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Everything posted by X-Bishop

  1. Kim Waters also makes some pretty good music as well
  2. sorry Ive responded so late...been out of town for a while....but thankx to everyone who replied....
  3. Seems you like the X-men, I prefer 'Beast' myself , anyway welcome to the board. Do you have any jazz yourself? What are the albums you like the most? This list, like Jazz is a pretty 'broad church' and you will find a wide variation in tastes. Personally I am a big fan of European jazz, but we may leave this for a few posts down the line Che. o.k....cool....thankx
  4. X-Bishop, Don't be turned off by any potential replies you might get to your post....its just such a vast question to try and answer in a post. I'll give you an extremely short version. My favorite jazz artists are Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Charles Mingus, Andrew Hill and Fred Anderson. I could rattle off 80 more quite easily. understandable....and thank you
  5. lol...thankx man
  6. As you can tell, Im pretty new here and I loooove jazz. What are your favorite jazz artists and C.D's? thankx a bill..
  7. I definitely agree, it usually relaxes me. But me being the idiosyncratic person I am, I use the rhythm of the music to reflect on different aspects of life (not just my life, but life in general and other theoretical "stuff"). It helps all of my thoughts flow smoothly.
  8. I don't know if this is in the right part of this forum...but I'm just curious to.... what affect does jazz have on you?
  9. X-Bishop

    Boney James

    alright....guess we can close this forum
  10. X-Bishop

    Boney James

    oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh ........ ..........
  11. X-Bishop

    Boney James

    yeah I am....just wanted to see what goes on here (gotta break the ice somehow). I know there's better artists out there....but yeah
  12. X-Bishop

    Boney James

    or madaam
  13. X-Bishop

    Boney James

    .......... yes sir or ma'am
  14. X-Bishop

    Boney James

  15. X-Bishop

    Boney James

    will definitely consider Dave.... B-)
  16. X-Bishop

    Boney James

    ............ ............... .................. ............. ............... Dave Koz...o.k
  17. X-Bishop

    Boney James

    is the man.......I have his last five C.D's and they are excellent....that is all
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