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Everything posted by colinmce

  1. colinmce

    Steve Lacy

    The Lugano recording has been available in truncated form on streaming services for years. It's solid and generally interesting, though I agree that Wedgle is not one of Steve's more inspiring partners.
  2. Very legit label. They've done a number of FMP vinyl reissues to date and many original releases. Though it's not clear, my presumption is that they're working from the tapes, and the great musician & engineer Martin Siewert does the mastering. Their packaging for both CD and LP is top notch.
  3. Copper Press was a great magazine! Used to read it as often as I could get my hands on one.
  4. Unfortunately I think we'll be waiting forever on that.
  5. Definitely concur, especially the VV LP. Glad to see them tackling some new FMP material for these. Most of the time it's stuff that's already been reissued.
  6. Very sad to hear of the passing of the great Herb Robertson. A truly unique voice in this music, and in my estimation one of the best to ever do it on his instrument. RIP.
  7. Great to hear, thanks!
  8. Ah that's great news. Just recently came into an OG of Aquariana but I've had Africanasia on my wantlist for some time. Would be great if they did the Frank Wright, I also have the LP but it's only about 3/4 playable.
  9. Had to double-check what I have from Solid, but I have a bunch; they seem to be more of an umbrella licensing concern. Releases from Enja, Bethlehem, Groove Merchant, etc ... most recently Schoof's Voices. No complaints.
  10. This is being done by the Japanese Solid label, and is available for pre-order at Dusty Groove, as well as Amazon, Alliance, etc. My presumption is that this is sourced from vinyl, but I'd assume that some remastering work has been done. I'll definitely pick it up, I figure it must be some sort of improvement over my well-played BYG LP.
  11. It was "Street Woman" from Science Fiction for me. Had never heard anything like what he was doing on there before.
  12. They have vinyl reissue series, mostly older titles, some newer. I think they would not get much traction off doing their new everyday releases on LP, but there’s an always-growing demand for the back catalog.
  13. Might add Helen Merrill and Dizzy Reece to the first list as well.
  14. Terry Gibbs. Not sure that Bill Crow ever did.
  15. Nate Chinen reports that he passed away this morning at 99. Expected, and inevitable, but even so .... One of the very, very best. RIP. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/12/arts/music/roy-haynes-dead.html?unlocked_article_code=1.ZU4.Hs-i.kRlG8QgwMskv&smid=url-share
  16. Amen. Another link in the chain severed, but the music will always be there. RIP.
  17. I've never understood why that Jordan was never reissued on CD, seems a prime candidate (it was at one time considered for a Mosaic Select that never came to fruition). It's also been passed over many times in Japan in recent years. Still on the lookout for an affordable CD copy.
  18. Price sticker on this is killing me.
  19. You may recognize it from this 70s 2fer LP. It was also on the Moncur Mosaic Select: Still hoping for a standalone issue of High Frequency but I think that ship has sailed.
  20. Got my copy yesterday, fantastic disc.
  21. Yes, I think at this point this is simply the price you pay to have a CD edition at all.
  22. Just purchased the book, along with a new CD featuring the earliest McPhee recordings yet released. Really looking forward to cracking it. https://corbettvsdempsey.com/books/straight-up-without-wings-the-musical-flight-of-joe-mcphee/
  23. Speaking of Edwards/Noble, their new disc from Otoroku with Sophie Agnel is tremendous. https://sophieagnel.bandcamp.com/album/three-on-a-match
  24. Agreed. Not the biggest Lloyd fan either, but it's a good listen and an interesting slice of history.
  25. Dusty Groove is where I saw the $33, which surprised me. It's a good $5-6 more than the Elvin Jones 2xCD was, and a good $10 more than all the recent 2xCD Elemental/Zev Feldman things that came out a few months ago. Guess that's the "Tone Poet" bump.
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