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David Ayers

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Everything posted by David Ayers

  1. I am not very convinced by the planning on this series. The Carmell Jones made sense as none of the items had been on domestic CD. The Grachan Moncur did not make sense to me (as a long time collector) since only one LP had been previously unavailable. If a set contains all or mostly new-to-CD items that is one thing. But this pick-n-mix approach combining items that many people already have with maybe one or two that they don't seems crazy. The Patton set seems particularly badly planned. It is their business, I suppose, but I am pretty tired of having the impression that I am being targetted to rebuy things that I have already bought.
  2. When I'm feeling really really crazy I might put on a Jimmy Smith record (such as Crazy, Baby!) and whack the volume up to between 3 and 4 (yeah - out of 20, I'm THAT crazy). But mostly I just go to bed and eat crackers.
  3. I didn't see the New Yorker article, but they have had lots of coverage over here. Hm, "My pussy hurts". I'm trying to think of ways of dropping that into future conversation but so far I'm coming up with nothing...
  4. Amen to that! <<<<<<<<<< check out my latest musical love, tATu Actually they have become my honorary avatar for their reported response in an English interview when asked about the sexploitative nature of their videos, to which they answered with the words you see below. I thought it was a good answer and worth keeping.
  5. Well, it has taken me a long time to get mad, but it has happened. People have said 'don't boycott Blue Note and Mosaic' over what happened, and I thought I agreed. But essentially those folks told us to EDITED, and I for one am not going to go rushing back up to them begging to EDITED. Pardon my language. Let's remind ourselves that so called Blue Note is actually EMI, who as it happens bought Blue Note records and other labels and have been drip feeding them to us ever since. Same for Mosaic (part owned by EMI) who revolt me over their attitude to the difference between European and US copyright laws (Cuscuna complains that the European laws impede his business, instead of complaining about the US laws, set up more in favor of big business, which impede American consumers from enjoying American music for an extra twenty years so that the big companies can continue to milk them, even though they don't actually put out much of the stuff because it doesnt fit their business model). All the big companies do is sit on stuff while we beg for it to be reissued. Then when we get too lippy and demanding on their chat boards they shut up shop. Re the BNBB Cuscuna is reported as saying 'something had to be done'. He should have defended it and us. Tom Evered just said 'frankly its our board'. I won't boycott them. I don't need to. I just get a bad taste in my mouth when I think of picking up their product and it could be some time before I do.
  6. I'll just keep trying. Until my fingers are worn back to the bone. Then I'll stop.
  7. I can't get this to work either. My current avatar is a link. I can't load the (gif) image from my hard drive. Is this function working or is there some trick I need to know? I use a PC so no Apple problems apply.
  8. Avatar schmavatar.
  9. So why did I think it was Tony Coe? Maybe that was 'Return of...'
  10. Well after all the anger, the rush to the boats, the colonization of distant outposts, the destruction of local cultures and the imposition of our own (What have the BNBBers ever done for US...?), after all of that, I am going to come right out and say it. I am sorry that the BNBB is gone! We didn't know how lucky we were, until someone picked up the stone and looked at what the insect life was up to. Damn!
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