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Everything posted by keys

  1. I had the good fortune to know Andrew as a friend.With his passing I am reminded of the following from a few years ago. A couple weeks before the release of Dusk,Andrew and I met for lunch at a small Cuban restaurant near his house.While waiting for our lunch to arrive we were talking and looking at the CD's he had brought for me,when the waiter came by and asked about the music.Being as modest as he was it was left to me to tell him who the great artist sitting there was,and that it was new,unreleased music.Hearing this,he asked and received Andrew's permission to play the CD over the restaurants sound system. Listening to Dusk,together with personal insights and commentary by Andrew,while attempting to gauge reaction of other diners was a priceless experience that I will never forget.
  2. Just got the word
  3. I just finished this and found it to be an interesting read. On a sidenote ,The author makes a facinating observation about Andrew Hill on page 159 "Hill was(and in reissue remains)one of Blue Note's worst -selling artist".
  4. A most interesting brew.Not a beer/Ale drinker myself but the cause is worthy. www.northcoastbrewing.com/brother.htm
  5. Good question.I recently asked Howard about the Jul 07 date listed by Amazon.He said that some other projects had prevented him from finishing the book,and the Jul 07 date was unlikely.Aside from that he seemed a little vague about when it would be out.
  6. I enjoyed the show very much. I was surprised at how energetic Andrew played considering the frailty of his health.JD Parran and Howard Johnson(the only other original member on Passing Ships)played really well during the Nonet part of the show.
  7. I saw Jackie on many occasions.One of the most interesting was in the fall of 96 when he guested with Sonny Rollins at the Beacon Theatre.
  8. I absolutely love this set. I recently spoke to Andrew about this release and asked him to comment on Teddy Robinson,playing the Organ,other possible unissued Hill recordings.etc I have not as yet seen the Mosaic booklet and apologize for any redundancy if this is already covered elsewhere. Teddy Robinson... Robinson was playing in a lot of organ combo groups which were very popular at the time,they were living in the same building,he liked his playing and wanted to help him out,so he asked him to do the session.All contact with Mr Robinson as to his whereabouts or circumstances has been lost. Organ... Jimmy Smith,and Larry Young were some of the people he mentioned as influences.Late wife also played the Organ.Organ,groups were very popular during the early-mid 60's at a time when Jazz was in the doldroms.Wanted to see if playing the organ could lead to more work/options. SS... Was curious to see if the SS could fit into an Organ combo concept.Never,had a lesson or even played this instrument before this was recorded. Unissued Andrew Hill... Some Organ duets were recorded with his late wife on East Wind.This was recorded at the time of one of the solo sessions(Spiral,Blue Black,Hommage)but he does not remember the specific dateThe engineer who recorded this has since died,and the whereabouts of tapes are presently unknown.
  9. Last night at the Charles Tolliver Big band show I overheard Michael Cuscuna tell someone that the Hill selects had just arrived that morning.
  10. In listening to Carlos Garnett's playing on Monkash and Mahogany I was reminded of the work of John Gilmore,does anyone else hear the Gilmore influence?
  11. Red, I don't have any add'l recommendations to add to the recordings already mentioned.If you get the chance try to catch Mr Taylor live.I saw him with his trio last night and he was simply amazing,signed my copy of Nefertiti to.
  12. Charles Tolliver Big Band Feb 17-20,and Cecil Taylor with Orchestra Humane on the same dates,preceeded by CT's Trio on Feb 16 is shaping up to be an interesting week,looks like at least three nights out for me.
  13. I went to hear Jason and the Bandwagon last night(sat).To these ears most of what I heard was quite enjoyable .I had the feeling that the band was engaged in what they were playing and far from "neutral".I might add that Eric Mcpherson was on the drums last night instead of Nasheet Waits.Could it have been Nasheet who caused the music to be rendered neutral to Mr Ratliff ?
  14. Recently I had the pleasure of listening to one of the 3 disc that will make up this upcoming box and i must say that i loved it.The disc I heard included Hill on Piano, Organ,SS,and with a string quartet.Compositions are vintage Hill,with some really fine solo playing by Andrew,Benny Maupin,and Freddie Waits among others.I can't wait until this set hits the streets.
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