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Everything posted by Stereojack

  1. Happy Birthday, Dan!
  2. He had a long life, and for that I am happy. We have lost one of the great original voices in jazz, and for that I'm sad.
  3. The very best of birthdays, my friend!
  4. Elton John, perhaps?
  5. Agree completely about that DVD. Imagine how good it would have been if it had been well-recorded. Camera work is great; sound quality not so much. The brass section was not mic'd properly. Interesting - I run my TV through my stereo system. I thought the sound was quite acceptable. Not stereo, mind you, but crisp and clear. I guess we all hear things differently.
  6. I've had a love-hate relationship with Buddy Rich for decades. I really admire his work as a youngster with the Bunny Berigan, Artie Shaw, and Tommy Dorsey bands, but really couldn't warm up to his 1960's & 70's bandleading years, even though I saw the band twice (in 1966 and 1970). It all seemed to about Buddy's aggressive, over-the-top showboating. and of course there are the infamous candid tapes of Buddy chewing out the band, which cannot endear one to Buddy's personality. :-) Recently I've been picking up the jazz video boxed sets from Jazz Icons, and in one of the sets there is a 1978 concert by Buddy and his band at the Northsea Jazz Festival. I had put off viewing this one until it was the last one in the set, and last night we finally sat down with it. I have to say that I was totally blown away! The drive, the precision, the sheer virtuosity was tremendously exciting, and on his own terms, there just isn't any musician on the planet who could generate excitement like this. Say what you will about Buddy's brand of music, watching this video was a treat.
  7. Hope it's a happy one!
  8. I just saw this story on TV. This is some sick shit. Does this woman actually think she looks attractive?
  9. Stereojack

    Doc Pomus

    Actually, you are right. Don't know why I assumed the opposite.
  10. Stereojack

    Doc Pomus

    This compilation contains some of the many great songs written by Doc Pomus, mostly with lyricist Mort Shuman: http://acerecords.co.uk/content.php?page_id=59&release=7474
  11. Ah, thanks! Perhaps Dad is a bit fuzzy on this. Chuck, what if anything protected the old 10 inch LPs? I never see a paper or plastic sleeve in those, or the really old 45's.... Columbia (and subsidiary labels Epic, Date, et al) were sold this way from approximately 1963 until 1968, the record sealed inside the plastic inner sleeve. The only label that ever provided inner sleeves on 10-inch LP's that I can recall was Capitol. 7-inch EP's rarely had inner sleeves, but I've seen a few European EP's that came with inner sleeves.
  12. Musicraft sides by Sarah Vaughan, Artie Shaw, Teddy Wilson and others were issued by MGM in the 1950's, both on 78 and on 10" and 12" LP's.
  13. Not much to add to all the sentiments expressed, but I can't let Levon's passing go without a comment. I loved the Band - saw them in 1969 and again in 1970, and bought all of their albums as they came out. They were just about as good as it gets.
  14. I've got the CD - very good sound quality. An OK performance - nice to hear O'Day with the Goodman band, although she's only on a couple of tracks. For some reason, "Sing Sing Sing" is mistitled "Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen" (BG does quote BMBDS during his solo).
  15. It is definitely a 78. I had a copy years ago.
  16. Anybody from my generation grew up with Dick Clark on TV. In the late 50's my friends and I watched American Bandstand religiously after school. His later forays into mainstream TV, from the game shows, New Years' Eve celebrations, and his hosting and producing TV specials such as TV Bloopers, may have turned off younger viewers, but to me he was the guy who introduced me to the greatest of rock & roll, giving us our first glimpses of Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Fats Domino, and countless other legends. RIP, old friend
  17. I attended that gig! The film was shown around town at the time. I remember seeing it at a showing at one of the local theaters, perhaps the Brattle (?)
  18. By starting out with twice as much.
  19. Miles Davis Sextet at Lennie's c. early 1967: Miles, Wayne Shorter, Joe Henderson, Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter(?), Tony Williams. I asked Joe about it years later and he said he was Miles for about six weeks. Also saw Eddie Gomez and Buster Williams replace Carter at times.
  20. Ireland was another model-turned-actress. I saw her guest star on a few television dramas, on which she demonstrated the usual poise and attractiveness with a lack of acting talent. Was surprised to learn relatively recently that she was a very successful entrepeneur in the clothing business. Apparently she does have a brain.
  21. Kathy Ireland.
  22. Peter Lind Hayes
  23. Happy birthday, Jon!
  24. I don't even trust that this is an original. This LP was widely bootlegged in the 1970's, and this appears to be the bootleg, although it's hard to tell from the photo. Typical Beatles silliness from an amateur "dealer".
  25. This appears to be the Scorpio reissue from the 90's. This is is fine session, and you shouldn't have to pay much more than the starting bid.
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