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Everything posted by dicky

  1. In retrospect I dearly wish I had done something like this for shows/performances I attended. 40 years of hearing live jazz and all I have is my memory of which I'm less distrustful with each passing year.
  2. Alexander Hawkins! With Joe McPhee.
  3. GB was a monster guitarist. I have 3 CTI albums which I thoroughly enjoy. Also have him w/ McDuff, Jimmy Smith, Miles, Freddie, etc.. He chose to make money rather than continuing on the path of the albums I dig. Good for him. In doing so (with his not so distinguished singing), he undoubtedly brought awareness to a mass audience of "purer" jazz recordings. Good on him. What's the problem?
  4. dicky

    Bob Dylan corner

    I was born Nov 1964. So as Maxwell Smart would say, "missed it by that much".
  5. dicky

    Bob Dylan corner

    You have a point. I should have expounded. And for that I apologize. I once shared your perspective, borne out of mostly only listening to his post Desire albums in passing, if at all. My ears heard a voice that increasingly sounded like a bad impession of Dylan. How come Bob couldn't/ wouldn't sound the same?! Then one night a friend played the entire Tell Tale Signs Bootleg Series release for me. I was stunned, and slowly began catching up with all I had previously wrote off. For starters, Street Legal, Love & Theft, and Modern Times stand on equal footing with the JWH and prior recordings we both admire. I could make a case for others but whatever one's preference, there are sublime tracks on (nearly) every release. Add to the mix unreleased tracks from the Bootleg Series and elsewhere, and it's apparent Bob has been a vibrant artist through every phase of his career. Giants walk amongst us, and he is most certainly one. He addresses subjects in a manner that, when not overt, may elude a secular listener or at least a listener unprepared to listen to Dylan through a biblical lense. If one is unwilling to engage Dylan from that angle you simply will miss out on much of what animates him. Musically, with passing years, he's employing more sophisticated changes. His vocal delivery and vocal timbre has undergone multiple iterations (like any singer) due to artistic choice and necessity of age. He's no longer mimicing Ralph Stanley, for example, but he never, ever lost his artistic instinct for delivery - amongst his greatest musical contributions - despite his diminishing instrument. Like Lon, I tend to listen to "latter day" Dylan these days but like Ellington's canon I wouldn't want to be without any of it. Each part of their respective careers enriches the whole.... warts and all.
  6. dicky

    Bob Dylan corner

    That's profoundly, utterly absurd. I can only imagine you checked out.
  7. What specifically has Charles Gayle said in performance or out that is being characterized as "homophobia" and which "should not have been tolerated "?
  8. Tonight was a wonderful evening for Henry's book launch at Rizzoli Bookstore in NYC. Tim Berne, Bill Frisell, and Brandon Ross (who spoke affectionately about his time playing w/ Henry) were amongst those in attendance.
  9. As to the subject of the thread, the demography of the leading lights of the music has noticeably expanded. Contemporary innovators of the music we broadly call jazz come from many parts of the world... and have for many years now. Thus rendering JazzTimes' policy more than a day late and a dollar short.
  10. I encontered Paul Shaffer in the bathroom at a NYC Jimmy Smith gig in the '90's. George Benson was also in attendance... albeit not in the bathroom.
  11. Fair enough
  12. "He's fucking Rod Stewart. There has never been any real depth there, just projection of personality and a voice that met the demands of that quite well." Something tells me you're not really acquainted with the 10 albums Rod recorded btw 1968 & 1972. If you are and still feel that way then we just strongly disagree.
  13. Anat Cohen. Anat is a friend of a friend who I've met on a few occasions. The last such time she told me about hanging out with Ornette and preparing eggs for him at his place. Here she is from 2012 at a synagogue performing Lonnie Smith's And The World Weeps with Paquito D'Rivera... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6V030_WP78
  14. While David Murray released many albums recorded over a span of several years on DIW/ Disk Union, one particular recording burst I think particularly stands out. In January 1988 (that's as specific as the discs get) he went into New York's A & R Recording Studio accompanied by Dave Burrell, Fred Hopkins, and Ralph Peterson. Jim Anderson was at the board. These sessions produced 4 contemporaneously released CDs - Lovers, Ballads, Spirituals, and Deep River. My recollection is that all 4 were released in 1988 and 1989. They are uniformly superb and compare favorably, to my ears, in capturing a moment in time much like Miles' Prestige Cookin', Workin', Steamin', & Relaxin' recordings did. A fifth and much lesser disc from the same sessions consisting of leftovers - Tenors - saw the light of day in1993. Murray recorded many worthwhile DIW released albums before and after, but those 4 releases are something special. All 4 guys are equal contributors and I think those recordings have never been given their just due.
  15. Along with the great Henry Grimes!
  16. Chuck - I have a healthy amount of your recordings on disc. I treasure them all. What Dylan falls short for you?
  17. A lot of nonsense, projection and envy on display here. Bob Dylan is a towering figure the likes of which will likely never exist again. To Jazzbo's point, the music he has recorded and performed into his later years is the equal of, and in many ways surpasses, what his younger self created at his so called commercial peak. His consistency and aesthetic greatness is akin to Ellington. The comments here are really ignorant and depressing... although somewhat predictable.
  18. Ramsey Lewis - Dance of the Soul. A 1998 release. There's a vocal track that causes me pain but otherwise a most enjoyable album.
  19. We might be hearing different mixes. Your LP vs the CD. ECM recordings do tend ECM- ize things. Either way, it's a killer session along with the other Motian/Brackeen set, "Dance".
  20. I'm listening to a ripped CD version of this and it sounds spectacular. Charles Brackeen dates are to be cherished.
  21. dicky

