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Everything posted by bertrand

  1. Todd Barkan recorded a lot of Keystone shows and some have been released. It is a situation similar to Left Bank, no list as far as I know and perhaps no succession plan for tape ownership.
  2. I started looking into the Jack session a few months ago. It may have been a Jazz Alive recording, which means there may be more. It is not clear when they stopped recording, but all the tapes they have been pitching to the Feldmans, Dorns and Sunnenblicks of the world are 60s and 70s. I would like to hear Old And New Dreams, Dewey Redman etc. It all goes back to getting a master list of what was recorded and what is still held. I am convinced there is more than one source.
  3. A good chance this was recorded, as were most Keystone gigs.
  4. The Zurich set was on TCB, paired with a Horace Silver date. Is that grey market?
  5. I'll ask around LOL.
  6. Where can I find this shower cubicle date? I missed it somehow.
  7. I helped track down the music for the tribute album that Mark Masters put together, High Noon, featuring Gary Smulyan. I was flattered to get a shout out in the liner notes.
  8. I hope some more Hutcherson/Land recordings surface legally (the two Antibes 1969 sets are amazing, they opened for Miles). The Left Bank guy said he had two tapes. I should have just bought them from him.
  9. The version of Bouquet from this session is exceptional.
  10. Yes, I believe her son Robert Ungaro took over but he works closely with the Mingus organization, I don't think he plays the same role as Sue. I met him briefly at Sue's NEA Jazz Masters induction.
  11. Sonny is selling downloads on his website???? What rock have I been hiding under?
  12. Paula Hampton! I helped her out in a copyright case years ago.
  13. Bingo. But I meant recordings from the Argo area. If Grant Green is on it, that's different.
  14. Even if there are some private recordings, I GUARANTEE you Zev Feldman would pass on them LOL.
  15. Steve Feigenbaum is a great guy. I see him at gigs a lot.
  16. She did get an NEA Jazz Master a couple of years ago but did not show up in person. My understanding is that she alienated a lot of people with her extreme politics. She is not very active musically, that is true.
  17. Wow, I am glad I helped Bonnie and Ted get back in touch. I had forgotten about this.
  18. Is this a different take of Cliff Walk than the one on Newport Rebels? I am confused also! Is there something new with Booker Little on it?
  19. We were casually acquainted. What I wanted to ask is what this Lee Morgan thing is that is mentioned in the New Yorker article.
  20. Ran into the Detective at Blues Alley last night and got a glacial reception. He must be seeing my social media posts.
  21. This tune was on the lost Atlantic session. However, the issued release was made from a transfer of the original tape and the tune got missed.
  22. Did anyone get this? It shows as sold out from the label, and neither Amazon nor Deepdiscount have it. Where else can I get it? t?
  23. Can the entire concert with Abbey and Clifford Jordan be seen somewhere?
  24. The tracks with Winston will be weak, but 6 tracks with Grimes is worth the cost. Amazing how his discography quintupled in size!
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