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Posts posted by Stereojack

  1. About 3 years ago I needed a color printer. I still had my first black & white Hewlett-Packard, which I had bought in 1996, but I wanted to upgrade to color, and the prices had come way down since I bought it. (It's still functioning today as my backup printer at work, btw.) I figured I'd save money and buy an inexpensive Epson printer (about 80.00). The damned thing started giving me trouble after about a year, and I don't even use it that heavily. It was clunky, and half the time I had to print more than once before the page came out right! I never was able to successfully adjust the alignment. I had invested quite a bit in ink cartridges (which are expensive) that I had yet to use, so I bought another Epson, figuring that the first one had been a lemon, or perhaps I had not maintained it properly. The second one started misbehaving just like the first one after about a year. I bit the bullet and bought a Hewlett-Packard (around 130.00 I think) and it has been completely dependable and trouble-free. And it prints smoothly and accurately.

    Don't buy an Epson! :bad:

  2. I think Slow Burn is more in keeping for a title than On Fire, for this album. My notes say recorded live at Marty's club, is that what is printed on your album?. Could not quite read it on the cover.

    Recorded live at P. J.'s, according to what's printed across the cover.

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