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David Ayers

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Everything posted by David Ayers

  1. So I just need to check that page every friday...?
  2. Cool - but, how do you know it's bandcamp Friday? I never get the emails... Meanwhile, I'm enjoying this - Not the book, the record. The book is OK too. And yes, the case is cracked. That is the price of art.
  3. And it’s not all about reissues. I’m loving this one from Sabu Toyozumi and Mats Gustafsson
  4. UK-ites beware this scam
  5. There are people who would literally rather die than take the AZ. Macron and others were highly irresponsible in criticising it.
  6. I should have confirmed that the £15 limit is gone. It’s all at the link I gave way back in the thread.
  7. When I dabbled in jazz journalism decades ago they told me they did not supply review copies. The UK jazz journal I wrote for folded after maybe four issues. I can’t remember what it was called. In fact I’d forgotten all about it until now.
  8. They do not supply review copies.
  9. They gave up on marketing years ago. Do they still send out the links to YouTube etc. or has that dried up as well? I thought they had just gone down to preorders from existing customers now.
  10. Or: they have decided to ignore packages under £135 but just hit the websites. You’ll have noticed that eBay is adding VAT.
  11. PS At least you only lose one country - I lose 27 🙁
  12. Thanks for the info and sorry to hear that. I’ve had a couple get into the UK from the EU and another on the way. I think it’s a matter of time before they tighten up here. At which point I’m out.
  13. That’s basically it, as we understood it at the time. I doubt he had the right to stop it even in the US but somehow he did. I’ve got the Conn myself. Now I think about it, though the Euro RVG exists, I’m not sure how often I’ve ever actually seen it, though it’s still in print.
  14. David Ayers

    Evan Parker

    I’ve never talked to him about politics but in this interview he identifies as a left-Brexiteer (like Corbyn or before him Tony Benn). I didn’t listen to the words in the link but I sampled it for the playing which I thought was a cut above. If he’s been saying anything about immigration I haven’t yet seen it. I don’t really read the jazz press.
  15. David Ayers

    Evan Parker

    Parker and Reeves (Jim Moir) both live around here which partly explains the association. McCartney has a place round here too, come to that, but I’ve never figured out where. And he’s not on the Vic Reeves record. Probably.
  16. Sorty to hear that. I haven’t been offered my second jab, although they are claiming that people are given a second appointment at the time of the first.
  17. Pretty sure it’s a conspiracy.
  18. Meanwhile... (from today’s FT)
  19. So many reports on UK businesses struggling to trade in EU. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/eu-referendum I haven’t seen stories on EU businesses attempting to trade into UK. More woe: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/feb/15/covid-damaged-small-businesses-brexit-uk-eu-trading
  20. Worth a try... 😉
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