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Everything posted by colinmce

  1. Looks like the MSRP on the CD is $33 .... why?
  2. Not really true, I've had this CD since it came out in 2012:
  3. Scroll down under the blurb where it says Description & Audio Clips. Next to that is a toggle for Discography that lists the full contents. And per your query, yes, there are a number of more obscure artists represented with this caveat at the end:
  4. Could be, yeah, but I always felt like Ornette would benefit from a Bootleg Series-type program more than most.
  5. Truly a gift that he was with us for so long. RIP to one of the all-time greats.
  6. Lots of discussion about the Blue Note version of Town Hall, and the status of the acetates. Both LPs have been posted in full on YouTube. This is record 1, side A. The other 3 sides can be found on the account page:
  7. Noticed this one on Instagram, that's a strong ensemble. I'm looking forward to hearing that record, though it appears to be vinyl-only unfortunately?
  8. Wow, this is amazing news. Miles In Europe has long been one of my very favorites, and it will be fantastic to have the Côte Blues performances officially released.
  9. a staggering loss, but an incredible life. thankful for all that he gave to this music.
  10. Adjusted to say I'm happy to trade as well. Pretty wide open in terms of for what.
  11. Came into a spare copy of this excellent release. Offering it for sale at $35 shipped, or for trade. The set is in good condition, with a bit of wear to the slipcase as you'd expect. US only please.
  12. “Remaster” is very much overstating the case. At best these are (well done, admittedly) amateur/independent tweakings of existing sources pressed to CD under the generous legalities of Swiss copyright. Your mileage may vary but I don’t at all consider them required listening unless you are really interested. I haven’t heard the Evans in particular, but I find it hard to believe there is a marked improvement over what’s been done many times over the years https://www.discogs.com/release/28183552-The-Bill-Evans-Trio-At-the-Village-Vanguard-1961-Revisited
  13. This is a fantastic album.
  14. I used to have the first CBCJQ Columbia LP and don't remember it being much more than a pleasant listen but this is encouraging me to revisit his body of work. Highly informational piece if nothing else. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/the-brief-brilliant-career-of-charles-bell-a-forgotten-trailblazer-of-modern-jazz
  15. Excellent choices!
  16. These are new to me. Listening now and it's sounding great.
  17. Enjoyed it very much. Han keeps it pretty straight, not like the recordings with Rollins where he opens up a bit.
  18. Much love for this one: and this is a total masterpiece: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/H.Con.Res.57/Treasure_Box
  19. I grabbed these. Several new players to me, looking forward to digging in. Ran me about $45 all in. Kalaparush And The Light - Morning Song Ari Brown - Ultimate Frontier Brad Goode - Hypnotic Suggestion Ed Petersen - The Haint The Rich Corpolongo Quartet Plus Two - Just Found Joy Eric Alexander With Harold Mabern - Mode For Mabes Ernest Dawkins' New Horizons Ensemble - The Prairie Prophet Lin Halliday With Ira Sullivan - East Of The Sun Malachi Thompson - Rising Daystar Chris Woods - Modus Operandi Eddie Johnson - Love You Madly Edward Petersen - Upward Spiral The Rich Corpolongo Quartet - Smiles Roscoe Mitchell Quartet - In Walked Buckner Jim Cooper & Ira Sullivan - Tough Town
  20. Not Squidco, and Dusty Groove will probably not have enough copies to go around. Forced Exposure seems to be about the only place I know of that reliably stocks the Souffle Continu CDs.
  21. I've been looking forward to this one. It's been taking its time making it to the US but looks like it should be available finally next month.
  22. That's much more like it.
  23. I ordered mine direct from bandcamp from the US. It showed up in about 10 days with my normal mail, no problems at all. I will say though that I gave it a few listens on Spotify before I was able to buy it, and when I finally put my LP on last week I found the flipping to be very distracting. I've had a couple of their other LPs and didn't mind it, but it really took me out this time around. Would much prefer it on CD. Switching gears, I got a note about this in my email today. Digital only at the moment, but BG's notes refer to it as a CD, so I am hoping physical copies will be available soon: https://mayarecordings.bandcamp.com/album/live-at-jazzdor
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