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Big Al

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Everything posted by Big Al

  1. Man, that's why I love jazz: made by people who love the music and each other. As always guys, thanks for "keepin' it greeeeazy!!!"
  2. Y'know, this happened to me with the recent reissue of IbMePdErRoIoAmL. I'd never really liked it before, then picked up the recent issue for the extra tracks, and ended up enjoying it more than ever before. Guess I'll pick this up when I Get Happy!!!
  3. SEK PM'd me to say that he had been originally nominated but as he didn't get the PM until this weekend, he elected me to carry this week's AOW, and he will take the AOW next week (10/5 - 10/11). I'll start a new thread about this shortly! Thanks SEK!
  4. I dunno.... I've been listening to YO, and it strikes me as the kind of thing Macero was handed along with the instructions: "Here, make some sense of this and splice it together best you can" from Miles himself. There's some nice moments, but it drags in a lot of places. MAN how it drags!!! ST on the other hand, while I've only heard the samples from the page referenced in this thread, seems more concise by comparison. Whether or not it would hold my interest for an entire album, I don't know.
  5. Would anyone be up to discussing Big John Patton's Got a Good Thing Goin' this week? IMHO, it's Patton & Green at their most fiery!
  6. Originally hadn't planned on replacing my Rykodisc of Get Happy, but I've heard nothing but good reviews about the second disc of the Rhino reissue, so it looks like it'll be worth the upgrade. I'm happy there's been good talk about Trust, but that was one I could never get into. Personally, I think it's half of a good album, with the strong tracks ("Clubland," "Watch Your Step," and "New Lace Sleeves") being outstanding favorites. But the rest of it just never grabbed me. I'm also with Mike, that Painted from Memory is one of the finest pop albums of the last twenty-five years, if not more. That one still moves me.
  7. If no one else has been nominated, I've got a couple I'd love to discuss. Some greeeeaze to make up for my last AOW choice!
  8. Majority of votes for all the titles.... fat lotta help y'all are! But I kinda expected it. I imagine at some point I'll get 'em all; right now I just wanna take 'em a little at a time, digest 'em all slowly, y'know? I like the idea of getting 'em chronologically. Seriously, thanks for the recs. You guys are always a great help!
  9. Borders has the most recent reissues on sale for $7.99, and they may even have them all on sale for that price. But for me, a little Monk can go a long way. I specifically did NOT include Criss Cross cuz I'm gonna get that one anyway. I'm leaning towards Solo Monk because I like the London Collection solo pieces. But I haven't heard any of the others (except CC) and the only Columbia Monk I have is Live at the It Club. I wish there was a way to choose three titles on the list (cuz I've got enough for four, including CC). But I'll just take the top three vote-getters and go from there. Thanks, as always!
  10. There's quite a few actually, but they're mostly alternate takes. I saw a copy yesterday for $19.98.
  11. I'll never forget the time when my son (who's now seven) was two years old, and we were listening to Cannonball Adderley Live in San Fransisco; when one tune ended and everybody applauded, so did my son. For awhile there, anytime I opened up my OJC Catalog, he wanted to look at two specific record covers: Blakey's CARAVAN and Max Roach's DEEDS NOT WORDS (which he eventually gave to me as a Christmas present). Now, as the father of a normal seven-year-old, I can identify with Kenny about having to change what we're listening to when I put on some jazz. B)
  12. YES!!! That's exactly the moment I was referring to!
  13. Answer to question #1: The Blue Note Covers, Volume 1 (which also holds my photocopies of the booklet from the Tina Brooks Mosaic) Jump the Shark The Book of Rock Lists (1980) The Worst Rock & Roll Records Ever (2nd edition) The OJC Collectors Guide The Fantasy Records catalog (2002) MAD Magazine’s 20 Dumbest People and Events (2001 & 2002) Answer to question #2: Inner Urge
  14. You got that right! I can’t wait to pick this up. Sounds like it’s every bit as good as Red’s last battle, Keep That Groove Goin’ with Plas Johnson (also featuring Melvin Sparks, Bob Porter, and RVG)!
  15. Damn, I need to get the eyes AND the ears checked. It was actually "Blake's Shake" I was thinking of (I didn't have the CD with me when I posted yesterday). Figured that out while listening to it on the way in this morning. Also really dug Joe Pass.... er, Gloss's acoustic strumming on "Pre-Dawn Rain!"
  16. D'OH!!! Time to have the eyes checked again! Y’know, while listening to “Clap Yo Hands,” for a brief moment I forgot I was listening to Organissimo and thought I was listening to Reuben Wilson (one of the most underrated greeeeazers in my book). And while “Young’s Dream” may be the more obvious tribute to Larry Young, “You Don’t Want To Do That” sounds like it could fit beautifully on Young’s Into Somethin’; at times, Blake’s solo veers off into Rivers territory!
