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Everything posted by bertrand

  1. Yes, absolutely! This one hits really hard. Glad to have been able to hang with him and hear him play one last time in Baltimore in November 2019.
  2. bertrand

    Joe Chambers

    Joe will be performing at the Clifford Brown Jazz Festival in Wilmington, Delaware on 6/15. Bertrand.
  3. Isn't Tyrone Washington's Roots also part of this series? There was some speculation these might be needle drops since supposedly the tapes were missing. Did anyone ever find out more? I have the old version of the Larry Young and never had any reason to think that it might be.
  4. Thanks, just ordered! Glad the tape was not actually lost!
  5. Some of the previous batch of Candid CDs were CDrs. I assume these are not? Also, my CD of We Insist was a needle drop. Is this not the case with this new one? If so, I will get it.
  6. Randissimo is the drummer on Heart Of The Forest! Forrest Fire has Larry Young, so that is my favorite.
  7. The opening solo portion of Summertime is actually thr first movement of the Thinking of Home Suite. It works really well in that Algerian war film soundtrack
  8. These Cellar Live releases are all glass-mastered 'real' CDs, not CDrs, correct? I plan to buy my friend Aaron Seeber's new record.
  9. Of course not, but it is annoying that they mixed it down. Anyway, I now have the MP3, I am good.
  10. Isn't this part of the Funk in France collection?
  11. I have heard it since I have the LP I got at a yard sale for $4. That is how I knew that something was missing when I got the CD. In this case, I believe Blue Note sold me a defective product, and getting an MP3 of the proper track is just compensation. I will not buy another CD. It is like the Monk Palo Alto deal. Do it right the first time.
  12. Do you mean the private messenger here on Organissimo or Facebook Messenger? I use both.
  13. Can someone hook me up with an MP3 of the track with the saw solo audible?
  14. There were no edits for time purposes. The saw solo is there, just mixed way down and mostly what you hear is rather monotonous comping on the electric piano. It is obvious now that this was Belden's decision and a bad one at that, pity he did not ask for a second opinion. He had a tendency to overstep his role as a reissue producer, especially when it came to Miles Davis and Teo Macero. The most egregious example was his declaring there were no alternates of interest for Bitches' Brew. Later, an alternate of the song John McLaughlin surfaced with Miles and Wayne, who laid out on the issued take. How is that not 'of interest'?
  15. How would Belden have known whether Lee liked it or not? If it was Belden who is responsible, it was his decision and his alone.
  16. Is the CD limited edition or do I have a few weeks?
  17. Gross cover though.
  18. How much are they and did we establish it is NOT a needle drop?
  19. Excellent question. We would need to establish a chronology of Andrew's gigs, something like the Art Blakey chronology at jazzmf.com. The Hill discography at jazzdiscography.com can help, but there are probably not a whole lot of gigs from the 60s listed. Ideally, one would need access to a database of jazz journals such as ripmjazz.com but you need some institutional affiliation. Alternatively, a person with a collection of downbeats from the 60s could look up all the gig listings.
  20. Interesting. There have reports in the past that record labels have all agreed from now on that CD versions and LP versions must match exactly.
  21. bertrand

    Tina Brooks

    Doris from Theme for Doris was identified in the Mosaic booklet as his girlfriend, IIRC.
  22. I am friends on Facebook with the person who found the tapes. There was nothing in the logs indicating Sonny Clark was involved at all, so he is not getting credit. Supposedly Hampton Hawes in his book mentions Sonny Clark playing the ending for one tune. Do we know which piece and has anyone confirmed it?
  23. Sitting in the room with the band, eh? Do you remember who the organist was
  24. So how does this work legally - European copyright law, or did they clear everything with the Monk and Blakey estates for example, as well as Blue Note and Sony?
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