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Posts posted by bertrand

  1. 34 minutes ago, JSngry said:

    Possibly, of course. Also, of course, what "major" at the time would have recorded her if she wanted to be recorded? I don't see any evidence that Atlantic was pushing Max too hard, and that would have been her best shot, right?

    Those early 60s records pissed off a lot of people. Add to that, they both well might have been "difficult" people...but again, plenty of "difficult" people in this business (really, that business, it's different now, and only maybe for the better...)...not a big safety net to begin with...

    Really, how much acting was she doing in these years anyway? It's not like she was rocketing to stardom, like For the Love Of Ivy opened up a whole new world for her...and what was that role, really? A maid for whom her white employer tries to arrange a marriage to keep her in their employ. You want a career playing "modern maids"? Help?

    Max being violent didn't help any, I'm sure. At some point, I think, she just wanted out and to be free of all of that. She got there, but it couldn't have been easy, in any way. God bless Abbey Lincoln.

    What is this Elektra Japan date of 1973? This one?




    This is a new one for me!

    New to me also! Would like to hear what she does with Clifford Jordan's Japanese Dream. Do not want to hear 'My Way' sung by ANYONE.

  2. 1) I do not think she gets lyric credit, I can check again.

    2) No recording of the song before 1973, but she may have been playing it live for a while.

    3) In terms of blacklisting, this is the timeline on her recordings between 60 and 73:

    - A few Candid dates 1960-1961

    - Percussion Bitter Sweet and It's Time1962

    - Japanese film soundtrack with Max 1963

    - A few live bootlegs 1964

    - One Italian live bootleg 1968

    - Elektra Japan date c. 1973

    - People In Me 1973

    - Painted Lady Marge 1980

    So yes, the majors were not recording her so she had time to work out some arrangements that she was woodshedding live before she got that 1973 record date. But she may have also chosen to focus more on acting during this period, possibly?    

  3. Great documentary but yes, I want to see complete sets.

    Also, Wikipedia claims some of this WAS broadcast at the time. So some of it WAS seen before. Is Wikipedia wrong? 

    I asked this in the other thread but worth repeating here:

    The piece Abbey sings is captioned as 'Africa'. It is not 'All Africa' from We Insist. The credits at the end claim it is the Coltrane composition but I think I would have recognized it. I will check it again later. Not just an academic exercise, there is serious $$$ involved and the correct composer needs to be identified.


  4. On 7/3/2021 at 5:32 PM, JSngry said:

    There is. He's playing with the house band. But he's also got Abbey with him.

    So Max is with a larger ensemble. Not sure if it is a house band, but we didn't see enough for me to recognize anyone. Looks like the guitar player is sitting on the floor.

    Another question arises: The piece Abbey sings is captioned as 'Africa'. It is not 'All Africa' from We Insist. The credits at the end claim it is the Coltrane composition but I think I would have recognized it. I will check it again later. Not just an academic exercise, there is serious $$$ involved and the correct composer needs to be identified.



  5. Oops, I misread.

    If it is going online, they can post one at a time, as they obtain clearances on a flow basis. Some estates will be easy going, some will be reasonable, some will be difficult and some will be impossible to deal with. But at least there is no Max Roach material.



  6. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sevendaysvt.com/LiveCulture/archives/2020/05/22/vermont-jazz-center-awarded-clir-grant-to-preserve-attila-zoller-archives%3fmedia=AMP%2bHTML

    I was just made aware of this.

    I am very interested in these types of archives, which seem to be appearing more and more (Worcester Polytechnic, Philadelphia etc.). This is the antidote to those people who have stashes of tapes decaying in their basements (Left Bank Jazz Society).

    If I understand correctly, the plan is to digitize and provide onsite listening for research purposes. I think it is great that they intend to be cautious, but I am trying to understand exactly what the copyright hurdles are if they are not planning to commercialize or otherwise distribute the material? If they were to place it online for remote listening, then it would be a form of non-commercial distribution, and I can see what the issues could be.



  7. 35 minutes ago, jazzbo said:

    The last reissue of the Hubbard sounds HORRIBLE, compressed, loud, squashed. That is keeping me away from pre-ordering any of this series.

    Has anyone heard these yet? This is not good to hear.

    16 minutes ago, JSngry said:

    Problem fixed if they also reissue the Richard Davis album, correct?

    Oh, is that where it belongs?

  8. WPI’s Jazz History Database presents a hot listening session  

    On Zoom Thursday, July 1 


    3:00 to 5:30pm  (JHDB From the Lab) Louis Armstrong in 1958 

    5:30 to 6:30pm Louis Armstrong on OKeh 78s (Charles Iselin hosts) 

    6:30 to 8:00pm Louis Armstrong on 78s (Gian Carlo Cervone hosts) 

    8:00 to 9:00pm  Rashied Ali quartet rarity (Crossing Tones Power Hour



    [more options below] 

    All are welcome to join any time.  



    Louis Armstrong through his whole life represented that he was born on July 4, 1900—which has led to an ongoing equation of his birthday with the Independence Day holiday. We’ll get started on the weekend a little early.  In the Armstrong music for today’s Lab session, he sings a little, plays a lot (of course) and even does an early version of what some have seen as rapping.  Collaterally, we’ll spend some time with a couple of ongoing concepts in Armstrong’s world: 

    Alternative versions of improvisations and Louis’s role in that process; and 

    the issue of the repertoire of his working band versus repertoire in unique projects.  



    The evening sessions are all about Louis Armstrong 78rpm records—his earliest format—and represent most of the early chapters of Armstrong as a sideman with King Oliver and others, and an OKeh recording artist starting in the Twenties. 

    Charles Iselin spins a set at 5:30, and Gian Carlo Cervone will host from 6:30 until 8.  



    And then for something substantially different: For the Crossing Tones Power Hour Parker Fishel honors the birthday anniversary of drummer Rashied Ali with an exclusive and surprising set of music that celebrates the quite differing energies of violinist Takehisa Kosugi, saxophonist Mabo Suzuki and bassist William Parker. Only once, only then: 8 to 9.  


    Tell a friend, bring a friend, and chime in any time.  



    More Zoom connections: 

    Ben Young is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. 


    Topic: JHDB From the Lab session 

    Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet any Thursday afternoon 


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  9. 59 minutes ago, Late said:

    So ... Ravi has the "unissued" Seattle broadcast tapes? They've been bootlegged before (if I'm even talking about the correct recording), but an official release is most welcome.

    Very surprised that a Coltrane "Bootleg Series" hasn't been started much, much sooner, if that's what this indeed appears to be.

    Were the Seattle tapes discussed above? If there is more Penthouse material, I assume the source would be the same that Cory Weeds and Zev Feldman have access to.

  10. 9 hours ago, JSngry said:

    when he was alive, the printed word.

    and he had a Sonny Rollins tune naed after him, although a few decades later there would also be one called "Times Slimes" about that erstwhile publication's coverage of the crime issues of the day. So, I guess he got it while the getting was good.

    At the age of 58, I have come to the conclusion that I have no use for music critics.

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