Nobody has mentioned the excellent "Live at Newport '58" on Blue Note, which came out in 2008. and which featured trumpeter Louis Smith. One track had been on a Phontastic Newport compilation. Horace also released "Live 1964" on his own Emerald label in 1984. It has never been on CD.
I first saw Horace in 1965, not long after the release of "Song For My Father". I was totally blown away, and a few days later I bought the album "Doin' the Thing", mainly because it contained the track "Filthy McNasty", the tune with which he had ended the show that night. From that point on I was a diehard fan, eventually acquiring all of his LP's, including his one non-Blue Note release, "Silver's Blue" on Epic. I began to lose interest when he started the "United States of Mind" series in 1970, incorporating vocals, and the "Silver 'N" series, with Brass, Woodwinds, Strings, Voices, etc, all of which were created with overdubs. He continued the "spiritual' themes on his own Silveto label all through the 80's, although "Spiritualizing the Senses" (1983) is a straight ahead instrumental record, as is the Blue Note release "In Pursuit of the 27th Man" from 1973.