff used on Match Game?
Hey! Same here!!! I remember thinking the same thing before I finally understood what Ornette's music was all about. Sad to say, there's a lot of records I passed up because I saw Higgins name on it and thought, "Huh, free jazz" and kept on walking. What a fool I was! (Needless to say, I enjoy Ornette's music much more than I did then, and a lot of it has to do with Billy Higgins!)
MODE FOR JOE, the CJB Mosaic, the Burrell Christmas album, among others!
Since starting this thread, I've been on something of a Higgins binge lately. A man could quickly go broke scouring up a bunch of his records: the man was EVERYWHERE!!! One thing I've noticed, not only on Morgan's records but others as well, is just how in-tune Higgins is with each player. Like he's playing an endless game of "cat and mouse" with each soloist, each rimshot complementing the soloists riffs. I'm thinking of his work on BRING IT ON HOME TO ME (Blue Mitchell). Even on less celebrated dates, he always gave it his all and sounded as if he was enjoying every second of it (Don Wilkerson's PREACH BROTHER, f'rinstance.) And talk about soul-mates: how about all his work with Butch Warren? Man, now THERE was a telepathic pairing if there ever was one!
I got this from the Port Authority's press release: Emphasis mine. I can only hope.
What else sounds good listening thru the headphones? Lately, I've been diggin' the subtleties of MYSTERIOUS TRAVELLER and TALE SPINNIN (the slow songs, not the mind-blowing groove salvos scattered elsewhere on the albums!). I'm sure there are others, some I probably have, but none that immediately come to mind. Except IN A SILENT WAY, the whole sessions. Man, what a trip THAT is!