    Bob Dylan corner

    I felt similarly many years ago. Listening to one of the Bootleg releases, Tell Tale Signs, changed everything. He's as extraordinary as he ever was, and I now listen to and enjoy his latter day recordings more than the earlier stuff. Meet Bob half way and you'll be justly rewarded. The second to last line in Murder Most Foul namechecks Bud Powell! Even cooler, the lyric is - "Play Love Me or Leave Me by the great Bud Powell". Bud, insofar as I know, never actually recorded Love Me or Leave Me but I think borrowed the chords for his "Get It" on "Swingin WIth Bud". Dylan's got big ears.
  22. The only time I was fortunate enough to see Jaki live was as a sideman for a Ricky Ford led gig at Sweet Basil sometime in the '90's. I had a few Ford discs but I went to see Jaki. Ronnie Burrage was on drums but I don't recall the bass player. I had dragged two friends to the set, one of which was the drummer of a pop/rock group who's 1990 debut had been highly acclaimed. Jaki took ill midway through the set and had to be led out on a stretcher. I never had the opportunity to see him again. Nor have I seen Ricky again, which is a great shame. My friend, who had never prior attended a live jazz performance commented after the set something to the effect that he was ashamed to call himself a drummer. Ronnie Burrage left quite the impression. I wonder whatever happened to him. In any event, Jaki is timeless and remains one of my favorites.
  23. Gene Ammons - Preachin'
  24. A nice tribute via Mark Steyn... https://www.steynonline.com/10039/bean-there-done-that "As it is, in seven decades as magician, comedian, actor, author and more, Orson Bean had done pretty much everything he ever wanted to. He had been on television more or less since there was a television to be on, and was sufficiently in demand two-thirds of a century later to be guesting on "Modern Family", "Desperate Housewives" and "How I Met Your Mother". In between he starred on Broadway with Jayne Mansfield and Walter Matthau in Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?, on the big screen in Being John Malkovich, in "The Twilight Zone" as a memorable Mr Bevis, and minded the store in "Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman". He was a memorable witness for Jimmy Stewart in Anatomy of a Murder, a hippie in Australia, the head of a school modeled on England's Summerhill (which gave us Rebecca De Mornay and Elton John's record producer), and the father-in-law of Andrew Breitbart. Orson was a master raconteur beloved by Jack Paar and Johnny Carson, which is why he made over two hundred appearances on "The Tonight Show" - until the new guys took over and witty anecdotalists were replaced by grunting pluggers. As he bemoaned to me, these days the bookers mainly want old people who can talk dirty - the potty-mouthed grampa shtick - but, on the other hand, he could more than hold his own at that: a couple of years back in Hollywood, I saw him deliver an almost spectacularly bad-taste stand-up routine. "
  25. I recognize that. And I always read with great interest anything you write or report. I'm fairly certain you meant 1992 rather '82. Assuming '92, Spaulding still hung in there (and pocketed the cash) with Murray for quite a while.
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