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David Ayers

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Everything posted by David Ayers

  1. I’ll only be impressed if second vaccinations are delivered on time and work properly at the extended interval. NHS staff were given their second at three weeks, which clearly indicates that they don’t fully believe in the 12 week interval.
  2. Lucky you. For whatever reason we are not part of the national system locally. I got called up by phone for my first shot at 24 hours notice. That was none weeks ago - nothing about the second shot. I’ll believe I’m getting it only when it goes into my arm.
  3. No of course you wouldn’t. Even if 12 is too quiet and 14 is too loud. Would you?
  4. Great interview!
  5. David Ayers

    Evan Parker

    Thanks for the info
  6. David Ayers

    Evan Parker

    Which month’s issue is this? The latest on the website has the Lee Morgan cover...
  7. David Ayers

    Evan Parker

    Well...I’m not going to buy it...is there any way you can share the bit that caught your attention?
  8. I think the article is fine. I bet most folks here have listened avidly to quite a few ECM recordings, whatever we might say. Compare and contrast the current 80s thread.
  9. Meanwhile fake customs demands are spreading internationally
  10. I like your approach...
  11. Ok - so. On Spotify I found Mikroton (search label:mikroton) and Kilogram, search (label:kilogram). Couldn't locate Musica Genera with a label search but did find one title I searched for https://open.spotify.com/album/3i0ffjjnWpddSYCGjQklQD?si=bMYSXQ7eRLuUJCqoo-lCfQ That's as far as I got so far. Oh and Arta is on Spotify too. And for monotype search label:monotyperec
  12. Ah! Now a couple of those I know through the classical side, the others not so much...
  13. This is great. I only knew about BMC. Checking them all out. Maybe in due time start a thread on musicians from these countries? Except for those with an international profile I suspect there’s a lot I don’t know.
  14. Great answers and more than I thought! I guess I could have been more literal about what I meant by Soviet. It’s not like I’m unfamiliar with the topic...
  15. Ok so Not Two, Fundacja Słuchaj! and No Business I know about. Beacons in the darkness. Who else is out there?
  16. No Tentet without Brötzmann, but what a band. Their visit to Oto was amazing.
  17. George Russell had a bit of a resurgence in the 80s. Do people remember The African Game and So What, both on Blue Note? He toured the UK on the back of that. I saw him in Glasgow with an orchestra featuring Andy Shepherd.
  18. By the way, I think there is a difference between favorite records of the 80s and absolute favorite records which happen to have been made in the 80s.
  19. I engaged with many of the records represented here at the time. There are very few I come back to and only some I warmed to even then. It probably wasn’t a good decade even for the musicians I most like. I’ll put Berlin 88 at the top (by far) and Castles of Ghana and Hook, Drift and Shuffle as about the last pieces of 80s vinyl I’d part with. Anthony Braxton’s UK tour (but not the recordings) as the standout event over here. Ganelin trio also a bit of a marker (but never heard any of their records). Um... Oh and lets also mention the 1987 Cecil Taylor tour in Italy. I do own the LPs but never played them, to preserve the memory...
  20. There’s a certain 1988 box set that probably merits a mention.
  21. Just great. Thought I’d ‘done’ Cecil a long time ago, but this pulled me right back in.
  22. I wonder if they don’t just intend to let packets under £135 through. Otherwise what’s the point of the limit? We’ll see. So far all mine have come through unscathed. All = 4.
  23. Specifically, text lists. If I had a copy of the old Mole Jazz mail order list I’d post it. For a long time we had Crazy Jazz lists on the website (as below). Information about recordings is now so easy to find online. It’s easy to order from anywhere in the world. It’s better than it used to be, even if the music might not be.* I still yearn for simple text lists though. They are easy to assimilate and, as they don’t include images, clips etc, preserve some of the mystery. Am I alone? And what’s the best bet now for a list-lover? *Discuss.
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