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  1. To Funny.....you should have your own late night show....maybe replace Jay Leno
  2. I ask one question and some of you bend this way out of shape. There are better areas to go for some info and good people and it's not here. See ya Don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya. There are much better places for music better info on the web. Regarding your response , the Good Lord forgot to give you a brain, moron.
  3. I ask one question and some of you bend this way out of shape. There are better areas to go for some info and good people and it's not here. See ya
  4. How many morons are on this site??????????????
  5. hey Joe, I ask a question because it's unknown to me. No need for that crap.....need good info not garbage comments for empty head know it all's...doc
  6. WOW, I listen and buy loads of music each week, but this is a treat. Where was he hiding from me. Garaj Mahal, album w00T, and all his stuff on emusic is spectacular. Reminds me a mix between, Yes, Gentile Giant, and Weather Report if thats possible. Hope you guys agree. please give me feed back on all his stuff..........All I can say is WOW............regards doc
  7. WOW..When I heard this the first time I loved it. The percussion and the bass and the rest of the band are top shelf. Her voice is new, fresh and about time. Love this to death........emusic download.............out of here
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