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David Ayers

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Everything posted by David Ayers

  1. Nightmare. I recently ordered something from a .co.uk website only to realise too late that they shipped from France. Haven’t heard about that yet. In the meantime, can’t take any risks.
  2. After my last EU-UK order got through tax-free, I still hardly dare make another order in case the tax situation tightens. If I can find sellers prepared to ship to UK at all, that is.
  3. I miss the flea market stuff within the UK. Now the postage costs more than the disc on the kind of cheap stuff I would pick up. Now I use discogs to identify stuff then look for it elsewhere. That said, you can still make a deal with the seller to invoice you for a different amount. But that is a hassle all round.
  4. That explains it. I don’t sell on discogs but I’ve noticed the pattern of crazy shipping rates. It’s going to drive away a lot of business.
  5. You could always ask the retailer for a lower shipping amount by making an offer based on what you used to pay. It may be that the shipping shown is not the actual amount.
  6. Cool. No sammich jokes from me.
  7. Walvis have a list of excluded European countries which includes the UK. They are pretty definite about it! I did recently ask another EU retailer to make an exception. They just said no.
  8. Quite a few EU retailers are taking the same approach to the UK now... I can’t write to all of them...
  9. I was briefly excited - until I saw that they don’t ship to the UK any more... 🙁
  10. I tend to agree it looks unpromising but if they could sell Mobley it’s likely they could sell Henderson. Personally I’ve heard all these Blue Notes so many times - good and not-so-good, in great or not-so-great sound - that I’m a bit tired of them. Plus I like the covers. Ahem.
  11. I guess the reason to go for Blue Note reissues is to make use of the digital transfers that Don Was commissioned. What was the Mobley set based on? And aren’t these digital versions used now even in mastering BN LPs? I find I don’t know so these are actual questions.
  12. Great programme about Bowie https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000r8s0
  13. I know. After the first forty or fifty times I razed a property to the ground by doing that I wised up.
  14. OK so I just read through the long Wikipedia article at my link which discusses the (until 2014) monopoly of the SIAE in handling author/creator copyrights. There is a section discussing the bollino which is clear enough as to what objects it should be attached to. There are links to the relevant articles of law which I haven’t got the energy to read. I'm not clear how it is enforced or to what end, nor how things work now that a rival organisation is also in existence (thanks to Michel Barnier and the EU). In fact I wonder if the stickers are still required. I don’t have many recent Italian books to hand but one from 2018 has no sticker. The CD I showed above is from 2012 so predates the end of the monopoly. The article I linked to doesn’t mention any end of the requirement for a sticker, unless I missed it... ...which I did. There’s a section dealing with enforcement (absence of the sticker is not an offence in itself) and the practical problems now that SIAE has a rival (the DPCD). Ok now I know enough...
  15. Thanks, Steve. It’s a long-standing thing for sure. Also inside books, on the verso of last printed page, as below. This one shows author, title, collection, publisher, in that order. I’ve always thought it must be quite a hassle to put those in, but anyway...
  16. where have we gone wrong, I wonder... oh yes now I remember...
  17. Meanwhile my COUNTY has amassed more Covid deaths than many COUNTRIES... https://www.kentlive.news/news/kent-news/167-countries-recorded-fewer-covid-4880708 Pioneers of the new more effective strain 🙁
  18. What do we know about these? For example: SIAE is the Italian Society of Authors and Editors, so that’s clear. This one is intended for sale (vendita) and rental (noleggio) is forbidden (vietato). Clear enough. There is a serial number at the top and the identifier of the company at the bottom. Clear. Do we know though how these are issued and authenticated? One reason I ask is that these could or can be found on the infamous supposed ‘bootlegs’ of organissimo lore. Anyone know more?
  19. For HMRC more like. They’ve taken back control!
  20. Good point re. asking, though not all sellers will be able to do that. The change in EU rules is interesting. In the UK they haven’t yet confirmed what the arrangements are now, let alone if they will change. I’m assuming EU to UK should already be the same as USA to UK, which is tax on any shipment over £15, but they didn’t apply that to my recent order, so nothing is certain.
  21. ...it would be annoying to pay tax on goods (and shipping) that have already been taxed in the country of origin, plus the customs fee for processing...
  22. So my package arrived with no customs charges - value €38 plus shipping. But I wonder if it just got waved through as it is early days. I hope to hear about anyone else's experiences of this UK/EU border before I make any further orders...
  23. PS. On the subject of the music, these concerts are exceptionally interesting. When Mosaic said they were doing a Rivers set some of us were hoping for some of this live material and I for one was not thrilled with their eventual choice.
  24. Likely be hit for tax and processing. Brave new world. If it’s trackable take a look. A package of mine from an EU country is spending its fifth day at the UK depot - I assume while they bill me for charges.
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