  17. RIP Big Guy. Thanks for the laughs. Anyone remember the episode of “Diff’rent Strokes” where he played a child molester? That took guts, playing against type. WAAAAY against type. Favorite WKRP episode: the one where Venus and Johnny do the live on-air drunk test, and Johnny’s reflexes only get better the more he drinks. The scene where Venus stumbles into Carlson’s office looking for a hat; Gordon Jump said more with his face in that scene than any words could have.
  18. My suggestion would be to take a cat, rub the dog's face in it until he gets good & mad and attacks the cat. I have a cat you can use, too! It may not solve your skunk problem, but it'll sure take care of my cat problem!
  19. I was already gunned down before I could even offer it up: on each register was a sign clearly stating DO NOT TAKE THIS 40% COUPON! Damn!
  20. I'm also with SS1: THE GIGOLO!!!! Although Cornbread would sure be nice as well. Or Caramba. Or Charisma. Or.....
  21. Pirate's favorite fast-food joint: Arrrrrrrrrrrby's
  22. Sorry this has taken so long; between this and the Organissimo disc, I've had a HELLUVA lot o' greeeeeaze stains to clean up around here!!! Now, I will say that I still like Black, Blue, and Bamboo slightly better than this disc, but that's not a knock against the present disc. BB&B was just so raw, so atmospheric, all the while being gritty and funky. Each track was a new journey into space greeeeaze. That out of the way, I'm happy to report that Get Right is very likely the best album of the year by an organ trio NOT named Organissimo. Seriously, I got this sucker in the car, hit the highway, and cranked it up fully expecting some righteous grooves and sum serious greeeeaze. And lemme tell ya, the first three tracks contain some of the fattest grooves in the land; they sent this highway-cruiser into deep-fried heaven. But the best of these is track #3, "Groove for Junior." Almost sounds like what a HeadHunters follow-up might've sounded like had Herbie kept that band together a little longer. It's a shame the sax player isn't credited because he groooves his ass off!!! And that synth solo is wild beyond anything I would've imagined, and yet it isn't out-of-place at all!!! Good solid greeeeeeaze here!! "So Much for Love" has such a dirrrrty groove, you can't help but just move yo' head. This track sould easily have fit on BB&B. And as I'm listening to it right now, "Ancient Chinese Secret" is on, and it is sooooo cool!!!! I like how the beginning sounds like Weather Report, because the rest of the track has a very Black Market-ish feel to it. "Sanctify" does just that, with an extra helping of gravy on the side, (Without causing anyone to have a conniption, this sorta reminded me of "I Stand Accused" from Elvis Costello's Get Happy!!! album) while "Neckbone" and "Fish Eleven" keep things nice and juicy (and dig that sax solo on "Fish Eleven." This guy should be a permanent member!!!) "Batter Whipped" will catch ya by surprise if yer not payin' attention. It starts off with about a minute of solo preachin' by Bruddha John Smart on the Fender Rhodes before he counts off for the band, and they come smokin' in on one of the most righteous grooves this side of a Jack McDuff record!!! Worth every penny, a worthy follow-up to BB&B, and hopefully a sign of greater things to come for these guys. Blue Note, Verve, hell, even ECM would be doing the world a favor by signing these guys! In other words, after you've purchased the Organissimo disc (whattya mean you don't have it? You're reading this thread and you don't have the Organissimo disc? Shame on you! Shame on me, too, because I let this thread go seven pages before I ordered mine. I'm a bad greeeeazer), GET THIS DISC!!! It's called Get Right!, and that's what you need to do: GET RIGHT!!! As a side note to scottb, I got the sticker today! Verrrrry groovy!!!
  23. This ouoghta be interesting. He's shown in the past that he can handle the standards very nicely. Anyhow, I don't understand why his fans would hate it: I thought surprising people and doing the unexpected were part of his charm to begin with.
  24. What's the story behind the asterisk? "Life Wish*"
  25. Got my copy yesterday, finally listened to it today. DOUBLEYOU-OH-DOUBLEYOU!!!!! This album is alternately challenging, greasy, funky, soulful, boppish.... all influences are on proud display, and you guys do the old masters proud. The opening cut took me a few listens to figure out how to keep time, but once I found the groove, it was nothin' but a good groove on out (forgive this boring old 4/4 and 6/8 player!) The tributes to Jimmy Smith and Larry Young were delightful, showing much inspiration and imagination in the grooves. Then there's "Life Wish." Holy samba, Batman; that was absolutely beautiful. I'd write more, but it's late and I'm falling asleep on the computer here. Just wanted to say this was worth every penny, and I'm sorry I waited so damn long to get it!
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