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Everything posted by disaac

  1. I'd be interested if still available.
  2. If anyone who procured this set decides to part with it, I'd be very interested in purchasing it at a fair price.
  3. Hi Howard, Argh. I live in Rockville, MD. Let me know if anything changes and thanks for getting back to me! Cheers, Dan
  4. Hi, I'd be interested in this if it's still available! Cheers, Dan
  5. James, I have a couple of these titles as well - let me see what I can scare up as a backup for you. Full disclosure -- I have a complete set but happen to have some dupes. I'm pretty fond of them and can understand why you'd want to take the plunge! Cheers, Dan
  6. Anyone get a chance to hear any of these? I'm particularly curious about the Nabatov trio date, the Riley and the Brown/Burrell. New CDs - Marion Brown / Dave Burrell - LIVE AT THE BLACK MUSICIANS' CONFERENCE, 1981 - NBCD 109 Wadada Leo Smith / Sabu Toyozumi - BURNING MEDITATION - NBCD 110 Howard Riley - LIVE IN THE USA - NBCD 111 Simon Nabatov / Barry Guy / Gerry Hemingway - LUMINOUS - NBCD 112 Liudas Mockunas - HYDRO 2 - NBCD113 New LPs - Martin Kuchen / Rafal Mazur - BAZA - NBLP 118 Bobby Bradford / Hafez Modirzadeh / Roberto Miranda / Vijay Anderson - LIVE AT THE BLUE WHALE - NBLP 119 Wadada Leo Smith / Sabu Toyozumi - BURNING MEDITATION - NBLP 120 JONES JONES - Larry Ochs / Mark Dresser / Vladimir Tarasov - A JONES IN TIME SAVES NINE - NBLP 121
  7. Absolutely can't wait to hear this.
  8. Proud to be the first in line for a copy of what is going to make for hours of great listening!
  9. 2 orchestra seats for this show in Washington DC this coming Sunday. Some very fine musicians in this group (i.e. Victor Goines, Ryan Kisor, Ali Jackson) regardless of your feelings about Wynton. $90 (face value, I'll eat the additional fees). PM if interested and thanks.
  10. Is the Verve edition that superior to the other version floating around on eBay for $15 or so? Or is that a boot?
  11. Bosendorfers everywhere are crying. In a day and age where it is becoming harder to be original and authentic, CT was exclusively those things. Rest easy Cecil.
  12. Literally saw this just now in my inbox. You would imagine that the Mosaic treatment of this material would be outstanding.
  13. I agree that $200 seems steep (heck, it IS steep) for what's being offered but here's my counterargument (despite not being ready to take the plunge) - 1) How many labels besides Blue Note are still out there trying to find young jazz talent and record that talent in a way that does the utmost credit to the music? You may not love some of the most recent signings to the label but I recently heard the "new" Blue Note Jazz All-Stars album (Glasper, Loueke, Akinmusire, et al.) and really dug it. 2) How many labels are still making a genuine attempt (which may very well be in vain but) to bring jazz to a wider audience? I could see someone rationalizing this purchase as a way to essentially support the label that is trying to do all of the above with the bonus of getting a nice gift in return (think NPR). That said, I think that using this mechanism to bring MORE music (especially unheard music) and less "product" to the true jazz believers while simultaneously including material that reflects what is happening at the label right now (which seems to be the basic idea given the inclusion of the Blue Mitchell lp) to help the music reach a wider audience that hasn't yet embraced it is an extremely worthy cause and, my guess is that someone like Don Was (who is clearly so enamored of jazz) would have open ears to the suggestions of jazz fans who would love nothing better than to see jazz, one of America's original art forms, begin to make strides in reaching the kind of audience it once did.
  14. Wasn't sure where to post this but I have two tickets for this show next Tuesday, October 10th (8 PM/doors at 630) that I regrettably will not be able to use. I'm selling them for $80 (the pair) which is less than I paid for them. If anyone would like to purchase them, send me a PM.
  15. If RT talks himself out of it, I actually could really use these and will happily buy them from you, Allen.
  16. SD was one of the main gateways for me into jazz. Its influence so obviously permeated both their music and I remember reading interviews with them where they enumerated their jazz influences which, of course, had me not only listening to Parker and Ellington but also to Braxton and Dolphy. An unbelievably sad day for music.
  17. Scott, I can also hook you up with a Herman Select if you're still interested. Cheers, Dan
  18. Remarkably, it appears that the tickets for the Baltimore date have yet to go on sale on the ADML website despite being barely a month out from the show. Need to remind myself to check regularly.
  19. Aggie87, Thanks so much for posting this. When I first heard Sco's Gramavision band as a teenager, I was hooked. I never thought there would be another opportunity to hear them live. Imagine my disappointment when I realized that I'd be in CA for this gig. Fortunately, JALC livestreams all their concerts on Livestream (where else) and got to watch it that way. So glad there is another documented version of this show out in the public domain. And btw, Rice '91. Cheers!
  20. Envious as heck of anyone who gets to go to any night of this festival. And it still makes me so sad to look at the ICP lineup and not see Misha's name there.
  21. A super nice lady who's a hell of a piano player. Enjoyed her in Wallace Roney's bands as well as in other settings. Hoping that the next news I hear about her is good news....
  22. disaac

    Chris Potter

    This is great to hear. Going to see him with his quartet here in DC on 6/26.
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