I've had a love-hate relationship with Buddy Rich for decades. I really admire his work as a youngster with the Bunny Berigan, Artie Shaw, and Tommy Dorsey bands, but really couldn't warm up to his 1960's & 70's bandleading years, even though I saw the band twice (in 1966 and 1970). It all seemed to about Buddy's aggressive, over-the-top showboating. and of course there are the infamous candid tapes of Buddy chewing out the band, which cannot endear one to Buddy's personality. :-)
Recently I've been picking up the jazz video boxed sets from Jazz Icons, and in one of the sets there is a 1978 concert by Buddy and his band at the Northsea Jazz Festival. I had put off viewing this one until it was the last one in the set, and last night we finally sat down with it. I have to say that I was totally blown away! The drive, the precision, the sheer virtuosity was tremendously exciting, and on his own terms, there just isn't any musician on the planet who could generate excitement like this. Say what you will about Buddy's brand of music, watching this video was a treat.