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Everything posted by colinmce

  1. PM sent on: Russell, George New York NY and Jazz in the Space Age MCA
  2. I'd say any business that makes the Jazz Heritage Society look like a swell operation is dire indeed.
  3. Speaking of which, Amazon is offering some Black Saint/Soul Note titles as on-demand CD-Rs for the very attractive price of $9.90
  4. Thanks, Chuck.
  5. I have a good hunk of the Sonny OJCs and have avoided this box because a) I have a lot of the stuff anyways and might as well just finish buying the OJCs and b) I like the individual CDs for him anyways. BUT is there anything on the box that I can't get from the individual OJCs? Any of the early 50s sessions?
  6. Another Ebay Craziness moment: The Complete King Oliver set on Retrieval Roland Kirk - Rip, Rig and Panic/Please Don't You Cry ... Dave Douglas - Convergence Zaum - Above Our Heads the Sky Splits Open $32 shipped. The guy has plenty more Buy It Now auctions in the $4-8 range, including several titles on HatArt.
  7. Maybe they're just shoring up their affairs. Frankly I find True Blue to be pretty irrelevant anyways. That said, my goals for this year include ordering 5 more Selects and the Herman, Hampton, and Lester Young sets. And hopefully the Threadgill. I wonder, though, if we'll see any more Selects come out at all. It's coming on two years since the Handy and Zeitlin sets, no?
  8. I keep getting psyched out by a guy who is listing discs 8-10 from the Roland Kirk set for $150. On what planet is this reasonable?
  9. Picked this up today (@ $29.99), so clearly it has found its way stateside. Man! The years just fall away on this set. Sounds like it could be 20 years earlier, just stunning.
  10. Same re: the Pres!
  11. I'm not Bill obviously, but in my mind there isn't even the slightest question about it: YES. Granted I'm not a fan of most of the Atlantic stuff, but I don't see how any of those records can stand alongside the likes of We Free Kings or Rip, Rig, and Panic.
  12. I think I'll still keep on the lookout for the big box. I had to pass one up for $105 at the FYE (of all places) in Philadelphia a couple weeks ago 'cause I'm broke for now. I wonder if they'd ship it to me ....
  13. Not sure what the bonus tracks are on the CD, but I would highly recommend seeking out the Impulse! Dedication Series 2xLP that has extra tracks by Tolliver and Moncur on it.
  14. I finally found a copy of Free Form while browsing in Philly and grabbed it. Only been through it once so far, but I enjoy it very much. Glad to finally get my hands on it.
  15. I would indeed drop $60 on the Merrill, but $400 on the Kirk is way out of line.
  16. Man, I wish those old Mercury box sets weren't so expensive.
  17. For God sakes, get the Pres!! As for the thread title, I wish!
  18. I have it paired w/ the Chick Corea session which is indeed much better.
  19. As a music buyer, I'm not picky. I have a limited budget so I buy used more often than anything, and vinyl can be very cheap. Thus I buy it when I see a title I want for a good price, despite whatever CD issue might be available-- just don't care about that sort of thing.
  20. All CDs are in fine condition. Shipping included. PM if you're interested. Paul Bley - Solo In Mondsee (BMG Ed.) $6 Cecil Taylor - Port of Call (The World of Cecil Taylor + 2 tracks from New York City R&B) $4 Don Cherry - Symphony For Improvisers (RVG) $7SOLD Don Cherry - Where Is Brooklyn? (Connoisseur Ed.) $8SOLD Hampton Hawes Quartet/Freddie Redd Trio - Piano East-Piano West (OJC Limited Ed., sawcut) $5SOLD
  21. I'm sure everyone will have their chance!
  22. I saw one or two Ventura/Phillips sets on Ebay the other day. Is that not an option?
  23. FYI, True Blue is selling single discs from their Illinois Jacquet (MD4-145) and Bunny Berrigan (MD7-219) sets for $8.98 apiece. The discs represent the Complete RCA Recordings and Complete Parlophone Recordings respectively. I picked them up, 'cause why not.
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