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Big Al

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About Big Al

  • Birthday 03/02/1970

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    DFW, TX

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  1. I've only ever heard Up Front and Colours & Dimensions, both very good with a very distinct sound. Sad to hear.
  2. Here's hoping it's successful in the new location. Honestly, that tiny corner location was always a pain to get in & out of so this will hopefully be an improvement (as well as a much-needed expansion).
  3. Got my set and am enjoying it even more than I thought I would! Great stuff and I'm eager for the next volume!
  4. I own both of these and clearly don't listen to them nearly enough....
  5. I just kinda skimmed over this to see if I knew any tracks. Will go back for a more thorough listen later. BUT.... Track 11 has to be THE coolest, hippest, most perverse way to end a BFT and I freakin' LOVE IT!!! The closing track from this album, considered by many to be their finest hour. I'm one of those weirdos who thinks EVERY one of their albums is their finest hour, so what do I know?
  6. I'm really torn about this. You'd think this would be an absolute no-brainer. Thing is, I remember having this same feeling last year when Mosaic announced the release of the JATP Jams: I was so happy to get it but I can count on one hand how many times I've actually listened to it. A big part of this is the fact I just don't listen to CD's much anymore and I'm afraid this would sit and collect dust like all of my other Mosaics. Then again, these sound clips are EXTREMELY compelling! Maybe I should just shut up and spin those JATP Jams again!
  7. Oof! If that's the case, then this is definitely a no-go and I'll just stream it instead.
  8. The price tag for the vinyl of this is ridiculous. Will wait for a sale on this one because it looks pretty cool to me.
  9. That's the soundtrack of the Christmases of my childhood and I'm here for every second of it!
  10. This was an extremely enjoyable BFT! You've given me new (old) routes to drive down and I'm eager to start that ride! Two things are f'damn sure: 1) I've been ignoring Sonny Rollins' post-70's output at my own peril. The few things I have heard tell me I should dig further deeper! 2) Next time I see that Bill Watrous album in the local discount bin, I will scoop it up post-haste!
  11. Kinda bummed that Grass Roots and Jacknife aren't being released as doubles. I understand it's likely a business decision; then again, maybe they'll show up as the limited edition members-only releases? For that, I might actually subscribe.
  12. FWIW, I couldn't download this to my computer but I was able to listen to it directly from the site. Now for the ramblings: 1. I'm just gonna go ahead and pat myself on the back here and say I figured this one out without actually owning this or having heard it before. As soon as the groove started, I thought "man, this has a sweet Head Hunters groove!" Then the vocals came on and I heard "God Make Me Funky" and did a Discogs search. I was right! This rarely happens, and even if it is a gimme, I'm gonna enjoy this little victory! Track 1 from this. 2. No idea. Lost interest quickly. 3. No idea but I sure hope it's been ID'd by the time you read this! Lovely groove, lovely horn voicings. I could listen to this all day! 4. Gonna be interesting to find out what this is, I feel like I've heard it before. And if that's the case, I'm questioning why I don't own this! I'll just go ahead and guess Robert Glasper. I've heard very little from him but this sounds like something I imagine him creating. 5. Why can't all singers be this cool? I'll take this every day and can't wait to find out who it is! 6. This sounds like a mid-60's Verve date with Grady Tate on drums. Or maybe Walt Wanderley (which would fill that bill). Did Walt ever record with a sax? I dig it, regardless! 7. Oh I DIG this! It's got that mid-80's sound I enjoy! Is this a Carla Bley big band date? I sure hope so! 8. Yes please! More of this! Maybe a Kai & JJ date on Impulse? 9. Now THIS is how you close a BFT! The Godfather! Can't stand it, indeed! I've always loved JB's ability to make an entire composition based on one groove, one chord, no lyrics other than rhythmic exhortations, and it's one of the grooviest things you'll ever hear! This was a fun BFT, which yours usually are, but I applaud the consistency of quality tunes you give us every time! I never had any interest in this album until this moment. Glad you ID'd this, Fel "Z"!
  13. The Dream Band is one of my favorite big bands so I am VERY excited for this!
  14. A lot to dig here but I can see where I'm gonna have to dig deeper into Nick Goumas as I particularly enjoyed his tracks. Also gonna have to check out that Les Arbuckle album. And that McAll/Roy/Cappadocia album! A most enjoyable BFT!
  15. I heard those stories back in the day. No doubt you (and @Joe and @JSngry ) are familiar with the local store that practically has a shrine built to the guy. It's run by two of his former employees who speak glowingly about him, which makes me curious about what they know about the guy. I only ever visited that store twice, both times I got the same vibe (as well as overpriced records) as y'all did. To the credit of the current store, they do a much better job of pricing records (and decent prices for the most part) and an all-around good shopping vibe that I never got at the old place.
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