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Everything posted by Stereojack

  1. I have the set. Which pages do you need?
  2. Stereo Jack: Now after having been open since June, I am happy too report that business is good, and we are getting plenty of vinyl and CD's. Of course, anybody who feels at all squeamish should follow their instincts and stay away, but we feel that we have taken the necessary precautions to make people feel safe whenever they enter the shop.
  3. I finally broke down and ordered this as well - it came on Monday. So far I've only listened to disc 1, which included the magnificent Hawkins extended "Body and Soul" and the delightful Hampton jam session with Herschel Evans and Charlie Shavers. Looking forward to more gems in the coming days!
  4. Died in 2004.
  5. R.I.P. Saw him with Miles summer 1970. Played mostly soprano sax.
  6. Thanks, everybody! I'm still here, even though my posts are few these days.
  7. Stereo Jack's reopened on June 8, with limited hours. We are requiring face masks, limiting customers to no more than 4 at a time, and we have erected plexiglass windows and other see through barriers to isolate any possible contamination. At first we were concerned about whether or not we would see any customers, but I am happy to report that the response has been very positive. After a few days, we decided to resume our normal hours. Business has been good, and I would like to think that we will be able to crawl out of the hole of debt that we have dug for ourselves after being closed for 11 weeks.
  8. My bad. I confused him with Michael Weil!
  9. He is one of my Facebook friends, and regularly "likes" some of my posts, as recently as within the past week.
  10. As a record store owner, I can tell you that we are considering all the options for when we open. Masks will be required, and we will recommend gloves (staff will be wearing both). We will have to limit the number of customers (haven't decided how many yet, somewhere between 4 and 6). We are not a high volume store, so this will not be a big problem. Our projected date is June 8, but that could change - it all depends on the governor. I'm hoping that restrictions will have relaxed a bit by then, but I'm not counting on it. The store is geared toward browsing, and we have always encouraged people to take their time. Hopefully, that won't change.
  11. Masks are mandatory here in Eastern Massachusetts, and most people seem to be complying. As a record store owner myself, I am facing all of these questions regarding when we can reopen. We have been closed since March 17, anticipating at the time that a lockdown would be announced, and it was a couple of days later. Now, after almost two months, I am seriously feeling the financial pinch, and am champing at the bit to get some cash flow coming in. We are carefully watching the news, and are encouraged that the numbers in Massachusetts are coming down. We still haven't figured out the details: do we open limited hours? Do we wear masks? Do we require customers to wear masks? Do we limit the number of customers? We are a small, low-volume store, so the last question is probably not a big issue. Like most people in this country, we are impatient with the lockdown, but are willing to comply with the decision our local leaders make.
  12. I watched it - disappointed that the band wasn't allowed a single instrumental number. Not really representative of the Kenton we know, but not surprising in that many bands were struggling after the war, and this was clearly a very commercial presentation. I've been a subscriber of TCM for 10 years now (via Comcast) and it's worth every penny, IMO.
  13. Stereojack

    Manny Albam

    It seems to have only been issued in mono, although many recordings from this period were recorded in stereo, even if they weren't released in that format. Here's Discog's page: https://www.discogs.com/Manny-Albam-The-Blues-Is-Everybodys-Business/master/753347
  14. Jim Hall & Bob Brookmeyer "Live at the Northsea Jazz Festival" (Challenge) is exceptional.
  15. I'm not hearing Turrentine. It seems to me that the most likely candidate would be Red Prysock, Arthur's brother. They worked together a lot.
  16. Congratulations on your longevity, and to the great Eddie Lang for his abilty to function at such an advanced age!
  17. I bought a new car six months ago, and was also disappointed that it did not come with a CD player. However, it does have a USB port in which one can plug a phone, CD player or other device. After asking around I found that I could burn CD's onto a thumb (flash) drive with Windows Media Player on my computer, converting the files to MP3's. Flash drives come in all capacities, and are very cheap. I bought a 128-gig one for about 20 dollars, and it holds about 800 CD's. I can play the CD's as they are programmed, or I can plsy in shuffle mode (chosen at the push of a button). The screen displays artist, title, and source. For the past 6 months I have been ripping my entire CD collection onto thumb drives (I am on number 4 right now), and the music experience while driving is fantastic!
  18. Sad news. Hadn't thought about him in years. Saw him with Art Pepper in 1980 at Sandy's in Beverly, MA. I liked the two records he made for Mole Jazz with Art that were issued under Milcho's name.
  19. The MCA "Greatest Hits" is a fine introduction, but for the hard core fan (include me) there's this:
  20. It has been reported that the artists credited on Remington and other similar budget labels are in fact sometimes major orchestras performing under pseudonyms. I heard this many years ago from a collector who was actively collecting them. It wouldn't surprise me that somebody may have since compiled a list identifying these mystery orchestras.
  21. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/09/obituaries/chris-albertson-dead.html?action=click Chris was a lively contributor to this forum for several years.
  22. As a record store owner, I have something to say about Record Store Day. We appreciate the boost in business it gives us, and we did have a successful day, but I try to serve my regular customers mostly, not the ones I might see once a year. Every year we are inundated with phone calls for the RSD swag from would-be flippers, and we decided long ago not to bother. We leave that to the local chain store.
  23. Belated wishes from me too!
  24. This Blue Note LP was released in 1954.
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