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Big Al

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Everything posted by Big Al

  1. Man, I sure would like to know what I did wrong, with regard to getting replacements! I guess BMG is still under the assumption that I'm gonna send the "incorrect" disc back to them and then they'll issue my replacement disc. Also, I still haven't received my shipment that was shipped out on the 14th. I think this is the longest I've waited for a shipment from BMG. But here's something else I thought of: the shipment from the 11th, I indicated that one of the discs was a "gift." I wonder if that had anything to do with the speed with which my order arrived? And, subsequently, why the current shipment is taking so long? What's the longest any of y'all have waited on a shipment?
  2. Thanks. I always wondered about that.
  3. So this may sound like a naive question, but which was more common (once magnegtic tape arrived): issuing complete unedited takes, or issuing edited takes with all the fluffs and errors removed and replaced? FWIW, if it's the latter, I couldn't ever tell; the edits all seem very smooth to me. F'rinstance, in the mammoth Gerry Mulligan/Ben Webster reissue, there's the released "master" take of "Go Home," which is not a complete unedited take: the ending is spliced in to replace a rejected ending. To these ears, the edit is flawless and makes the whole piece sound like one continuous take. So, in other words, just how common was this practice?
  4. Anyone who can learn to function behind the drums in just under a year and then come flailing away in a kick-ass live version of "Circle Sky," while not being the GREATEST drummer in the world, certainly propels himself into at least the Top 100! IMOSHO!
  5. It's normal. They've been charging me sales tax on every order I've placed. Welcome back to Texas!
  6. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Now it all makes sense. I think!
  7. Well, okay..... Bessie Smith?
  8. Lil Armstrong?
  9. I agree, and not because I hope they win. Sure wish Rush had insulted Q-Kid this year!
  10. Mahalia Jackson?
  11. The lady who said "Many have said that I can't sing, but nobody said I couldn't?" (Or whatever that quote was that you used to have)
  12. If the Cows "play" Carolina the way they "played" in the Big Easy today, the post-season will be over before it even starts! 10-6 my ass! They played a lot of crappy teams this year!
  13. Lynne Thigpen?
  14. And even then, times may vary. I've had two orders ship this month, one on the 11th (a Friday) and one on the 14th (a Monday). The shipment from the 11th arrived the following Thursday (the 18th), yet I'm still waiting on the one from the 14th (the holidays, no doubt, have something to do with this).
  15. Great choices, both for the album and the next album picker! I guess this means the next album is gonna be a Jobim album. I hope!
  16. That was an act?
  17. Now the film, THAT was a joke of epic proprtions!
  18. This from someone who can't rap whapsodically about Bill Evans. I mean, whattabout "Elsa?" What about Moon Beams? I mean, HONESTLY!!! SET HUT!!! HUT HUT HUT!!! HAT HUP TWO THREE FORE!!!
  19. Having said what I said about Riddle though, that track still does nothing for me. I re-listened to it again last night, with open ears. I guess I just don't dig Rosie's singing style; too much vocal vibrato where singing straight would've done just fine (and might've even been more subtle). That's not to discount the genuine feeling behind her singing. THAT comes through loud and clear. Maybe I just have to be in the right mood to FEEL it as well as hear it.
  20. You got THAT right! If the only thing Riddle ever did was to score Sinatra's "What's New" (from OTL), it would still be reason enough to sing his praises.
  21. Also: COAST TO COAST Red Holloway (click here to see how a bunch of us drooled over this one!) TOUGH TENORS Johnny Griffin/Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis
  22. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, Dan. Have a safe trip and enjoy the snow! aL
  23. If I get any Christmas money or gift certificates, this one's at the top of my "TO GIT" list. I listened to clips today, and what I heard sounds pretty powerful!
  24. Once again, I would like to apologize for not having any soul whatsoever. Imagine, confusing a Sly Stone tune with a Steve Miller tune. Oh the shame of it.
  25. Must be nice. They told me they would send the replacement, but that I had to return the mistake. Phooey!
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