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Everything posted by eskimojo

  1. I'm always looking for ways to add to my collection. Please send a list to: mamaobama68@gmail.com
  2. Pl send list. 2nd request. TIA
  3. Please send me the list.
  4. Please forward list of CDs for sale.
  5. Besides Blue Jeans, check out Monoprice Cables. Both mfgs. offer quality, great bang for the buck RCAs. Many audiophiles exhibit pathology which considers all cables a component.
  6. Are the Tori tubes? If so, do you need to wear a nomex protective suit when walking?
  7. Wasn't referencing your post. It's an alternative for the OP to consider. We're not all tube fans.
  8. http://www.anthemav.com/products/anthem/integrated-amp/integrated-225 A good Canadian Co. offering great bang for the buck. 200W/C into 8 ohms + other goodies. Around $1300.
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