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Posts posted by Stereojack

  1. I have the film on VHS, it can be a little arty in spots. There is not much in the way of Wardell in action, one clip is repeated quite a bit in the film. However, there is a lot of oral history and I am glad I bought it for that reason.

    Agree. There are a few interesting interviews (Dorothy and ?? (ex-wives), Clark Terry, Gus Johnson (I think it was)). The material gets stretched waaaaay too far. The same soundie clips play many times. The only new-to-me film is with BG's band. And the same still photos are filmed over and over, mainly to fill time(?)

    I saw the film in Boston when the director premiered it. There are a few interesting interviews, but overall the film is a mess. The interview with Gus Johnson (already deeply afflicted with Alzheimer's) is embarassing. The inept "artsiness" is laughable. In his talk after the film, Revett admitted that getting clearance rights for the music was way too expensive, so he stretched what he had.

  2. I heard these in my store:

    Spaced out dude looks out the window while standing at the register, and says, "Is it raining outside, or am I high on acid?" (it wasn't)


    Me: "I'm sorry, we can't buy these records. They're all scratched."

    Customer: "Can't you just iron out the scratches?"


    "Do you know where I can get a pair of quad headphones?"


    "That's just the tip of the icebox."


  3. I have never heard it, but from others' comments I would wager that Jackie McLean's MONUMENTS might place highly in such a poll.

    That's what I've heard...well haven't heard. Don't know who owns the LP, but my feeling is that we won't see a cd reissue ever of this one. Can anyone provide an idea of just how bad this one is, from a listening experience? Didn't it pretty much ended McLean's recording career for some time after this one?

    I heard the LP when it came out (which is a long time ago). It is basically a disco album with strings, as I recall, and one track features a recitation by Jackie. As commercial efforts go, this one was a dismal failure.

    John Handy's "Hard Work" is at least a catchy track, and presumably John made a few bucks.

    Bill Evans' "Theme From the VIP's" is also a dud.

  4. The Farmer estate made really unreasonable demands and the project was shelved. I have heard recently they relented a bit and the issue might come out.

    Help me with this - does the estate have any rights regarding the reissue of a legitimate album?

    I wonder if the undoctored tapes (this date is a studio recording with dubbed applause) can't be found?

  5. I once bought an later pressing of Sun Ship that was Trane on one side, some Archie Shepp side on the other. Looking at the dead wax, I saw that the albums had similar catalog #s, just one digit was transposed. Don't now how many more of those made it to market,

    A large number of these got out. Perhaps all of the blue label MCA pressings of "Sun Ship" (probably from the early 1980's) contain one side of Archie Shepp's "On This Night", I seem to recall.

  6. I owned the LP years ago, finally dumped it. As an Evans fanatic, I figured that there must be some merit, but I just couldn't find any. This is a straight album of square movie music, about the caliber of Roger Williams, Ferrante & Teicher or Peter Nero. I take that back - Nero usually has more happening than anything here. Evans is completely unrecognizable, and the charts are cookie-cutter.


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