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Everything posted by blajay

  1. I saw this last night. I enjoyed it. It may not be terribly profound, but it was a funny story. The scenes of them reporting back to the CIA were great.
  2. Well . . .because this appears to be a legal way to get the material, and blogs and torrents AREN'T? I think that is why they are making the effort. Though making an end run around the Canadian/US home address is on the grey side of things. That's not to say I wouldn't consider it as well. Right, I'm not necessarily encouraging blogs or torrents. What I meant was, if you are already going to be sketchy about it by pretending to have a Canadian address, why not go all the way and just use blogs or torrents. If this is legal, it is barely legal anyway. After all, these deals are for mp3s, they aren't for something of substance that you can actually hold in your hand and look at while listening, so it's one step away from cheap European box sets closer to blogs and torrents.
  3. Chris, it looks like your buddy Phil Schaap is the publisher too.
  4. I like this thread a lot--cool stuff. I just returned Hendersonia to the library--pretty dedicated work! I obviously didn't read it all, but it was fun to glance through. On another note, the Main branch of the San Francisco Public Library has a copy of To Bird With Love! Nice to know I don't have to pay a thousand bucks to see it. I was at the Jazz Quarter down the street yesterday, and I got to look through Charlie Parker and Jazz Memorabilia by Norman Sacks (it is from his private collection). It is page after page of pretty much all the memorabilia you can find about Charlie Parker--posters, billing, album covers, letters. Unfortunately, it's not publicly distributed, and is only available at the the Lincoln Center Gift Shop Oh, it's also $75. May be worth it, though...
  5. I'm interested in learning more about pianist Billy Wallace. Anybody? He does some nice comping and sort of Cedar Walton type percussion stacatto runs on the keyboard featured at the end of Disc 1 and beginning of Disc 2 in this set. I know he's on the Brown/Roach at the Beehive, which I love for its explosive jamming, but most of what I've found audible on my LP of that set is the drums and trumpet. According to the Penguin Guide, he also plays on "Fantastic Frank Strozier" (Vee Jay), but I don't have that one. ^^Anybody? NP Disc 4--gotta love the tuba! If you use the search function & use keywords +billy +wallace, you'll find a fair amount of information/comments on Mr. Wallace. Thanks! I tried that before but it kept failing. This satisfies me: Billy Wallace NP: Hank Mobley Fifties Sessions Disc 1--classic
  6. I'm interested in learning more about pianist Billy Wallace. Anybody? He does some nice comping and sort of Cedar Walton type percussion stacatto runs on the keyboard featured at the end of Disc 1 and beginning of Disc 2 in this set. I know he's on the Brown/Roach at the Beehive, which I love for its explosive jamming, but most of what I've found audible on my LP of that set is the drums and trumpet. According to the Penguin Guide, he also plays on "Fantastic Frank Strozier" (Vee Jay), but I don't have that one. ^^Anybody? NP Disc 4--gotta love the tuba!
  7. Hi Larry, I just finished your book. I haven't read this thread, so my comments may be redundant. Anyhow, I really enjoyed it! You write with rare eloquence, style, and clarity. Your attention to detail, especially regarding the actual music involved is something to be admired. It seems that there are so many Jazz writers who glaze over what is happening with vague emotional descriptions and characteristic cliches, but you have succeeded in avoiding that. I particularly enjoyed and gained new insight from these pieces: -Notes and Memories of the New Music on Cecil Taylor -Wilber Campbell--it seemed like you had a personal angle on this one -Monk In Motion -Roscoe Mitchell -Jazz in the Global Village -The Neo-Con Game Great stuff Larry! -Jay
  8. I'm interested in learning more about pianist Billy Wallace. Anybody? He does some nice comping and sort of Cedar Walton type percussion stacatto runs on the keyboard featured at the end of Disc 1 and beginning of Disc 2 in this set. I know he's on the Brown/Roach at the Beehive, which I love for its explosive jamming, but most of what I've found audible on my LP of that set is the drums and trumpet. According to the Penguin Guide, he also plays on "Fantastic Frank Strozier" (Vee Jay), but I don't have that one.
  9. Max Roach Plus 4, Discs 2 and 3
  10. This is ridiculous. Why work so hard for these sketchy deals and still pay for mp3s of these. Most of these sets are available for free in blogs or torrents, including the Roland Kirk.
  11. Excellent. Glad to know it will be in good hands.
  12. I already own a copy of this LP set. It is excellent, and this is a hell of a deal. I just thought I'd pass it along--I don't know the seller. Art Hodes $59.95
  13. Max Roach Plus Four, Disc 5
  14. Sheesh, here we go again... I'm fed up with these stupid prejudices, they stopped being funny a long time ago. Windmills, tulips and clogs next, probably. Correction: That should say, "I'm fed up with these stupid prejudices, they SHOULD HAVE stopped being funny a long time ago."
  15. You assume only the Dutch sit on piles of money smoking weed? haha. The Dutch and Michael Cuscuna!
  16. We aren't all sitting on piles of money smoking weed like you lucky Dutch! I have to be careful about when I spend my dough.
  17. I just think that if you run a business that only sells limited edition products, and you decide to report updates on whether your products are running low or last chance, it should be accurate. Otherwise don't have the page at all. It's just annoying that earlier this week the Gerald Wilson set was Last Chance and now there was another error.
  18. My thoughts exactly. That's why I said "Is this even possible????" I didn't say, "I have proof that this set is running low, I believe this wholeheartedly, and so should you!" Just because something is available for pre-order but can't be shipped yet doesn't mean it can't sell out. That happens all the time with very popular products, concert tickets, ipods, etc. As has been stated, Braxton has a big, dedicated Braxton fan base, and this set has been perhaps more anticipated than any other previously issued Mosaic.
  19. An error, already corrected. Really? I haven't even been able to access their site since I pre-ordered a couple hours ago. That's lame, though, because it heavily affected my decision to buy this early. Oh well, I'd still almost certainly be buying this one eventually anyway.
  20. Why'd you turn that down?
  21. Just in case all those crazy Braxtonites are seizing this one, I've placed an order myself already. They won't charge my card until October, anyway, right?
  22. The Braxton Mosaic is already now in the Running Low page!!!!!!! Is that possible????
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