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Unbeknownst Recordings

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Everything posted by Unbeknownst Recordings

  1. I have this same CD, with Sentimental Journey as track 1. I put it on about once a year and enjoy it for about half an hour, then I reach the limit. I spend a lot of that time imagining what it would have been like to produce that sound, and run that orchestra, and what it would have been like to see them play live.
  2. Edwin Starr Ken Starr Kenny Everett
  3. Anita Drink Carol Drinkwater Lewis Carroll
  4. Found myself watching the zillion meter women's bicycle race and went "oh yeah that's right the Olympics is on." Same race as I saw last time. The girl who goes out in front early doesn't win, instead it's some other girl who has done nothing so far, and the commentators make themselves feel clever by saying 'Pellaton' instead of 'big bunch of bikes.'
  5. Came at an odd time for me. Saturday night was the farewell party for some friends and we made some dance / lounge mixes. Mine just happened to be blaxploitation themed - Isaac Hayes - Run Lola Run Bar Kayes - Son of Shaft Curtis Mayfield - Move on Up Edwin Starr - Cloud Nine Marvin Gaye - Got to Give It Up - moving on into more obvious dance music like the commodores etc. Come Sunday we found that Hayes was dead. Damn. 65 is young, too. I was going to put 'Shaft' on there but thought it would be too obvious, so went for a lesser known tune from the soundtrack. Still pumping though. I didn't realise he had so many other albums til I read this thread. Cheesy media obituaries have made him out to be a bit of one hit wonder.
  6. Wow, some thread. I confess I only read the first 4 pages or so... I agree that the songwriting improved at Belew's arrival and I like the albums Beat and Discipline the most, I guess that is the band at its most poppy, and sounding a bit like Talking Heads to me in a few places. Indiscipline is my favourite track, I love way they do the 5/4 in it, but I am also fond of Neal and Jack and Me, especially the ending. I made a mix tape recently called Insane Alone at 4am, songs about folks going crazy. Quite a lot of material top choose from actually.
  7. Oh, a Melbournean? I was wondering if there were any non-US or UK folks here. The track on 'Way to be Fine' called 'Martina' - named after the cellist William Martina I guess, or maybe it's by him - gets my vote for the coolest slow riff of all time. No wonder all they do is play it through about twelve times and slowly build it up. It's the sort of tune that's so good I almost want to form a band again just I could cover it.
  8. A.A. Milne e.e cummings Blair Goins edit - damn it had only loaded up to Brownian Motion's post at that time. Sidney Pollack Thomas Townshend (Lord Sydney) Pete Townshend
  9. Francis Poulenc? Some of the piano works remind me of Debussy, although they are much simpler. Colbert Cassan will help us here. Debussy Poulenc Faure The large images are so much nicer though.
  10. It's an artist thread. About an artist I like. Geddit? This particular band has been around ten years, and has three albums out. This isn't street-teaming for a new band. I figured someone here might be into them.
  11. I wonder if I could become a jazz musician through God's grace. Or if God's grace is the reason I am not one. Difficult to tell.
  12. I make jazz / blues / beats music up over at www.unbeknownstrecordings.com. . There's 6 tracks there featuring Adelaide jazz singer Lee Pfitzner and me doing all the other stuff. It's home studio, see?
  13. I have an album by this group, called A Way to Be Fine, but have not heard 2007's Kodaly yet I might have to wait until I get back to Australia to buy it. Anyone like this stuff? Also, any recommendations of stuff that sounds similar, i.e. a fusion of jazz and light classical?
  14. Who was that guy that played for Sky? Man, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Tristan Fry. I had to look that up. Also I heard Herbie Hancock's Cantaloupe Island for the first time recently and noticed how ordinary the drumming is on that. The ride cymbal is very erratic and not in a good way. I'd only ever heard the remix version before then. Also, yes, Neil Peart. In my view the only guy who ever got away with that 'mega-kit' thing was Bill Bruford. www.unbeknownstrecordings.com
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