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Posts posted by Stereojack

  1. SJ,

    I knew it was you!

    Can't say as the sound is super spectacular on the B.B., there are some odd fade outs (maybe on tape flips or perhaps to lop off station IDs?) and I noticed the CEDAR insignia on the tray card. Any comments on the desirability of the others in the series?

    I haven't heard all of them. Frankly, I thought the Freddy King was nothing special, the Gatemouth was good but not essential. The BB was very good, but then again, how can you go wrong with BB live? And, as you noticed, the sound is adequate at best.

  2. Also, in regards to Volume 3 - I noticed that the liners are written by "Stereo Jack" Woker: Is this our very own Stereo Jack? I have a feeling it is as when I stumbled upon your catalog of Ace reissues of B.B., I knew you love B.B. almost as much as I do. ;):tup

    Yes, Dan, it was I who annotated several volumes in the series - the BB King, Freddie King, and Gatemouth Brown. I was hired by the man who supplied the tapes to Charly, which were cassettes with absolutely no information. Whatever information I provided was what I was able to dig up on my own. I believe that these were originally radio broadcasts, taken off the air by a fan, and almost certainly not authorized by the artists. :unsure:

  3. I sent a box of books to my cousin from Boston to San Francisco before I moved out here, around February 27 or 28. I believe I sent it either Media Mail or Bound Printed Matter. It's now March 25 and the box still hasn't arrived. Should I wait another week or more before presuming it's lost?

    (The check of mine that hasn't reached Chuck Nessa in 5 months is a different postal matter altogether. :) My apologies, Chuck - I'll finally have a permanent address in a week so I can finally place that CD order...)

    Media Mail can be very unpredicatable. More than once, I've seen cross country packages take four weeks, although they always turned up eventually.

  4. It's kind of sad that he's being remembered primarily as the co-host of "Hee Haw."

    Yes, really. The man was a major country stylist, and a big influence in his day. He had already accomplished a lot by the time he got the Hee Haw gig.

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